The emergence of countless demons led to the presence of units of the Parabellan army engaged in an international fierce battle in the confused imperial capital.
"Are they... are they really human...?
Troops engaged in that fierce battle - Colonel Stanislav Poplavsky, who leads a specially formed mixed regiment, leaked a word of awe in a BMP-3 vehicle with enhanced command and communication capabilities instead of disarming it.
"In a battle situation where regimental strength takes time to move forward... there are only nine... I can't believe that's just women ahead"
The following mixed regiments, pulled and formed from the 55th Mountain Division to support Celsius, who were to head to the rescue of the 21st Cavalry Battalion in isolation after Kazya's life, were told by the Celsius of the day that the march was too slow and left behind, so they were currently trying to make a breakthrough among the enemies as they marched through the city of Imperial City alone.
"HQ to Seeker Leader. Two o'clock, enemy group of regimental size approaching from distance 3000, watch out."
"Oh, I got it. Explorer Leader to Van Peel. Defeat a group of enemies approaching at 2 o'clock."
Colonel Poplavsky, who was stunned by Celisia and the others' out-of-consciousness behavior, grabbed the radio microphone and gave orders to the squad under his command when he returned to me with a hack in communication from HQ.
"Van Peel 01, Roger!!
A tank squadron, the main force of the mixed regiment - the Van Peel squadron's T-80 UM-1 - spreads to carry out Colonel Poplavsky's orders and swirls a hemispherical, integrated casting turret equipped with Stola 2, an anti-tank missile evasion device, arenas, etc.
Then, a large group of demons coming from beyond the pile of debris piled on the shoulder of the road are targeted with a 51-calibre 125mm sliding cannon.
Shortly after, the T-80UM-1 fired simultaneously.
Among the nearby demons, he snipes and disables demons, particularly those reminiscent of large, crustacean crabs, with 9K119M reflakes of anti-tank grenades and main artillery-launched anti-tank missiles.
Armoured combat vehicles deployed in squadrons at a rate of 1 per 2 "T-80 UM-1 - BMP-T rips off a large group of oaks with heavy gunfire from 30mm combined machine guns and blasts a group of distant visible golems with 9M120 Atarca anti-tank missile combined launchers into dust.
Furthermore, heavily armed PKT 7.62mm machine guns and two AGS-17/30 30mm automatic projectile launchers blow the fire, dampening the advance of goblins and cobolts, which account for the majority of enemy forces with overwhelming firepower.
"Van Peel 01 to Seeker Leader. Enemy Residual Army Decline, Destroyed As Is - Emergency Report!! Enemy reinforcements appear from the rear!! No, too many - damn it!! Enemy breaks through interception line!! Attention!!
When the Van Peel Squad unilaterally fired at Regiment-Sized Demons coming at them with a tank Squadron + Alpha's firepower, and was about to complete the annihilation of the enemy, demon reinforcements appeared nearby.
By doing so, the demons, who completely surpassed the ability of the Van Peel squad to deal with it, eventually swallowed the Van Peel squad with a wave of herds while retaining their squadron-sized strength, while fleshing into the main squadron of the mixed regiment.
"Seeker leader, roger. Prioritize the elimination of attached enemies."
"Copy that!!
"I tell each squad better than the Seeker Leader. The demons who broke through the Van Peel team's interception are coming. Pull over and defend yourself. Fight each enemy and destroy them."
"" "" Roger, ""
By order of Colonel Poplavsky, the Mixed Regiment stops at his feet and prepares for the demonic attack as he prepares for defensive posture.
"Enemy coming!!
"Oh shoot me!!
The most welcome to the demons who came unabated was the Mechanized Armoured Unit, the ZSU-23-4 silca of self-propelled anti-aircraft guns belonging to the Bronze Squad, the core of the Mixed Regiment.
Silca, who was accompanying him to respond to the threat of the sky, stretches a dense barrage with horizontal fire from the main armed AZP-85 23mm4 combined machine gun, unfortunately turning the demon that existed on the ray into ground beef.
He also shows his opponents the demons of the infiltration of Nagmahon infantry combat vehicles that have been further refurbished and developed Athizarit, which Israel has renovated T-54 and T-55 captured from Arab countries.
With two to four FN MAG machine guns mounted in a huge box-shaped battle room called the Doghouse on a conventional battle room, the Nagmahon smashed the demons to pieces with machine gun fire, and shot and smashed a single enemy assault without passing through a single convoy of infantry riders.
"... have you managed"
"Van Peel 01 to Seeker Leader. All attached enemies were eliminated. I'll meet you there."
"Seeker leader, roger. As soon as you rendezvous, we'll resume our march."
As Colonel Poplavsky, who has finished sweeping his enemies, is breathing relief, the Van Peel Squad returns to the Mixed Regiment, full of coal, bombing demons that have projected and mounted the Arena's improvised projectile, an anti-tank missile evasion device.
"All right, we'll resume the march. The whole squad-"
"This is HQ, plus a regimental enemy group approaching. 11 o'clock, distance 2500. Be careful. '
Confirming the rendezvous of the Van Peel Squadron, communications from HQ entered again when Colonel Poplavsky tried to resume the march.
"What!? Another regimental size!? You'll run out of ammo before you rendezvous with the 21st Cavalry Battalion as you are!! - HQ from Seeker Leader, requesting air support!! Kill your enemies with A-10 machine gun fire!!
"HQ, roger. However, there are currently no A-10 units available to assist you. Send a replacement unit. Hang on."
"... Got it"
With Colonel Poplavsky waiting for air support while anxious about HQ's response, it came.
"Oh!! Here comes a better plane than the A-10!!
At the end of Colonel Poplavsky's gaze, which faces out of the hatch and floats with joy, there was a subsonic aircraft for close support - the Su-25, which is seen as the A-10 on the east side, and its modernized renovation, the Su-25 SM3, dancing in the sky.
"This is the 107th Flight Force. I am now in charge of proximity air support. Troops in the vicinity. '
When the 107th Flight Corps, which issued a cautionary recommendation on the open channel, descends into low altitude with engine noise, it begins to sprinkle S-8 rocket rounds from eight B-8 M1 pods suspended at a hard point under its wing to a group of enemies.
"Nice!! Do more!!
"Kick your enemies!!
Every time a rocket bullet landed, the soldiers of the mixed regiment cheered at the sight of a demon who could be troubled and blown up into the sky.
The 107th Flight Force repeatedly fired rocket rounds in response to such a delightful voice on the ground, and now repeatedly fired machine guns to the point of obstinacy with a GSh-30-2 30mm2 shell machine gun that greatly increased the number of rounds when the rocket rounds ran out, pushing a group of enemies close to the mixed regiment into a state of devastation.
"Ok, we're moving on now!! All units, forward!!
Mixed side by side with the sight of the chest. The regiment restarts its forward movement.
He began to rush the battlefield again to save the 21st Cavalry Battalion as soon as possible after the preceding Celsias.
"What is this..."
But not long after the march resumed, Colonel Poplavsky and his men saw the sight of surprise and inadvertently stopped.
"... what the hell happened here?
Blood on one side like a punch of red paint on the smell of muffled iron filling the area.
Plus mountains of demons' carcasses that are miserably chopped up and lay on the ground with their wrecks and brains scattered.
And about twenty citizens who gaze at the sky like the corpses and abolitionists of many Imperial Army soldiers.
That was the sight that caused Colonel Poplavsky and his men to stop their feet.
"This is HQ. The divisional enemy forces that existed where your team was deployed have already been swept up by the hands of the preceding Celsians. After we secure the citizens on the spot, we need you to start moving forward immediately. '
"Seeker leader, roger.... have you killed all your division-sized enemies? You've become more and more suspicious as to whether you're human..."
Hearing the information contained in HQ's urging words, Colonel Poplavsky was more surprised to reinforce his fear of Celisia and the others.