An empire that, from its founding to this day, sang prosperity by destroying many nations and piling up blood and corpses.
And having long reigned as a symbol of its prosperity, the Lord's Palace was about to finally usher in its fall by the hand of the Parabellan army, which attacked with the impetus of Anger Tao.
"Confirm surrender of enemy defensemen. Complete control of the Palace Fortress area"
"Entering units from A00 to G00, entering the main hall in turn."
"Celician squad, inside the Cathedral, appears to have begun engaging with the Virgin Mary"
A secure base at the rear away from the front-line imperial capital.
In one of the operating command rooms in its basement, he watched quietly as Kazuya listened to the reports of the operators who moved their mouths early in the arrow, while keeping Chiyoda at the side of the two.
"We have more footage from inside the main hall than from the advance entry unit."
The Parabellan army bleaches through the hard closed doors and windows of the Lord's Hall, and even the walls that are not supposed to be the entrances and exits, penetrating de flamboyant in a forceful manner.
"Ugh, wow!!
"The enemy is coming in!!
"Somebody bring that builder in quick!!
The images of maids and junior nobles fleeing screaming at it flow from the soldiers' helmet cameras to the OOC monitor as live footage.
and at the same time the microphone of the helmet camera picks up the pressing audio of the scene and fills it inside the operating command room through the monitor's speakers.
"Ideas!! Hurry up and go!!
"Wow! Mother!!
"O God who unites the heavens and the earth and all that is between them. Oh, please, please, save us sinners... '
The voice of a man yelling at a woman screaming her husband's name to flee quickly, the voice of a mother and a sobbing child, plus a voice in the corner of the room saying the name of God and praying that the old man would not fulfill.
"Tell the Imperial Army Close Guard and the civilians. Drop your weapons and surrender immediately and follow our instructions. '
A surrender recommendation by a Parabellan soldier is communicated through a loudspeaker so as to dispel such a bunch of murky voices.
But there is no way that civilians who stand on the Imperial Army and the Lord's Palace will listen so easily.
"The Lord is with us!! Assault!!
"'' 'Uh-oh!!
"Confirm rejection of surrender recommendation. Everyone is free to use all weapons!! Sweep your enemies!!
"" "" Roger, ""
The defensemen of the Lord's Hall, who resist with barbaric courage in their hearts, were kicked in by the Parabellan army who solemnly proceeded to walk, and chaotic battlefield music filled the Ops Command Room with the groans, screams, and extinctions of the bulleted.
What Teng himself ordered to say... don't end up with a tragic word that the weak will be ravaged even if you are used to seeing them.
While witnessing clear footage and audio of a battlefield in which unilateral battles were waged, Kazuya secretly engraved her mind with the determination to enhance armaments so that such a catastrophe would not fall on us as she thought about it in the corner of her thoughts, and so that everyone would not have any trouble after her own death.
"Delta Force, heliborne begins to descend. - … has secured the rooftops of Delta Force, West Tower and East Tower. We're going into a lower level search now."
"Phone call from Navy Seals. Successful break-in into the secret passage leading to the basement of the main hall from the South Watergate, which was reported by intelligence agents. So far, no enemies."
"SAS enters the posterior palace. Empress and side chambers, we will begin restraint of female officers."
"Enter the main unit of the entry unit, inside the main hall."
In response to a report that is synonymous with his checkmate, Kazuya shifts her gaze to the main monitor.
There was a special helmet deployed by SS personnel equipped with a gothic, reinforced exoskeleton that allowed 24 hours of continuous operation on top of a pitch-black anti-bullet anti-bomb anti-demonic armored suit covering the entire body, with a cost in view - wearing a high-performance thing diverted from a F-35 dedicated helmet costing 44 million yen, and also wearing a gas mask, marching inside the main hall with a line metal MG3 general purpose machine gun based on the MG42 developed by the German Third Reich during World War II to make an appearance in a wolf.
... You're so frightened that civilians are unusual. Well, if you look at it from the people of this world, are you with the monster?
Behind the seemingly most reason to stir up the enemy's fears and lower morale, Kazuya broke his expression slightly, worried that he was merely overdoing the figure of the SS mechanized infantry recruited with an emphasis on the element of romance.
shortly thereafter.
"-Master!! Oh my God!! Your sister has been caught by an enemy!!
Chiyoda, who had refrained on the side, suddenly raised his voice and said something incredible.
"Out of Communication with Chitose Vice President!!
"The escort unit will not respond either!!
In addition, as if Chiyoda's words proved correct, one operator after another will report that they are no longer able to communicate with Chiyo or the escort unit.
"Such an idiot..."
It was Kazuya's face that drew blood from the report, which he had never expected.