That day, Sgt. Thomas Mustang was visiting the newly created colony - the village of Canone - as part of Parabellum's utility with the 5th Engineering Battalion to which he belonged.
Although the apparent mandate was to develop infrastructure, it was in fact a highly covert task to create a reservoir (shelter) of weapons for emergency use throughout the territory of Parabellum.
"Hurry up with the loading, we'll be done by the end of the day."
It was when Sergeant Mustang and his men were carrying their last weapon weapons inside a shelter that could withstand a nuclear attack built on a mountain hem a short distance from the village.
"What the hell?
"What unit?
About fifteen train lanes stopped in the village of Canone, where Sergeants Mustang and the others were located.
"Who is the commander here!!
"It's me, though."
The commander of the 5th Engineer Battalion speaks up to respond to the shouts of the soldiers who got off.
"What are your officers' affiliations and assignments? I didn't hear you had troops here."
"Ha, Lord Major. We are the fifth battalion of engineers belonging to the first side of the army. I can't answer the assignment because it's confidential. Paperwork here."
Sergeant Mustang watches the exchange between the Major and his superior officer coming out of the armored car from a distance.
That's when I realized I had a colleague.
"Hey, isn't that Major Yarkov Pavlov?
"When I say Pavlov, is that Pavlov?
"Oh, Pavlov's house."
"Does that mean named"?
The tension between the Mustang Sergeants only slightly rises when they know that someone active in the fierce battlefield of World War II - the Sterling Lard offensive - is in front of them, but Major Pavlov went back to his car to see if his discussions with his superiors were over.
"What was it after all? Ensign."
"I hear you caught a different electromagnetic wave generation ahead of you. Let's go check it out."
"Anyway, it's none of our business. Get back to work."
Copy that, sir.
Sergeant Mustang returned to work as he dropped off Major Pavlov's train.
Without even knowing that a terrible event awaits you in a few hours.
"Okay. That's it for today. Withdrawal work will take place tomorrow"
"" "Understood" "
That happened when Sergeants Mustang and the others finished their assignments a little while later.
"What is this... fog?
The area began to be covered in fog all at once, as if I had smashed a large amount of dry ice.
and at the same time a gunshot sounds out of the fog.
"Assemble the battalion!! Prepare to fight!!
"Prepare for battle!?
"What the hell!!
Sergeants Mustang rush to take their own self-defense firearms and start preparing for battle.
And Major Pavlov and his men emerged in desperate shape from the fog not long before he was ready for battle.
"Enemy attack!! Gather the villagers!!
It came as everyone was bewildered by Major Pavlov's sudden shout.
"Prepare the fire!!
The soldiers of the 5th Engineer Battalion shout out.
It was the great crowd of Ents, the demons of the trees, that appeared all the way out of the mist.
"1st Squadron guides evacuation of villagers!! 2nd, 3rd Squadron attack Ent!!
As the commander's instructions fly, the soldiers of the 5th Engineer Battalion move as directed.
However, the deep fog interrupts the evacuation guide of the villagers and instantly allows Ent to enter the village because the bullets are not very effective against Ent.
"Sergeant!! Where's the radio!!
Major Pavlov screams, coming next to Sergeant Mustang.
"There it is!!
Sergeant Mustang shoots Ent in the eye with the M4, pointing to the radio that was just around the corner.
"Damn, I knew I couldn't even use this radio because of the fog!! My phone doesn't work either!! Does anyone have a satellite phone?!?
"" "" I don't have it!!
Sergeant Mustang and his men hold their mouths and answer Major Pavlov.
"Back off!! Back off!! Evacuate to the apartment behind you!!
As Ent's offense has intensified, a squadron led by the 5th Engineer Battalion and Major Pavlov begins to retreat and flee into the apartment.
"Does anyone have a satellite phone!!
Major Pavlov, who escaped into the apartment, screamed that way at the opening.
But in the big cities, there were no such people as the demons of Canone village who had satellite phones on despicable land.
But a certain girl raises her hand.
"Keh, I have my phone!!
"Cell phone!? Sergeant, let's try something. Lend her a phone and see if she can connect to the Defense Department or the Führer's Office!!
Major Pavlov told me. Sergeant Mustang received his phone from the little hand of the girl.
"What the hell!?
Sergeant Mustang, who received the phone, pressed the button, surprised by the peculiar phone with only one button.
After a few call sounds, the moment the chatter connected his phone, Sergeant Mustang was screaming like that without getting his hair in.
"Who, you?
"I don't care who I am!! We have to contact the Department of Defense or the Führer's office immediately due to an emergency!!
'Name first, and the story starts with that. No, why are you using the phone you gave Bell before that? In some cases, you don't have to. "
"Oh, already!! I am Sergeant Thomas Mustang of the 5th Engineer Battalion!! This phone is borrowed from a girl!! This is it!?
"You're Sergeant Thomas Mustang. Okay, tell me what's going on. '
"Who are you to tell me what's going on!?
Kazuya Nagato.
"Heh!? Nagatokazya is that Führer's!?
"That's right."
"Shit, Major!! Connected with Your Excellency!!
I never thought it would be Parabellum's head of state or anything like that that was ahead of his phone. Sergeant Mustang handed his phone to Major Pavlov after a cold sweat.