Monster no Goshujin-sama

24. Strange Dreams

24 - Lily Perspective

"... ha"

Sighs dissolve into cool mountain air.

I was walking alone in the mountains.

It was because I was caught in a cliff collapse caused by Gabella to repel the 'Wewaten' that struck me, and I strayed from everyone else.

I was just on my way to your husband.


Behind the air of the mountain, which is even refreshing, my footsteps are heavy.

And my heart is heavier than that.


Again, sigh.

... Also, I couldn't protect your husband properly.

Of course, although I said 'I couldn't protect you', at present, he's safe. I know that through the path.

But it's a theory of results.

The fact that I was unable to protect your husband remains unchanged.

I was closest to your husband when Iino attacked me.

Yet your husband was beaten to death after passing Iino lightly.

Though it seemed good because Iino had no intention of doing so, otherwise your husband's life would not have been there by now.

Even after that, it was unusual.

No matter how many times I attacked him, the attack did not pass to Iino.

If they were told that they were just getting laid, and even that was a relief, they would be depressed.

"I thought you were stronger..."

Blurry words, on one side, are also true.

Having been overthrown by the cross at Fort Chile, I deplored my own lack of strength.

I've been trying to do something about it.

As a result, I have certainly become stronger.

The same goes for simple combat experience, but even as a monster's character, I am not what I am today when I meet your husband.

Especially at Fort Chile, where he preyed on a lot of monsters.

There are hundreds of monsters swirling in me.

Even though one figure cannot fully exert its power, it is capable of exerting enough combat ability not to become an opponent in monsters on the surface of the Tree Sea.

... Still, there wasn't enough to deal with "Weiwaten" Yuna Iino.

Sometimes, of course, they were bad.

Yuna Iino from Weiwaten, also famous in the colony.

Even an expedition composed of cheats was small, with two names.

She's almost the most powerful warrior in the world.

Even Gabella, who was able to devour the crucifix of the expedition, was kicked.

I have no choice but to confront it.

But it was also true that I couldn't have said that more than I had actually collided with the Ten Letters, Iino and the feathers in the last two months.

... What shall I do?

I wasn't just playing, either.

For example, partial pseudomorphism.

Considering that a significant power boost could be expected if achieved, I have continued my trial and error in simulating my appearance as a girl and wondering if I could turn only part of my body into another monster figure.

But that hasn't worked.

It's not likely to work either.

Because the limit as a seed is blocked before me by being a wall.

Or another measure - I can't even simulate Miho Mizushima's cheat ability.

Are you saying that in my pseudo abilities with inevitable degradation, I cannot reproduce the non-standard power of cheat abilities?

Or because Miho Mizushima himself had not awakened to cheat ability in the first place, so there was no object to simulate?

In any case, the conclusions are the same.

At the end of the day, there are things that I, the fake ones, cannot lift up.

Such a natural fact hurts my chest.

The pain evokes thoughts that are not beneficial, like waves that come and return.

- If it's Miho Mizushima, not me, who's here.

- What you can't do with a fake would make it real.

I know that's a meaningless assumption.

I also know it's a bad trend.

Still, there have been many opportunities to think about these things here lately in particular.

If only I were real.

Because it's fake, I can't help but think about it.

... but Kato seemed to have another idea.

Does she say that the degradation associated with my pseudo-abilities is supposed to be 'able but incomplete' rather than 'unable'?

Above and beyond, Miho Mizushima should be able to simulate, even if incompletely, what should also be called the 'qualities to express cheat ability' she had as a transferor - which was her claim.

It doesn't matter if it's fake or not.

There has to be something else.

I see. If you ask me, I do feel like I'm right, too.

... That doesn't change the fact that you can't.


Again, I waved for the first time, realizing that I had unconsciously sighed.

I can't help thinking of it as a whimper.

I shouldn't be alone. I feel really depressed.

I need to rendezvous with your masters soon.

Faster in nature and footsteps, I hastened ahead.

"... your husband"

Tingling thoughts arouse in my chest.

With these eyes, I want to make sure he's safe.

It was hard to get to the destination.

I should be walking for quite some time now......

"... that?

Or how long have I been walking like this?

In the face of an unseen doubt, I stood on my feet perfectly.

I want a moment.

Weird. How can I not even know that?

"Of course I don't know."

When I realized, one girl was in front of me.

"Because this is a dream"

- As soon as possible, the world crumbled.

The view of the mountain I was walking on splashed like glass, and I was thrown out into the dark.

I couldn't even do one of the reactions.

In the dark world, in front of me, there is a girl who has just spoken to me.

She put her hands together on her back and leaned slightly forward, shaking her flax hair like in the water so that she could peek into my face from the bottom - 'myself'.

... I see.

This abruptness, the unintelligibility, must indeed be of the dream.

It would be a clear dream.

But where the hell is that coming from?

I certainly should have been walking in the mountains to rendezvous with your master, who was caught in a cliff collapse and pulled apart.

Then... then.

What's going on? I can't remember.

'I' in front of me asks me, holding my forehead.

"There's something else going on, isn't there?

Anything else?... Oh, sure.

I am Mimic Slime. It's a monster that doesn't need sleep.

And yet, why are you dreaming?

Naturally, in order to dream, you must not remain conscious.

I in the real world mean I'm unconscious.

Something happened. Something like losing consciousness.

"Come on, wake up"

Yeah, I need to wake up.

"If you don't hurry, Mashima-kun will die -"