Monster no Goshujin-sama

28. Doll Policies

28 - Rose Perspective

It didn't take long, Sister Lily came back.

Mr. Cass was relieved for the first time that he had taken his life.

He is now unconscious and is to be transported into the same car as your husband.

Continuing, the sister returned to her husband's treatment.

Instead, I went outside the car.

Robbie was with me.

"Are you okay?"

"... yeah"

Though I snort, my expression is dark.

There, Mr. Silan rushed over.

May I have a word, Lord Rose?

He looked tough.

"Have you heard from Lord Lily about the enemy's movements?"

"Yes, from beyond the wetlands, you think the enemy is coming"

Before I lost consciousness, it was information from Mr. Cass.

"But the enemy should have been chasing us down the tree sea..."

"As things stand, there is a lot of room for enemy power. We may have divided the army into two parts so that we can be sure we can stay here."

"Are you saying you almost got pinched?"

"Yeah. Mr. Cass was helpful in telling me. As for the inside of the dragon abyss, unfortunately..."

Mr. Silan clouds his expression.

Mr. Cass had told Robbia about the events that were inside the dragon abyss.

Mr. Malvina smashed his balls by bumping into each other from the front with the brave men who attacked him.

I hear that Rex, who was stubborn, died in the war, too.

Mr. Cass, when he fled inside with his other brothers, said he had encountered one of the brave men who had been ambushing him and fled with his life while suffering major injuries.

At that time, it was unclear whether you were safe or not because you had strayed from the other brothers.

Robbia's mood, which had mourned his family at once, was beyond observation.

"Robbie, you can stay with Mr. Cass."

"... no"

When I spoke, Robbia shook her head loosely.

"I have to fight."

It was a stubborn word.

She refuses to be so, even though it's not weird to be crying and nodding.

"In the first place, you don't have enough hands."

It was a fact.

If Robbia falls out here, the defensive hand will surely be missing.

"I'm sorry. If we were stronger, we wouldn't have to burden ourselves."

"Don't worry about it. The tough part is, we're all in this together."

Robbia looked blue, but hung up the edge of her lips to strengthen.

Point the water at Mr. Silan.

"That's it, what are you gonna do now?

"… to date we have been aiming for the 'fog junction' in northern Akel. But there is already no 'Fog Boundary'. Perhaps the enemy knew about this situation. The source is supposedly the Cathedral Knights accompanying them, but if you keep going through the wetlands, you'll be bowling with the enemies you've circled around. The enemy is coming after us, so we can't go back."

From its current position, it is roughly the wetlands if it continues north or east, and the tree sea if it goes south or west.

Wetlands are dangerous, and when it becomes impossible to return, destinations are limited.

"If so, is the rest in the western direction"

"Yes, once, back to the Tree Sea, now heading west"

I also ask Mr. Silan, who makes Robbia snort.

"But if you just run away, won't you be chased away?

"Right. But at least, if you stop, you just get swallowed up."

That was a good story.

"There's nothing more than working out a way to open it while you run away than this. I call out to all of you. Lord Rose, be prepared."

With that said, Mr. Silan began to speak to the elves.

Even this period, she hasn't given up yet.

I know a hundred things are bad.

Still, we have to find a way to live somehow.

Mr. Shiran's attitude in doing what he needed to do for that made him feel like a pain in the ass.

... If there was a problem, I just didn't know if I could even make that time.

"Robbia. I will tell the Gabellas what I have just told them. You must speak to Sister Lily."


Deciding that Robbia would like to be with Mr. Cass at all, I myself decided to go talk to everyone else.

Along the way, I checked on the elves.

The elves were the majority of what was going on.

His strength and strength were no longer limited.

More importantly, I was worried about the spiritual side.

They've stomped at the edge because they believed that if we got here, we could figure it out.

But the destination we reached was not a safety zone.

It was an unfolding that I couldn't help but break my heart.

With Mr. Siran, Mr. Leah and Mr. Helena were also speaking out to everyone.

They were both terrible.

The elves, who were called out, were moving, even as they looked tired.

But mind is not that easy.

Now, can we get out of here or not?

To bad luck, I clenched my fist.

Mr. Silan pulls a body that won't let him go. But he's looking for a way without giving up.

Robbia showed willingness to fight, even in the present situation, when she lost her family.

Even the elves work hard.

Still, if there's a reality there's nothing I can do...

"- Mr. Rose."


Looking back at the call, there was a genuine vegetable.

He looks terrible.

It was because of the excessive use of magic and the great strain the escape was placing on the body.

"What's the matter? Even if you're not asleep..."

"I need to talk to you. Hey, come here."

Blocking this question, the genuine vegetables withdrew my hand.

They take me straight to the car shadow.

Does that mean I want to talk to you in private?

Somehow...... really somehow, but I had a bad feeling.

"I heard the situation."

Best opening, Mayu said.

The expression is hard.

He looked like he thought.

This is the situation, so naturally, but this...

"I have an idea"

... No.

Intuitively, I realized that.

"The situation does suck. But it's not like I don't have a hand. No, I've always had the means to fight back if I wanted to."

"True vegetables. You shouldn't"

Don't let me tell you.

I think so, but the real vegetables didn't come together.

"Both Mr. Rose and everyone else should know somewhere." You can't take the elves with you. "

I say it.

It was a dry voice on the scab.

"If it was just Mr. Rose, for example, we could have slipped through the vicinity of the area where the herd of green rabbits was heavily bred. You can't do such a clever thing to a great army, so you should have been able to hold back enough."

Spin words quickly.

The end of the story was trembling.

It was as if I was being forced to do so.

"Even moving, I could do it faster. Or, worst of all, you may have escaped to the depths of the tree sea. I don't know how much choice I have. So it's an easy thing. Here are the elves..."


I strengthened my voice and blocked it.

I couldn't have listened any more.

The complexion of the genuine vegetables making cruel suggestions was no longer white.

He was tense enough to collapse even soon.

"It's okay, genuine vegetables. You don't have to be the villain."

I know.

My best friend is so sweet.

To me, who was nothing but a wooden doll, so much as baked this and taking care of me.

When I was dealing with the children in the village, I really seemed to enjoy it.

Though the enemy has no mercy, he has not cut off his allies easily and is not in the spirit of being flat.

More importantly, if we were to make such a choice, genuine vegetables would take responsibility.

Only one must remain under the truncated elves.

I couldn't let that happen.

"You are tired, Vegetables"

Put your hands on your shoulders and stick your foreheads together.

"If you sleep and calm down, you can also come up with a better idea. Because the real vegetables are my proud best friends."

"Mr. Rose......"

"I'll take care of your time until then. I have an idea."

"Is that an idea?

"Yes, it's a slightly dangerous operation, but you'll be able to buy some time"

Keep an eye on the real vegetables that are very close by and let them smile.

I began to explain quickly.

The operation, which I told the genuine vegetables, was hired after I spoke to Mr. Silan.

Immediately the action was initiated.

Most of all, to the extent I can think of.

It's not a big deal.

"Excuse me, Berta. Let me stay."

"... I don't mind"

I moved my hands as I interacted.

The operation is simple.

Set up a trap that will allow me to stay until the end of the day and stop the army.

In the meantime, the slow-footed elves escape as far away as possible.

As soon as the trap can be set up, I will leave this place.

Only then will Berta stay, as I risk running late.

That's all.

Regardless, the risk is enormous.

First of all, there was a possibility that I could not escape.

Also, the Elves' defenses will be temporarily diminished, so if they get attacked by tracking units like they used to, they will be devastated.

Even then, it is unknown if we have enough time to set an effective trap.

But so much so that we have to use the means that have entrusted ourselves to this kind of luck that we are being hunted down.

That's what I claimed.

As a result, this operation was accepted.

The decision-maker was to tell him that one of the magic tools he was developing was something that was likely to cause great damage to enemy forces.

No. Even if I didn't, I didn't have any other hands.

That's why I was here.

"Get it over with."

Berta hurries.

"It's not too late since the enemy arrived"

"I know, sir"

The contents of the magic tool bag were retrieved accordingly.

I intend to grasp the contents, but not as good as the genuine vegetables that are giving me control.

"What, that's"

When I see one of the things I took out and arranged on the ground, Berta asks.

"It's a doll named Matryusicaa. The model is my sister, and when I crack it here, my little sister comes out of something. What's more, there's a puppet in it..."

"Does that help anything?

"No. It's just a toy"

"What happened to setting up the trap?"

"In the meantime, I'm putting it all out"

While we're talking, we're not holding hands.

"Can you help me"

"Wasn't it just the escort?"

Although he said this in his mouth, Berta immediately reached out his tentacles and began to fish for the magic tool bag.

For the sake of words, it was a polite task.

"... That's a lot"

When it was roughly taken out, Berta blushed.

He looked a little frightened.

"To tell you the truth, it's my walk so far."

The items removed were like mountains.

Every one of them was thought-provoked.

There was something coming to my chest, but I don't have time for emotion right now.


I began to see what I needed.

Anything that can be used as is is fine.

Anything that is not must be assembled.

The delicious' parts' are luxurious.

For your husband's sake, it was helpful in an unexpected way that I had been making too much of it.

"Now, did you have to give it all out?"

Berta asks.

"Yes, I do."

I answered while assembling the parts.

"From here on out, you must spend all of mine"

"... Spend?

Berta, who was watching the work, wrinkled in the nostrils of a giant wolf.

The eyes narrowed.

"Hey. Doll"

A low roar rose.

"What are you assembling?

It was a terribly surprising question.

Most importantly, this was not what I expected.

"That 'it' is a trap?... No. That can't be right. What are you thinking?

Hands of work, and I lifted up my face.

I looked back at the wolf staring at this one, and told him.

"Berta, I have one favor for you"