
Essentially, the armies of this world are established as a standing army of lords everywhere.

Because we are constantly exposed to monster threats, otherwise we cannot sustain our lives.

The general public also has some people who can fight, but basically they belong to vigilantes, etc.

The vigilante, which consists of the inhabitants of villages and towns, and the army stationed in the town are working together to protect the people, and some go from vigilante to army, but the two are separate organizations.

The Macro-Lynn Frontier Belgian Army is no exception.

The soldiers serve the Borderline House and their loyalty is very high.

Grantley-McCrowlin, now a borderline uncle, spares no investment in armaments to protect his own people, and the treatment of soldiers is of better quality than in other territories.

As you can see from the fact that men like Lewis are in a responsible position, the organization itself is sound, and there are no factors that make the special, terminal soldiers unhappy.

It's unusual for a leader who usually works to protect his territory from monsters to be sent to a despicable other country like Akel, but the reason why he still hasn't lost his morale was around it.

Rather, it was enough to wonder what a fine lord you are about Borderline uncle who deliberately sent troops to places like this to 'crusade the fake brave men who do harm to people'.

No. In fact, Uncle Borderline is a fine lord.

At least for the people who live there.

That is why there is no room for doubt among the soldiers.

They feel nothing when it comes to attacking the pioneering village of Elf.

Elf contempt is common sense in the Borderline Realm.

There are fewer elves in the peripheral realm, and fewer people recognize that 'creatures of uncertainty that are confused into human society in other territories and countries'.

Regardless, not all of the inhabitants share the same values, there is no doubt that those who question there are a minority, and such humans tend to stay away from the leadership that Lewis heads.

In addition, the elves are guilty of 'bearing one stick of false bravery'.

I also had no hesitation in pushing him away as a hound.

"... you're almost there"

On horseback Lewis-Bird snapped.

He was leading the main unit going down the tree sea.

We divided 2,000 for the Separate Moving Corps, but the Corps still has more than 3,000 troops left.

Today, or by tomorrow at the latest, we will have a settlement.

Soldiers engaged in long expeditions will be awarded praise medals.

Lewis himself had a story going on inside about marrying one of Uncle Borderline's daughters with the credit of a false brave crusade.

Although there are other aristocratic eyes and a daughter with low inheritance rights to the Borderline Uncle family has been chosen, it is clear that that is a testament to Grantley-McLaurin's trust in Lewis.

Lewis' position on the Borderline Uncle Territory will be a stone's throw.

Most of all, Lewis is not as interested in his own prosperity as he is in his own.

If there was joy, it was the fact that this would allow me to better use my abilities for the Borderline Uncle, and that I was directed so much trust by the Borderline Uncle, that I could make a person who admired me like a parent my stepfather.

This battle must also be brought to an end in order to meet that trust.

Under Lewis, who renewed his determination, soldiers of the decree came running.

"Master Lewis. I have a report for you."

"What's up?"

"He said he found something strange ahead. We ask for instructions on how to deal with it."

"Weird stuff?

Lewis frowned.

Put the horse away and peek into the telescope that was lowered to his waist.

I see, there was something strange indeed.

In a nutshell, it is a glossy black box.

Is the material metal? It is shaped like layering a rectangle that wants to be rounded and flattened on the corner.

From comparisons with nearby trees, the height would be about human height.

Obviously, it was suspicious.

It's still quite a distance away and I can't see the details, but at least, it's not a natural object.

At first glance, I don't know what it is to do.

Nevertheless, in this situation, this position.

Perhaps it could be deduced that it was a counterattack by a line of escaping Takahiro Mashima.

It's big enough for people to get in, so maybe something's lurking.

Or some kind of trap.

It could have been either way.

Because there is no reason to approach such suspicious objects in a detour.

"If you blow it up with attacks from afar, there's nothing wrong with it"

When Lewis snapped, he tried to give instructions to the man in the preaching.

It was then.


From behind Lewis' throat, a strange groan leaked.

An unidentified box moved out of sight over the telescope.

It was a slippery move.

Although breathtaking of unexpected sights, Lewis is an excellent commander.

He turned back to me immediately and stared.

That's a few seconds.

I noticed a wheel attached to something like that box.

"No way, is that... a magic tool for transporting supplies!

It was a vehicle powered by demonic stones.

It is mainly used by the army operating around the Tree Sea, and second-hand military goods are also paid down for and distributed in the city well.

It is also used as a luggage vehicle in this expedition of the Borderline Border Border Army.

I didn't immediately notice because the wheels were not visible because the plates were mounted on the sides to protect the wheels.

Weird shapes not normally seen also caused misperceptions.

And that wasn't the only weird thing.


At first it was the speed of human walking.

However, it gradually becomes as fast as it rushes, reaching an area that is not chased by the usual people.

"No... but no way"

Cars powered by demon stones don't get much speed.

That was common sense, and it was only natural for Lewis to be surprised.

It's something no one in this world has ever seen before.

Not if you're a drifter from another world.

I'm sure you would have thought 'it's like an automobile' if there was a metastasizer here.

The impression is more or less correct.

Because the makers of this strange magic tool admired the existence of automobiles when they were told about a world that was ex by the Lord who offered his loyalty.

Lewis leaked his tongue.

"Damn... smash it with a magic attack!

If you have enemies in there, you can't be approached.

Too late to deal with a situation that doesn't make sense, but it's still a scope we can rewind.

The Borderline Lord's Army is excellent.

In advance, we may also notify you of our policy in the event of an enemy attack.

Without having to let Lewis run the transmission, the avant-garde began to line up on the orders of the captain.

At the same time, from behind a lined shield, a rear guard intercepts the enemy.

It was the magic bullet that was unleashed on the Lord.

Because the vehicle was covered in something like a metal plate, the arrows determined that it was ineffective.

Rain and flaming bullets poured down.

Due to the unexpected car speed, not all bullets are hit.

But with all that number, it can be bad.

Many times the fire column was raised on the surface of the body of the vehicle.


Peeping into the telescope, Lewis nodded.

But a few seconds later, a deep wrinkle arose between the brows.

"... what?

Weird cars weren't scared by magic attacks.

"Such an idiot..."

There's no point in Lewis being stunned.

In fact, all the exteriors of the black body were made of the same material as Lily's black spear.

The concept is that it is already close to armoured vehicles.

I wouldn't think that something like that would come out, even if it wasn't Borderline Bo's army.

Levels where I wonder why I was preparing such a thing before praising it as being well prepared, but the truth is more abrupt.

Because the development concept of this car is' Gabella swinging won't break '.

It is more of a substitute for blunt instruments.

It was once the product of a burgeoning idea, born of the events that Gabella had shattered by swinging her car, as part of a measure to repel "Weiwaten" Yuna Iino.

It's hard to tell because it's serious and solid, but that's where the developer girl is natural.

Someone mostly picks it up somewhere, but on this matter, her lord, soothed by the appearance of a family member who was willing to "sooner or later make an automobile," inadvertently corrected and freaked out, "The car is not a blunt instrument," which was too late when he realized.

Regardless, I didn't make that from anywhere on this occasion.

As for the parts, there were many extras in the magic tool bag that I had made too much of when I first visited Diospiro.

In addition, the power source, Demon Stone, used what it had purchased in reserve.

In short, I use normal parts except for the unusually hard exterior.

So where did the speed that stunned Lewis come from, it was a diversion of other technologies.

It has already been used once.

Previously used in defense battles against the Cathedral Knights, the battle costume Fireworks - that was a magical tool that achieves high output by crushing demonic stones.

That's what I used on this occasion.

Instead, originally, the battle suit 'Fireworks' is more of a by-product born in the process of manufacturing this specialty car, so technically it is right to reimport the technology.

If there is a problem, this demonic stone still needs to be purchased because no artifacts have been made, and given the amount, there was no opportunity to use it in everyday life, and the producer was soggy.

We didn't even think it would be useful here.

"It doesn't hold......!

One-way ticket runaway cars packed more and more distances.

I just started to do some damage, but the speed doesn't slow down.

Instead, it was even faster.

"... dude. Wait."

I felt blood coming from Lewis' face.

Because I had predictions about what the enemy was thinking.

"Wait. Wait. No way......"

That prediction will not go away.

On the contrary, the runoff of dolls and girls goes far beyond that.

Suddenly, the back of the car exploded.

This is not the result of a magical attack that is still being hit.

It was caused by a simulated demonic stone planted in the car itself.

The aim is to gain propulsion.

The last distance is blown away at a literally explosive rate.

- Master, what do you think, this design? Rockets are romantic, aren't they?

- Who told you that, that kind of story? Oh, no, fine. You're Kanahiko again.

When I was introduced to this magic tool, the boy, the Lord, held his head or something.

I thought of my best friend giving me a thumbs up and took a deep sigh.

Later, I saw how the girl in the family was doing and laughed all the way out of her shoulder.

-... okay.

- Yeah. What is it, sir?

- Nothing. If you look like you're having fun, that's fine with me.

The girl, who had forgotten her usual calm and groaned, tilted her neck and the boy smiled happily.

It was a gentle and warm moment.

... for Lewis and the Borderline Belgian Army he led, the result was no coincidence.

"Wow, oh!

The soldiers screamed.

If it was to be raided by a monster, I was prepared.

But I never thought something like this would stick in.

I didn't have time to run away.

Already far from the automobile, Nanica rammed from the front into the avant-garde of the Borderline Belgian Army.

The front row where the shield was erected blew away for a moment.

The soldiers who were there pulled without knowing what had happened.

The front of the vehicle body crumbled and the rear wheel jumped to relax.

I try to jump and roll.

The soldiers on that path were crushed, jumped and screamed.

At the end of the day, I repeatedly pulled the car together.

It was catastrophic.

The groans of wounded soldiers rose from the crowd, and safe soldiers were losing their words in sight of a difficult state of affairs to understand.

About ten seconds later, the car door kicked open.

Some of the soldiers leaked one voice.

That's all I did. Must be a hell of a monster.

With that in mind, no matter how brave the soldiers were, they had to freeze.

Because I was in that position, the shock of the soldiers when they recognized the person who appeared could have been as great as when they were subjected to a special attack.

"... well. Operation is a success."

It was a beautiful girl who stepped on the ground.

Mitsumi's hair shakes in the wind, and her delicately neat face looks around.

Wrapped up in misplaced samurai clothes.

Behind the royal palace, it was a man who stood firm in his service to you.

"Nice to meet you, gentlemen"

The girl thanked me.

It was a sophisticated trick.

Do not embarrass the Lord.

To be dispersed in human society and beside the important Lord.

The trick I practiced to be uncomfortable was graceful, not very, but it doesn't look like someone who did anything bold to get into the line with a vehicle.

The gap stiffened the soldiers' thinking.

My name is Rose.

Rose, with her head up, named herself grand.

"My Lord, Takahiro Mashima's second family, a shield to protect himself"

That's what makes me laugh so hard as to show that it's where I'm proud.

"I'm here to protect you, my dear."

Once the wooden doll, thinking of the Lord, bloomed like a large wheel of flowers here.

Regardless, that's not just a beautiful flower.

It has thorns to protect what matters.

Rose's hand with a long handbag dragged out a huge battle axe that did not fit her delicate appearance as she was plugged into her apron pocket.

More and more stone clashes struck the ground.

"I'll let you know in advance"

Declare with a good passing voice.

"If you lose your will to fight, drop your weapon and run away. I'm not going after that back."

It is only with a weapon that your role is a shield.

Nothing more, nothing less.

That's what Rose says.

No, no, no.

I hope so.

Forgiving or not forgiving the enemy is what the Lord thinks.

You just have to think about protecting him.

Just think of him.


Burning loyalty and admiration into her chest, the doll girl jumped into the battlefield.