Monster no Goshujin-sama

47. The Waiting


This' otherworldly ', formed by the magic tool' Foundations of the World ', can be manipulated by humans with tools.

That said, it doesn't mean you can operate freely.

If he could do that, Harrison would have isolated Takahiro Mashima shortly after the transfer.

At present, although the "cornerstone of the world" that builds this place is managed by Harrison, it takes time to be reflected while only accepting a great deal of clutter.

It is almost impossible to operate in response to the opponent's movements.

Conversely, if we know our enemies are coming, we can change course beforehand for our convenience.

At present, from where Takahiro Mashima and the others are located, the road to the section where Harrison and the others are located is limited.

Kanahiko Tachigi was placed with Edgar in a large room set up along the way.

I would say room, but the impression might be better conveyed by saying 'arena'.

It is about the size of a school ground.

A corridor is provided high so as to surround the area.

There are only two entrances and exits.

If we don't defeat the two of you, we can't get through here first.

We can slip through it, but in that case, we'll be pinched between ourselves chasing them and the diocesan knights waiting on the way down the aisle.

Around, there's no other knight figure.

It was unusual.

The last few months, basically, there were several watchman knights around Kamihiko Tsuki, at least one attached.

Though the eyes of surveillance are already not strict, unsolicited behaviour is not allowed.

Edgar is not counted as a watchman because he is only treated as a remnant of the Fourth Unit.

If it was meant to be, it would be normal for there to be another Knight of Surveillance on this occasion.

Nonetheless, it must have been the result that the humanity of a man named Edgar-Givarsch was taken into account that the two of us were determined to be okay.

Edgar only shows interest in the fight and has a deep grudge against Takahiro Mashima.

In case Kanahiko Tachigi behaves badly, he'll slash and throw it away at that point.

That's what they must have determined.

… it is also the reality that reasonable judgment is not always the right answer.

If that was a warrior like an orbitless chunk, it could have been an exaggeration.


Edgar didn't refuse when Kanahiko Tachigi talked about 'I want to see how Kato Mandarin is doing' at no good source.

In just a few moments, the surveillance eyes were gone.

As a result, it was possible to make contact with the Kato Vegetables, which Harrison and the others had not instructed, leaving words behind.

Speaking of the person at the time of the action, who would not have expected the Knights of the Cathedral side either, there was no particular way of caring about it, and he had his hips down to the ground with his sword.

"... you're getting tired of waiting. That bastard, what are you doing?"

"It won't be that long yet. Besides, I don't know if they're coming."

"Ha. I'm sure he decided to come."

Ridiculously, Edgar laughed with her nose.

"There's that woman over here. He can't be here."

"Kato isn't Takahiro's lover or anything... no, I don't know. It's a subtle line."

"Whatever. Whatever it is, it's not gonna change that guy's coming."

I assure you.

He didn't even look suspicious.


Kanahiko Tachigi used a side-eye.

"... hey, Mr. Edgar"

"Am I?"

"What are you thinking?

I don't have eyes for surveillance right now.

The Cathedral Knights would not envisage having such a conversation with Edgar.

Pulling in a nagging attitude, Kanahiko Tachigi threw a question.

"You noticed."

"What are you talking about?"

"About Kato, he didn't imitate me like that because he tried to confirm my intentions."

It was when Edgar tried to make contact with the unconscious Kato Vegetables.

Kanahiko Tachigi was hard-prepared, wondering if the combat was inevitable.

But Edgar retreated lightly at the end of the arrow.

- You sure did. You deserve to be angry. Whatever...... yes, it's because of the 'handle'.

- Oh. Even I know 'where you stand'. It would be tough if 'handles' were embezzled or left untied. Is that what this is all about?

Edgar was speaking in such a way as to emphasize the 'handle' because he behaved in a melancholy way... and the knights he was accompanying may have thought, but Kanahiko Takiki's direct interaction felt differently.

I felt that, after I made sure what I needed to be sure, I was trying to keep my mouth shut to fit that place.

"I don't know. You're free to think about what you're thinking."

"Then I'll ask as the one I think fits. What do you want?

Edgar made me blur, but I'm not going to back down to that extent.

"I thought you were Takahiro's enemy. But I don't think so."

If you are an enemy, Kanahiko Tachigi thinks that you won't leave him alone while keeping an eye on your intentions.

It doesn't match the reputation you've heard of as a battle freak.

Edgar shrugged her shoulders after showing her how to think for a while.

"... well, the bastard said it was Takahiro Mashima's twat, I didn't think it would be to this extent."

"So, I figured?

"Even so, don't get me wrong. I'm not like you. I'm not on his side."

"Don't worry, I'm not misunderstanding you there"

Edgar has even run a life-threatening ambush before.

As a result, Takahiro Mashima forced his opponent in a painful battle against Borderline Bo's army.

It's not like Kanahiko Tachigi's case.

But what are you thinking?

"... Do you have any idea why the Cathedral Church makes Takahiro Mashima such an enemy?

Edgar's standing asking so seemed different from what he usually showed.

"My guess from here is that the Harrison bastard has been using that Travis bastard well for a long time"

"... Huh? Wait a minute. Are you serious?

"Believe it or not, you're on your own."

It doesn't matter either way, Edgar continued the conversation without adhering to the other's doubts.

"There will be a man named Ottomer. He's a desertion knight, and he's the bastard Travis kept as a private soldier. He's not just a desertion knight. Harrison, I'm a special forces person with children."

"Special Forces? Even though you're out of the Knights?

"I guess you're trying not to get tired of the Cathedral Knights when something happens. You said you were doing a dark job back there. Above Harrison is the high priest Gert-Kügeler. Literally the best man in power in this world. I guess that means you can't go around with all the beauty. If history piles up, inevitably, even the rotten parts come out. So..."

"Control poison with poison?

"That's what I'm talking about. I used Travis' bastards well, while cutting them off if I had to. Well, I actually gave him guidance, but the same thing. If I hadn't done it, every Ottomer would have done the same thing.... Hey, dude. Thinking about it, can't you see it coming out?

When the water was pointed at him, Kanahiko Tachigi gave him a rugged look.

"... you're saying it was all Harrison's money."

Travis moved unit IV, aiming for Takahiro Mashima for the handle.

Ottomer, who was guiding that Travis, was also helping the Borderline Belgian Army, which set up a false brave crusade.

And this time, Harrison wakes up after Takahiro Mashima, and Ottomer works as his subordinate.

Of course, if the story was true that Ottomer was a Harrison-bred Special Forces person, Edgar seemed convinced.

"Takahiro Mashima was targeted from the beginning. That's what I stare at."

"Are you exploring why?... What the hell, for?

"Ha, it's decided. To make my humiliation fall."

At that moment, on Edgar's face, a warrior stood back.

"... there's a bastard named Zoltern. It was just a long, boring one to hang out with. I'm bored to the end. I need you to imitate me. He took refuge in me and let me die instead. I don't know what I saw with Takahiro Mashima's bastard, but I left him with a" glare at the strong light, "and one of them passed away satisfied. Is there such humiliation?"

Emotions from the bottom of my heart were there.

Even Kanahiko Tsuki today, for a moment, was enough to be pressurized.

"I don't know why. I'm bored. The battle has been less fun since then. The battle was all I had. 'Cause, you Zoltan bastards. I'm just kidding. I'll never forgive you."

"... but that Zoltern must be dead. Don't you have anything to forgive?"

"No. That's not true."

Edgar denied it in a strong tone.

"One end of the cause of Zoltern's death was Travis' behavior. Ottomer, who was guiding that Travis, was moving at Harrison's behest. Suppose. Suppose Harrison was after Takahiro Mashima for some crap reason?... Kuku. Hey, isn't that a masterpiece? The Satisfied Dead Zoltern one is like a clown. I'm gonna make Harrison drop by and laugh at him with his belly in his arms."

"... Is that why you ambushed Takahiro by cooperating with Borderline Bo's army?

"Oh. Right. I needed a handle to attach a connection to the one that was moving Ottomer. Besides, Zoltern seemed to see something of value to Takahiro Mashima. If Takahiro Mashima were to crush him, he thought he could laugh at Zoltern's blindness."

"You, that's..."

Kanahiko Tsukiki pinched his mouth.

Because I didn't fall for it somehow.

He was sniffing off something deceitful about Edgar right now.

That said, it's not malicious.

Lies are unconscious, unconscious deceptions.

That could have been the result of the work done by the intuition of a boy who has been deceiving his surroundings for the past few months.

I thought so.

As it turns out, Takahiro Mashima has outdone Edgar's surprise attack and the ensuing pursuit of the Borderline Bo's army.

'If Takahiro Mashima crumbles with that, there will have been no eyes for Zoltern,' Edgar said.

In that reasoning, 'Takahiro Mashima was more than brilliant through the ordeal, Zoltan's eyes were right'.

But apparently Edgar herself hasn't noticed that.

As far as we're talking about this, I don't even think it's so stupid that I don't realize it.

Don't you notice or don't you?

... or don't you want to notice?

And can the same thing be said about Zoltan's death?

You want to make sure it doesn't make sense.

Do you want to be sure it made sense?

In this case, it doesn't change what we do either way.

In the first place, why have you come to find the battle boring?

How can you be so angry at being sheltered with your life?

Or is it that Edgar's own way of being a 'war ghost' has made him incapable of thinking about other possibilities?

... Though, this is just a reckoning. It's not an arguable thing.

So I can't tell Kanahiko Tachigi to step in any further.

Instead, I said something else.

"I got the story. But is it okay? For that matter, pull the poverty lottery. You realize that. We're abandoned pawns."

That was what came out earlier in a conversation with Edgar.

Use poison to control poison.

Truncate if necessary.

Kanahiko Tachigi is not winning his trust just because he is no longer suspected.

He's gone, and as a Cathedral Knights, it doesn't hurt or itch.

So this is how they are hit first in the interception.

It's a throwaway pawn.

"Huh. That's what you call it."

Edgar shook her shoulder.

"Even you, the situation would be the same. Or do you want to die?"

"... you can't be"

Kanahiko Tsuki glanced at him.

Even if I'm ready to die, there's no way I'd happily die.

"But there's nothing I can do. This is the only way. Just..."


Edgar inquired in a way that attracted her interest.

Because you speak like you gave up, but the boy's eyes weren't dead.

At that time, however, the voice of a knight giving instructions from the magical tool of long-distance communication held by Kamihiko Tsuki sounded.

Kanahiko Kuchigi, come in.

He was a surveillance man for Kanahiko Tachigi's important woman.

It would be my intention to prepare for betrayal and make the collar aware before the battle of my best friend.

It is an effective hand, but at the same time a wasted attention for those who are ready.

While Edgar, who was interrupted from the conversation, struck his tongue, Kanahiko Tachigi returned the words by spreading magic and activating magic tools.

"Yes, yes. I don't know."

Takahiro Mashima has been contacted.

That's the touch of battle.

Destroy this with Edgar.