Monster no Goshujin-sama

51. Thin Yarn Following Victory


My whole body blew to pieces.

It was such an illusory blow.

If you notice, Kamihiko Tsuki had fallen on his back on the hard stone ground.

He said his consciousness was flying.

When I opened my eyes, I saw my best friend looking down at this one.

"... alive, are you?

"Even if I ask you that. You'll know best."

"... well, yes"

faint laughter.

Apparently, it wasn't shattered.

Though it feels more like 'I didn't die' than 'I lived'.

As for the condition, it deserves to be rated as a boro rag.

It was such a complete defeat that it felt so good.

"... uh, shit"

Correction. I knew it didn't feel good.

"Have mercy. No hands, no legs."

"That won't happen"

Takahiro Mashima let him shake his head beside him.

I can't feel a lie in my words.

As proof of that, his left arm was slumped back.

He was the arm who clashed with 'Aerial Knights' earlier.

From the hanging fingertips, the blood was still dripping down.

"You don't think he was any match at all."

"... yep"

"Let me tell you something, I'm not out of my hands. I mean, if I did that, this one would be dead."

On his seriously eyed face, he had a large laceration on his cheek.

My body also had scratches there.

More importantly, if I heard that voice, it was clear that it was not just a comforting word.

"Kanahiko was strong. That's why I did everything I could."

Takahiro Mashima believed.

A little bit stronger than the person.

There's no way my best friend is going to die like this.

And Kanahiko Tachigi himself felt what he believed in him in the battle.

So I thought, 'You can't die' at that last moment.

The collision of "Aerial Nights" allowed me to avoid a slightly slower direct hit of "The Devil's Arm" with my own incredible bottom line.

Perhaps it was the fact that 'Believed' that put life and death at the brink of it.

And I'm sure that was the only way to avoid the death I was prepared for.

Kanahiko Tachigi exhaled deeply.

As if I had walked a long way and finally taken a breath.

But there were nearer signs of innocence there.

"Have you lost?"

Someone jumped from the corridor that was set up to surround this space.

I've always been a knight watching Kamihiko Tsuki.

He is, nevertheless, one of the most hand-worked.

I should still say, I would have liked to have gotten in while I was fighting.

He's just not showing up, and he won't be the only intruder.

It was a chase raid squad after Kanahiko Takigi, a stone-dropping stone, did his job.

"Kanahiko Takigi. If you can move, stop Takahiro Mashima."

I guess he's the leader of the raid squad.

I spoke faintly of my orders.

"... even if they say so unscrupulous"

Kanahiko Tachigi spilled a bitter laugh.

My whole body is too sore to know how it is anymore, but at least my hands and legs are broken.

Around, weapons caught in an earlier blow were rolling.

Naturally, I'm out of ability, and I can't even move it.

Most of all, I would have expected those answers to return.

"Right. Too bad."

Clerically speaking, the knight raised his hand.

It must have been a signal of an attack on our hiding companions.

Even rare magic tools may have been brought out by the fact that they appeared so full.

I could confirm that Takahiro Mashima, who is the target of the murder, has never suffered a light hand wound, and would have no hesitation in involving abandoned pawns.

It was an expected development for Kanahiko Tachigi.

However, after this happened, I couldn't do anything.

So he was doing everything he could.

I was hitting every hand I could think of.

I believed it in time.

Humans, there are limits to what one can do alone.

That's why people believe in someone.

And it is only if he, who has exhausted his personnel, that trust bears fruit.

Hey, what are you...!?:

Unexpectedly, a voice arrived.

That's the thin thread that follows victory.

It was the hope finally grabbed by the impatient boy.

The source of the sound was a magic tool for long-distance communication, which had been lent to Kanahiko Tachigi.

Why? Why are you here!?:

It conveys the haste and hesitation of a man who had previously given him instructions from afar.

But that's a flash, too.

Too much!?:

The scream of the man's extinct demon echoed.

It was an obvious anomaly.

"Hey, what happened...?

A knight who was about to give an order to attack looked a little.

Beyond the communication, there was a noise that would destroy something, followed by a rushing noise of things.

That's about ten seconds. What I heard was an unexpected voice.

Master Tachigi! Can you hear me!?:

"... Huh?

The call was a woman's voice, and it was Takahiro Mashima who responded.


You can't even mishear me.

It was the voice of a knight who gave him his sword.

But how is it that she, who should have been flown on this occasion, is beyond the communication tools that the man who is watching the Commander in Imperial Capital has?

But that's where the surprise came from.

Master Kanahiko! Are you listening! We did it!:

"Here, here. Marcus! Give it back!:

And now the voice of a man as touched, and the voice of Siran as panicked.

"Anyway, we've secured the captain's stature as per our instructions!"


The leader of the Raid Squad raised his dismay.

I guess I can't keep up with the situation, I'm letting my mouth open and close when it's puffy.

However, Kanahiko Tsuki's consciousness did not properly cover the reactions of such men.

All he wants is one voice.

"... Kanahiko. You idiot."

- At that moment, all the boy's hardships were rewarded.

Really, everything.

Like a miracle.

"Captain, are you all right?"

Squeezing the magic of None, Kanahiko Tachigi delivered a voice to her across the communication tool.

"... oh. Of course. Is it possible that it is not safe? Who thinks it's the life you protected?:

She seemed angry.

I was glad to hear that.

I need to talk to you later. Long story. So...... Kanahiko. It's bound to meet us alive. Good. Promise.


Communication moved to Silan with promises to bite.

"I also freed all the Allied Knights who had been imprisoned. I'm taking you out now.:

I'm in the middle of an operation right now. So the communication was cut off.

"Hey, hey..."

The man who no longer led the Raid Squad seemed to be at the point of attack.

Revealing the wolf, he glanced at Kamihiko Tsuki, who remained rolling on the ground.

"Oh, you! What the hell did you do!?

"... what, well, that's the rescue of the captain. You weren't listening?

"That's what...!

"I can. Instead, it's all I've got."

The boy laughed.

"This is the only time when the majority of Harrison's men can move in secret will be mobilized."


That's right.

This is the moment he's been after.

"This is all a massive operation. I'm gonna need a bunch of manpower. But no matter how much Harrison says he's the head of the Cathedral Knights, there aren't many people who can mobilize for such an assassination operation. Not to mention that if we had trouble, we would have had to move even the personnel who were supposed to keep us waiting in the Imperial Capital."

It is only the knights who make up the Diocese Knights.

In this world, they are the ones who protect people from monster threats and protect the world.

As Gordon was, most knights were not informed of anything and Harrison's bills were limited.

There was a gap to stick in there.

"So I kept interrupting the plan. To protect Takahiro. And to rescue the captain."

"Oh, you..."

"I already thought I was broken, didn't I? In fact, Takahiro and I really even tried to kill each other like this. In that case, there is no point in continuing to tighten the surveillance of the Commander in the absence of sufficient manpower. … and I tried to judge it."

It is difficult for those who were watching Kamihiko Tachigi to discern the truth.

Because killing each other is not a lie.

Kanahiko Tsuki had come to this battle, even determined he was ready to die.

Such an attitude of seriousness did not make the watchman aware of his intentions.

"There were several people in the Knights of the Alliance who were able to escape without being caught in Serratta. I kept in close contact with them and set up a rescue operation. However, there were some things that I would not allow to do militarily. That's why I decided to ask for help."

"I see. So get Silan..."

Takahiro Mashima leaked his convincing voice.

Knowing his best friend's character well, he sensed that while Kanahiko Tachigi was consolidating his readiness to die, that would not be the end of it.

That's why 'I was on that intent' during this battle.

But I naturally didn't know the details and listened to my best friend.

"After explaining everything to Mr. Silan, I asked him to return to the Imperial Capital with the magical tools of the transfer. And then they joined the Alliance knights, ready on the ground, to participate in a rescue mission."

In the first place, Silan is one of the "Knights of the Allied Knights who could escape without being caught in Serratta," Kamihiko Takiki said earlier.

There can be no objection to rescuing our beloved Captain.

Doing so would also free Kanahiko Tachigi, who had to turn to her enemies, and reduce the threat to the brave men to whom she gave her sword.

"Ki, Ki... you!

Revealed everything, the Raid Squad man barked.

"Oh, you can't possibly do that! You were being watched!

"Oh. By you. But I could. That's the truth."

"Gu, gu...!

He, who was also a watchman, would have been out all along.

It was natural to be exasperated.


With anger he waved up again and tried to send a signal of attack to his fellow intruders.

At any rate, Takahiro Mashima is still damaged.

You can crush it here.

But at that moment, a shadow sword grew from his belly.

"What... to?

"Unfortunately, all your people let me kill you."

It was Dora, the shadow daughter, who told him that.

She hadn't shown herself in a long time, making it look like she was crawling through Edgar's gap, responding to an enemy who had broken into the room.

"Horses, deer..."

A man, the last of the raid squad and leader, falls.

At this moment, Kamihiko Tachigi's lonely battle finally came to an end.