Monster no Goshujin-sama

12. Mixed War Intruders


"Chiya! Damn, what the hell is this!

One of the youths who broke into the other world with Shichiya Jingu poisoned him with a rough breath.

One line was in the middle of confusion.

Ahead of the first otherworlds we managed to attack.

The second otherworlds resembled the sea of trees that they once traversed as part of the expedition as well.

Hazards, however, were not the ratio.

First of all, I get ambushed more often because of my poor vision, and I don't have time to rest my mind.

The 'Guardian Titans' that come by straw are stronger and more numerous than the concurrent monsters.

In the meantime, he doesn't like the presence of traps scattered all over the place.

Uchi's tracking unit is rushing after him, sometimes paving the way for him by someone capable of isolating Kojiro Nakashima in the lead, but more than that, Takahiro Mashima's "Misty Temporary Inn" has disabled surprise attacks and traps.

In contrast, Shichiya Shimiya Shrine is largely dominated by Warriors who are not very cautious.

As they progressed, they were getting wounded and exhausted.

What hurt more than anything was that Shijiya Jingu was wearing out before he entered the infidelity.

Originally he cared about his people, and in battle he was a man who could stand up front and encourage his allies and proceed with caution with great awareness.

When I was on the expedition, it could be said that although I stayed in one of the executives because of Kojiro Nakatsuki, who had isolated charisma, its nature was aptitude as a leader.

But now he had lost most of his decent self-consciousness and was wearing himself out physically and mentally while turning himself into a dragon.

You can say that the obsession of the high priest Gert-Kügeler is a cause.

Still, it was a sign of their cohesion that united their purpose that they managed to get to the point where they could see the fort, the 'door' that led to the third otherness.

- We all go back to the original world.

- No one needs to go home any more.

This group, which intrudes into the otherworlds and targets the 'cornerstones of the world', is made up of facets that, although not many, sympathize with the idea of Jingushi Chiya.

The common denominator is' the lost '.

They have all left important people in their colonies.

I made irrevocable mistakes.

When I was informed of that fact, the majority became self-inflicted or grumbled.

It was Jingu Shi Chiya who spoke around there.

- Let's all go back to the original world.

- For that, I'll do whatever it takes.

- Try not to get any more of those who think like us. I need your help.

To everything that is in this world, he does not recognize value.

Because I resent this world for taking my lover.

But humans are not made up of just one side.

While I do not recognize value in this world, all the words that I think of my fellow man were sincere.

That is why those in the same situation responded.

"Chiya! You go first!

The young man shouted as he wiped the blood coming from his head.

It was minutes ago that we hooked up to a massive trap, the ground cracked and tons of 'guardian giants' popped up.

One line was divided.

Across a large group of giants, Shijiya Jingu and his three companions are on the doorstep of the other world.

The remaining three, including the youth, were on the opposite side.

"I'll be right after you!


"I guess we're all going back to that world! Go!"

The youth dared to attack the giants so as not to let Shi Chiya of the Shrine chase them.

Considering the warmth of health and magic, I've done a lot of things so far, but only this time.

The other two followed suit.

Shichiya Jingu bit his teeth and let the dragon's fangs fall, but flipped his tail to the back of the other world.

"You guys are this way...!

The young man rammed around so as not to let him chase that back.

But numbers are power.

All around you are enemies.

No matter how many out-of-popularity powers he had, there were too many enemies to fight from the front.

I wish they were at least collaborative, but they weren't trained to do that either.

We had to fight individually, and there was no way we could have fought the Giants' attacks pushing us from all directions.

Still, for just a few hours, I stomped over and fought.

If this had been, for example, the transferees who had once caused the false brave uproar, it would have collapsed so much that they would have been crushed by the violence of numbers.

"All right! I've had enough! We're getting away, too!

The young man, who held out for a few minutes and decided that his companions would never be chased away, decided to withdraw.

It was just a little late in the day.

They were too exhausted at that point.


The young man, who tried to leave with a blow to the giant who was in the front, was pushed down by another giant who popped through a gap.

Keep it up, the giant tries to punch you with his thick arm.

I can't escape.

"Wow oh!?

The young man screamed - in front of him, he saw the giant's body slashed diagonally.

"... Huh?

Before opening his eyes flashly, the mutilated giant's body shifts and collapses.

Standing beyond it was the 'fourth person' who remained on this occasion.

Are you all right?

He was a man in a mask on his face.

I have a strange sword lowered in one hand.

That sword tore the giant's hard body like tofu.

"Yay, thanks..."


The words that return are short.

The young man leaked a bitter laugh.

This masked man is not technically one of us.

Only collaborators.

It is treated as such in order to keep its identity hidden.

Nevertheless, his role in the line was nothing different from that of the rest of us.


The masked man's movements are neither as fast nor as strong as Warrior's.

But that sword is strong. Too strong.

A magic tool that cleaves anything you touch - they say.

Once, in the expedition, a person with two names: 'Absolute amputation' had very similar abilities.

Although the strongest seat in the Battle of the White Soldiers only gave way to 'Weiwaten' because of its compatibility with abilities, it never took a pull in its ability to fight against monsters.

Disabling the opponent's defense has too much advantages.

The same is true for sure as long as you hit it decently, you can do a lot of damage to your enemies, but you don't need to help or build momentum when attacking, and losing gaps is huge.

If it was meant to be, I would reduce those gaps by overlapping my workouts, but I don't even need to do that.

The same is true of the sword held by the masked man.

The rigid 'guardian giant' body is difficult to slash with a normal sword, and even Warrior has difficulty giving an effective blow unless he wields the heavy weapon thoughtfully and punches it with all his might, but that sword cuts smoothly like a butter with a heated knife.

If he hadn't cooperated, getting here would have been more tricky.

Before they came to help the youth, they were helping the other two, and they were already making their way out of the giant.

There is also room around the young man who is now receiving support whenever the masked man waves his sword.

"If this...!

I can get away - and I tried to keep going.

In fact, if the opponent was just this defensive mechanism of the other world, it would have worked out.

But at the next moment, the youth cut off the words they were about to say and looked back.

Because in the woods with poor vision, I felt signs of something approaching me from beyond the commotion of battle.

"Hey...... Huh!?

To what I've seen, I'm stunned.

It was a large group of monsters that jumped out of the trees.

It was also an 'army' of monsters of various kinds, not 'guardian giants'.

What is to be feared is its number and density.

It is no longer so close to the river flood as to be a herd.

The young man waved his sword aggressively, but it meant nothing.

With the numbers so far, we can't possibly deal with Fifth Staircase magic, which takes time to prepare, or unless it's bombarded by a special, widespread attack.

Nothing could be done, the youth, the other two companions, the masked man and, on the contrary, even the 'guardian giant' were swallowed up.

It was the fine-faced boy on the back of a wolf who saw it through.

I got a terrible smile on my mouth.

"... I finally found it"

Kudo Lu, the king of demon armies, who could follow more than a thousand monsters, caught up with Jingushi Chiya in advance of the tracking unit.

"Ah, gu..."

On the strong side of bad luck, the youth lived.

I don't know how many times the meat has been choosen by monster fangs and nails.

The only time I could resist seemingly was for the first moment, and all I had to do was flirt with it without knowing why anymore, and when I realized it, I was rolling on the ground.

I don't know what happened to the rest of us.

I was just full of myself.

There's a bunch of monsters around.

I can't see my people anywhere.

"Oh. You were alive."

When he saw the boy approaching on a wolf, the young man stood up.

I held the sword with my trembling hand.

"Are you...?

"You're still in the mood to fight"

A faint gaze of emotion was directed at the youth.

"I see, are these the 'lost ones' led by Jingu Shi Chiya, whom 'Voices from Heaven' said? It seems a little different from those we met during the False Brave riots before."

"... what. Or," Voices from Heaven. "

The young man revealed confusion.

Not because I didn't know the word.

The opposite was true.

Shichiya Jingu is a group of people who have sworn that they will all risk their lives to return to the original world by gathering among themselves "the lost".

Naturally, they didn't know each other's boundaries from the start either.

How, then, could those who were in the same situation scattered throughout the world know and gather together that they were in the same situation?

The answer lay in the cooperation of some.

- Don't help your pathetic companion, Shigeru Shrine.

- That's the wish of the girl who died unharmed calling you to the end, isn't it?

Shichiya Jingu had obtained information from "Voices from Heaven".

Based on that information, he approached his associates.

He was the only one who interacted directly, but the youth were also only heard of the existence of a 'voice from heaven'.

"Is it strange that Voice from Heaven was circulating information about you to me, known as the Demon King?

Reading the look on the youth's face, Kudo Lu faded his grin only slightly.

"Oh. It must be strange. I'm sure, if you guys try, that's an indispensable collaborator. It is only with numerous information from Voices from Heaven that we have been able to carry out our activities so far. In fact, even once that trust was never betrayed. Different?

There's a reason I can tell you to see through it.

This is the same as it was at Fort Chile.

At that time, Kota Sakami, who was a collaborator of Tatsuya Cross, trusted the Voice from Heaven, which linked the two.

That was partly because he was a man who could not even be flattered for his cleverness, but partly because 'the voice from heaven' continued to be sincere on the surface.

Behind it, however, was connected to Kudo Lu, who had vomited a great lie to Ryota Sakami that he was a 'monster user'.

The same was true of the 'lost', including the youth here.

I trusted 'Voices from Heaven', a useful informant.

Shi Chiya Shimiya, the leader, did not believe so easily, but having been taught the truth about the 'cornerstone of the world', he finally decided that the word was true.

Or did you have to?

Because even if I jumped around the world and hit the literature, I couldn't find any other clue how to get back to the original world.

Poke weaknesses and build trust to betray them in the worst of situations.

At a decent time of deafening, the poison of ruin is turning.

"Rather than" Voice from Heaven, "" The Incendiary Snake "... sounds the same"

"Hey, man."

It was then that the young man spoke to the Demon King in a manner that he had made up his mind.

"You... Kudo Lu?

I guess I saw the situation I was in and figured out who they were.

I asked in a desperate manner.

"The ability to manipulate all these monsters." King of the Demon Army "would be the one. Didn't I?"

"Yeah. Yeah, but what?

"I knew it!

The youth had a hopeful grin, as if they had also found it in oasis in the desert.

"I know you do. You want to destroy the world. That's why you're here. Then we should be able to work together. Even if the purpose is different, it's the same thing to do."

The demon king who wants to destroy the world, and those who want to destroy this world but return to the original world.

If interests match, there is no need to fight.

Coming here, Shichiya Shimiya Shrine will have gained the possibility of obtaining a ghost bill called Demon King.

"… indeed, I have a feeling that I have something here to aim for"

When Kudo Lu snorted quietly, the young man smiled.