Monster Paradise

Chapter 1739 Foreign Force

Three years is the invoice opening time.

But Lin Huang felt that he really went to the Xinghai, there is no need to come back.

After all, my strength will continue to stay in the world. It's better to simply open this invigilance, leave it directly.

Since there is only three years left, then it is necessary to deal with this world has not dealt with.

So Linhuang notifies everyone's decision in the first time, let everyone handle the endless things as soon as possible.

The first thing that Linhuang thinks is to look for snow.

In fact, he has always remembered this matter.

The snow falls, it is the first title encountered by Linhuang.

It is also because the snow falls to Linhuang, the first impression of the gods, Linhuang will only have a madness of the gods.

After he came to the world, he had never forgot to find the snow.

Just starting, his strength is not enough to protect, most of the time and energy are put on practice.

Later, I was a bit a bit power, and I also visited the black market, and I also found the blood color to investigate the strength of the judge group, all did nothing.

So this thing, later she holds.

I have been to Linhuang, I have established a knife headquarters in the god domain. He proposed Tian Luo to Yang Ling. In fact, there is a very important purpose, just want to use the intelligence network to find the family where snow falls and snow fall.

This will be built in Tian Luo, the information channel is limited, but Lin Hu is still looking for snow falling and snow falling family, and the task of snow falling to Tian Luo.

In addition to the snow, the manipulator behind the Hall of the Hall is who is in the investigation of this matter.

It can be said that in the next three years, Tian Luo almost became the most busy department of the whole knife.

And Linhuang himself, start planning how to make himself further stronger.

First of all, our own God is far from arriving at the limit of the number of printed prints, and you can refine more from the country and borrow more printed prints.

This requires a lot of resources to pile, and can only change more from the royal trading market with a variety of resources.

So this way, Lin Huang also urgently come, only gives the accumulation of each resource to a certain extent, and exchange a wave.

Second, we want to condense more printed prints, need to solve the country again and again. This requires more main gods to condense in their own.

Although theoretically, Linhuang can raise all the imperial beasts to the extreme main god limit. Let each of the beasts directly have three thousand printed prints. In this way, you can instantly increase the unlock of 100,000 mark prints.

But if you don't need it, Lin Huang doesn't plan to use this trick.

He still hopes that the imperial beast can try more than the external force.

And cultivate the primary god in our own, this difficulty is even greater.

After all, a primary god is not so easy.

Even if the talent potential is sufficient, the resources are also sufficient, and there is enough time to grow.

After all, there is not many people who are hanging out so much, and there is not much to look at the whole star sea.

The third pathway, refining more from the origin fragment from Huangquan.

This pathway is actually directly let Linhuang become strong, but there are many memory inheritance in our source debris. If you get the inheritance of the big, it is also a power reinforcement.

However, Linhuang has received these local fragments, most of which come from the main god, the proportion of the road is relatively low, and the avenue is lower. And these road debris, most of which are redundant information, and useful inheritance is relatively small.

But this kind of thing is not Linhuang. He can only accept it by passive, and can only touch it.

Article 4, it is something outside itself.

Equisy, such as Lingbao, the like.

But Lingbao, Linhuang can not afford it. He is now not enough to redeem the resources of the primary god domain. Not to mention the price expensive spiritual treasure.

Fortunately, a few people in Linhuang have already entered the Lingbao.

He doesn't need to be worried about the equipment.

In addition to Lingbao, Linhuang quickly thought of his soul.

Previously, my ten gods of the gods was only upgraded to the next principle, and I didn't continue to improve.

And now, this war is not enough.

The soul of God, this kind of thing is well used, it is actually comparable.

But because of the huge consumption of resources, many people will rarely use it.

After all, there is this resource, it is better to use it on yourself.

But there are also a few primary gods and half-step primary gods.

Some principles arrived in the bottleneck itself, and it feels that further breakthroughs are not big. And half-step main gods, there is no progress space. They feel that the resources are wasteful to themselves, so they will start to re-cultivate the soul.

The soul is well cultivated, equal to one of one with the same strength.

When this is encountered an enemy, it can become a killer.

Linhuang is a feeling of cultivating the soul of the gods to the same strength, but the level of cultivating it can be used.


The four main enhancements, Linhuang feels that it can quickly see the effect, there is only the fourth.

He didn't hesitate, think of it.

A flashed and returned to his own country.

Summon the Ten God's Soul, and the golden finger is eternal fire.

The soul of the Ten God's Soul is directly connected to the soul of Linhuang, and the growth of the soul is extremely high.

As for the flesh strength, it is associated with their strengths. The six-order Holy Spirit grade, making their flesh is also sufficient to bear the extreme main god limit or even stronger war.

After injection of a large amount of local energy into the eternal fire, the eternal fire also explored ten golden tentacles, connecting the tenant war soul, and began to inject energy into the soul and enhanced war.

The next principal god!

Medium winner!

The upper host god!

Extreme main god!

I have always raised the soul of the Ten God to the extreme main God, and the breath of the Ten God's Soul is gradually smooth.

But the energy injection of the eternal fire is not stopped, but continues.

At this time, Lin Hong also noted that the Ten God's Soul began to illuminate a road print.

That road print makes Linhuang unusual familiar.

There are many of themselves, and some are not their own condense, and they are also in the country of origin.

Lin Huang has a big eyes, this ten gods and souls, they actually copy these printed prints in their own.

But think about it, he also understands what is going on.

God's soul, essentially its own soul, set the housing of the gods.

So my soul can call the printed print, theoretically, the soul can be called.

Before Linhuang did not pay attention, now I found out that the printed and order forces used by the Ten God's Soul is all in the country.

"Don't re-condense the printed print, it is a lot of things." Linhuang whispered.

Then, after a long time, the number of printed printed in the Ten god warlord has increased to 3,000.

Ten the gods in an instant, as if the ten big days, illuminated the whole day.

When Jin Mang is scattered, Lin Hu is noted that the tenant war soul broke through the appearance.

The number of printed prints has increased to 3001, and then gradually improving the body.

"What extent can be improved to them," Lin Hong continued to inject more source energy into the eternal fire.

He previously condensed more than 100 printed prints, and he also encountered more than 100 small roads, the virtuality of thousands of small roads, and the source energy obtained was enough to create thousands of roads.

Get more energy injection, the eternal fire has also increased the energy output of the Ten God's Soul.

After that, I have almost three days, and the number of printed printed printed in the Ten God's Soul has been broken. The eternal fire will stop.

"Is it the limit?" Lin Hui asked quickly.

"Oh." Answer this question is the nine-tailed Tmall, "But we have no copy of the copy."

"Remove the printed print we can use, we can use the printed, order gods and gods have been replicated." The dream of the side also opened.

Lin Huin realized that more than 120,000 printed prints in their own body were almost copied by the ten gods and souls, and each war has copied tens of thousands of past. Due to the different direction of practice, the probability they replicated with each other is less than one tenth. So the number of printed prints in each body is only 10,000.

"Okay, then this wave is like this." Lin Huang nodded, he didn't expect that the war will not continue to become strong, it is subject to its own restriction.