Monster Paradise

Chapter 1366 Haotian Palace

Hearing Yin Yin's voice, Lin Huang curiously penetrated his consciousness into the soul space.

Yinyin pointed to the sword soul that had grown into an adult state after she was promoted to the true meaning of the sword.

At the moment, Soul Saber also looked at Yinyin with a bewildered face.

"Do you want to live in Soul Blade?" Lin Huang was also very surprised.

"No." Yinyin shook her head quickly, "His knife..."

"Knife?" Lin Huang looked up at the sword in Soul Blade's hand.

The sword in the hands of Soul Blade was entirely composed of his own blade heart.

Thinking that Yinyin's function might be related to the knife, Lin Huang probably understood why Yinyin made this choice.

But at this moment, on the body of the blood-colored sword, the golden secret patterns began to shine, and a complex imprint quickly condensed and formed on the blade.

"This is... which page of the sword scripture?" Lin Huang just remembered that, under the guidance of the soul of the sword, his sword heart and the sword script were fused.

Seeing Yinyin's eyes staring at the mark on the knife body, Lin Huang understood what Yinyin really wanted.

After all, the heart of the sword is related to the strength of the sword path that he has mastered. Nowadays, the sword path of the true artistic conception seems very strong in the virtual gods, but in the eyes of Yinyin's golden fingers, it is completely insufficient.After all, she used to be Haotian's golden finger, and Haotian's knife heart was stronger than she did not know how many grades.

The only reasonable explanation is that what Yinyin is interested in is not the heart of the knife, but the things in the heart of the knife.

Moreover, it seems that the imprint formed by the condensed sword script seems to have reacted to Yinyin.

Lin Huang suddenly became more curious about what this page of Swordsmanship was.

"Yin Yin, you mean, you want to live in this mark?" Lin Huang wanted to confirm this.

"Yeah." Yinyin nodded quickly.

"Do you know what this mark is?" Lin Huang asked quickly after confirming that what Yinyin was really fond of was the sword scripture.

Yinyin stood there thinking for a long while in confusion, then shook her head at Lin Huang, "I can't remember..."

For Yinyin's amnesia, Lin Huang's inheritance memory also has related content.

In Haotian's memory, Yinyin's golden finger has always been an arrogant little public man. His mouth is so nasty and not forgiving. He was often poisoned by Yinyin back then.

The main reason for this is that the soul was injured and most of his memory was lost.

As for the change of personality, Haotian didn't mention it in his memory.But Lin Huang guessed that it might be because of the fall of Haotian, she was psychologically severely affected, and she began to become the ideal golden finger that Haotian had mentioned to her many times.

"Just forget it if you don't remember it." Lin Huang rubbed Yinyin's head, "If you want to live in, please live in."

"Is it really possible?" Yinyin raised her head and looked at Lin Huang with bright eyes.

"Of course it can. I feel that Dao Jing also likes you very much." Lin Huang smiled and nodded.

"Lin Huang, thank you!" Yinyin thanked, and a flash appeared in front of Soul Blade.

Before the Soul of the Blade could move, she pressed one hand on the mark of Jin Mang Dasheng, and then her body turned into a little golden flame and penetrated into the mark.

After a while, the golden mark on the knife heart began to calm down.

The scarlet sword in Soul Blade's hand seemed to be the same as before.

"Yinyin, are you accustomed to living?" Lin Huang and other swords were completely calm before they asked.

"Very good." Yinyin's response came quickly.

After a while, Yinyin got out of the blade again, and a flash appeared in front of Lin Huang, "Yinyin also has a gift to give to Lin Huang."

"Gift?" Lin Huang raised his brow, "What is it?"

"Go out and get it." Yinyin finished speaking, her figure disappeared.

Lin Huang immediately returned his consciousness to his body and saw Yin Yin standing in the living room of Haotian Hall.

"Yinyin go get it." Yinyin walked towards a room bouncely.

Lin Huang hurriedly followed, and soon saw Yinyin walk into the study, and took off an object from a shelf of the bookcase.

Seeing this thing, Lin Huang's pupils shrank slightly, and he could vaguely recognize from the appearance that it was a scabbard.

He immediately thought of the two tasks that the club had issued to him before he entered Haotianyu, one of which was to obtain the Heavenly Sword Scabbard.

Yinyin walked to Lin Huang, held the scabbard and handed it to Lin Huang.

But the scabbard in front of me seemed to have been charred by the flames, and it could even be said to be almost completely charred, and it broke into two pieces from the middle.

"this is……"

"This is the body Yinyin used before, and it's useless now. Haotian said that if Yinyin likes the next person, he can give her to the next person. Yinyin will now give her to Lin Huang."

Lin Huang probably understood why Haotian said so.

Although this scabbard gold finger has been completely damaged, and the spirit has been detached, it can also be swallowed by other gold fingers as material.

Knowing that the scabbard is Yin Yin's body, Lin Huang couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly.

The club wants this scabbard, there is a high probability that they know this thing is a golden finger.Inferring from this situation, then the club is likely to be an organization formed by a gathering of passers-by.

Thinking of this, Lin Huang's eyebrows sinking slightly, he was a little worried whether the club would be another predator...

"Lin Huang, here you are." Seeing that Lin Huang didn't answer for a while, Yinyin forcibly handed it to Lin Huang.

"Okay, thank you." Lin Huang came back to his senses, holding the carbonized scabbard that had been broken into two pieces.

Staring at the scabbard for a long while, a picture of Haotian's failure to join the Dao suddenly flashed in his mind. The huge He Dao Jie Beast spewed out endless fire and completely submerged Haotian...

Lin Huang's mind was shocked, and he immediately separated from the memory picture, but he was completely drenched with sweat.

He was able to go around for a while, steaming his sweat, raising his head and looking around, Yinyin had disappeared again.

At this moment, a somewhat old voice came from overhead.

"Since you have accepted the master's inheritance and have been recognized by His Highness Yinyin, you will be the master of the old servant from today."

As the words fell, a golden light shone from above Lin Huang's head, and quickly enveloped Lin Huang's entire body.

After a while, Lin Huang knew who was talking just now, "Haotian Temple?"

"The young master's control over the Haotian Hall, the old servant has been set up according to the instructions of the Haotian master, and will be automatically released as the young master's combat power increases. The old servant is seriously injured, and I am afraid that he will sleep for a long time. ..."

Through the information sent from the Haotian Temple, Lin Huang could see that the damage had exceeded 80%, and many functions of the palace were no longer available.The Haotian Temple Spirit has been in a deep sleep state for more than 300,000 years, but only after successfully clearing the trial did he awaken him.With his current state, being able to take the initiative to contract with himself is no longer easy.

Just a few simple explanations, Haotian Temple Spirit fell into a deep sleep again.

Lin Huang felt that it was completely understandable. Anyway, he had the memory of Haotian's inheritance, and the various functions of Haotian Temple should be understood by himself only a little bit.

Putting away the scabbard in his hand, Lin Huang probed his consciousness towards the message that Haotian Temple had just passed on...