Monsters Will Die If They Are Killed

Chapter 20: But He Cares

The inner space of the Zhenling Pagoda is very wide. The bottom layer has a radius of 75 meters, forming a huge octagonal hall, and a steel beam emitting light blue fluorescence is erected in the center.

Standing at the edge of the hall, rows of metal column cabinets radiating from all directions like a spider web, centered on beams and columns, come into view. These column cabinets are arranged in more than a dozen layers, and hundreds of dense rectangular arrays. It fills almost all the space in the hall.

And inside the transparent column cabinets, the light red culture tank solution pulsed slowly like blood. Tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of Qingqiu people were immersed in these culture tanks, and their bodies were covered with ice blue spiritual power. Covered with silk threads, these silk threads are submerged into flesh and blood, forming a network-like vein inside the body.

Spiritual energy gushes out of these Qingqiu people from time to time, and gathers on the central beam of the town spirit tower. Sometimes the central beam returns a wave of spiritual power back to Zhongqingqiu people. Every time you breathe, it will be in the entire hall. A light blue tide of spiritual power was set off in the middle, an invisible and dense large net made of spiritual power, and thus connected all Qingqiu people with the entire town spirit tower.

"This, what is this?!"

Tang Yuan exclaimed for the first time. Of course, it was not the real voice, but the expression of stunned emotion in the spiritual power transmission: "How come there are so many Qingqiu people who are still loaded into these jars?!"

Gu Zechuan opened his mouth wide. He looked around his compatriots in shock, looking around the scene that was too shocking, and suddenly he was speechless.

All the Qingqiu people soaked in the cans are not clothed, but no one can experience the slightest pornography from it. The human body is like luncheon meat soaked in the can, and a certain kind of strong antipathy of a person like an animal is welled up.

What's more, most of the Qingqiu people in the tank are not'complete'.

Unlike the other two who were shocked and disgusted by this, and subconsciously withdrew their gazes, although Su Zhou was equally disgusted, he scanned the details of the body of each Qingqiu person in a very serious manner.

He could see that with the exception of young children, some adults in mature years, and a handful of elderly people, most of the bodies of Qingqiu people were missing.

Some don't have hands, some don't have legs, and some simply don't have limbs, and those old Qingqiu people are even more so, their bodies are riddled with holes, and only the most basic vital organs remain.

Su Zhou could even see that some culture tanks were packed with a dozen brains in a swarm, and each brain was like a jellyfish, undulating in the solution.

"Spiritual power."

Like no feelings, Su Zhou calmly judged why the bodies of the Qingqiu people were missing: "Those intact adult Qingqiu people have considerable spiritual talents-their bodies are biological spiritual furnaces. , Those ice-blue spiritual power lines are controlling their'cultivation'."

"Those who were stripped of Qingqiu people, their talents are not high, and the spiritual power they produce is not worth the comparison with the energy for growth."

"As for the brains, they at least have souls, but only souls are useful."

For Su Zhou, everything is very intuitive. He can see the ups and downs of spiritual power. Almost all of the bodies of those Qingqiu people have spiritual power cultivation bases of awakening high-level and even transcendent levels, even some of them are more than a dozen. Young people at the age of 10 have similar skills, which is almost the same as when the mother was born.

This analogy cannot even be considered an exaggeration-because Su Zhou saw that those Qingqiu people in their childhood had indeed begun to practice under the control of the blue silk thread, even babies.

As for those Qingqiu people who have been stripped of a part of their bodies, according to Su Zhou’s judgment, most of their missing limbs have been removed at birth, and most of the remaining ones can gather some spiritual energy. Parts, such as... brains stacked together.


No, there is no time to feel sick.

"Come on, Tang Yuan, Gu Zechuan, it's not time to feel nauseous yet-take a closer look at the surroundings, we need to collect information."

Su Zhou calmly gave the order, and Tang Yuan hurriedly followed after hearing it. Although Gu Zechuan reacted slowly, he also suppressed the depression in his chest and continued to observe the surroundings with Su Zhou.

Then, they discovered that under each column, there were actually various labels made of spiritual power inscribed.

[Combat Prosthetic Body-Normal Grade]

In the cultivation tank on this logo, floating is a male adult Qingqiu, he has three tails, and his cultivation is about an extraordinary elementary level.

Engineering Prosthetic Body-General Grade

What floats and sinks in the pale red solution is a male adult Qingqiu with the same three tails. His is more developed, but his cultivation base is lower.

[Combat Prosthetic Body-Elite Level]

This is a female Qingqiu person. She has seven tails and the hair is pure and pure royal blood, which surprised Gu Zechuan. The talent of the Qingqiu people is easy to judge. A few tails does not necessarily mean low spiritual talent, but A large number of tails must be highly talented. The bloodline of the seven-tailed royal family Sky Fox can be considered a manufacturable material even in the age of immortals.

And her cultivation base is also the same-she has extraordinary peaks, and if she is forced to give birth, it is not uncommon for her to advance to the commanding level.

Along the way, the three people saw at least hundreds of culture tanks, most of which were labeled with different grades, and there were many types, but they were also traceable.

Strong strength and low cultivation base talent can be used for'engineering', and high cultivation base talent will be divided into'combat use' and'spiritual production'.

The latter, as the name suggests, is specifically used to produce spiritual power-of course, not all spiritual labels represent high talents. This is a general label.

In addition, there are more unintelligible tags... [Reproductive Use] [Blood Vessel Reserve] [Hybrid Samples], these expressions are just ordinary operations, and similar to [Limb Warehouse] [Transplant Samples] and even [Mutation Reference] The labeled Qingqiu people don't even have a human form, just a bunch of twisted flesh and blood limbs.


With a retching, Tang Yuan's face was pale. He thought he could have seen strong winds and waves. He had been tested in the security bureau and had seen many horrible scenes of old rivers and lakes, but only then did he realize that he had faced it before. The ugliness is nothing but the atrocities committed by mankind against mankind.

He has never experienced compassion that truly transcends human intellect.

"Damn...damn it!"

On the contrary, it was Gu Zechuan. At first, his face was as white as a white paper, and his lips were trembling, but as he went to the back, this man had actually guessed the situation inside the town spirit tower, and he had indeed witnessed too much blood and rain. Still calmed down slowly, even gritted his teeth, boiling with anger.

And Su Zhou even more, he didn't stop from beginning to end, he didn't stop suddenly until he reached the end of the column close to the beam column.

Nutrition Supplement

The many floating in the jar are still very young, but they don’t have the talent for spiritual power, and the natural bones and muscles don’t seem to be very strong. The most important thing is that they don’t even have a soul. The ice blue spiritual power veins are all over the body, and the flesh and blood are gradually Fading away is like a bud that is gradually withering because the root system has absorbed all the nutrients.

At this moment, Tang Yuan and Gu Zechuan felt that Su Zhou's body was extremely frightening for a moment, as if he was about to swallow up everything around him.

But soon, this heart-pounding coercion was withdrawn.

They heard Su Zhou's suspicious muttering to himself: "Weird thing, if you clearly want nutrients, you don't need to eat people at all. Isn't it better to cultivate pigs and grow food? Why do you have to eat people?"

"Humans are not pigs, and the meat production is not high...Oh, I see."

This calm inquiry contained an extremely pure doubt, and after thinking about it for a while, Su Zhou suddenly realized: “That’s right, it’s not that you don’t plant and cultivate specialized sources of nutrition, but you just want to produce qualified tools. There will be a lot of waste products-recycling these waste products is also a non-waste option."

Although Su Zhou's tone was calm, no matter who it was, he could feel a hint of extreme chill.

"Minister, I think this place..."

Looking around, all Qingqiu people closed their eyes, and Tang Yuan, who had a cold back, spoke hesitantly.

He wanted to say something, because Su Zhou's behavior at this time was very wrong—according to the secretary's understanding of his own minister, even Su Zhou is now furious, and he will not explode this ghost place with his swords and guns. It was strange, but Su Zhou was calm as a stone now, which made him shudder.

"Don't worry, most of these Qingqiu people are fleshy. They don't even have wisdom and self. They don't even count as life. I'm still not angry at the abuse of the flesh doll."

But when he said halfway, he was interrupted calmly by Su Zhou. The young man looked around the cultivation tank, his eyes deep: "It's okay, I'm not angry, and I have already sensed the location of Tiangang Disha, which is located at the bottom of the town's spirit tower. And in the center of this beam and pillar-the spiritual power of the cans of the Qingqiu people transmitted by the sky demon is relying on the spiritual power transmission channel formed by the sky and the earth. It is not difficult to collect them."

——Don’t be angry with a ghost!Tang Yuan glanced at the deeply sunken footprints under Su Zhou's feet, and the cracks in the spider web that centered on Jiao Yin, spreading in all directions, frantically complaining in his heart, but did not dare to show any signs on the surface.

"However, before that, I need to do one thing first."

He continued to say, the spiritual power gathered, and the calm Su Zhou thought, the invisible force shattered the transparent crystal shell of the culture tank beside him, and the light red solution exuding the smell of blood flowed out from the broken hole.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed an ice-blue vein connected to the Qingqiu people in the tank. The blue-purple aura in his hand lit up and began to reversely erode these veins.

Su Zhou's tone was with a hint of sorrow: "I want to see what the hell these demon are doing."

Using his spiritual power to imitate the nature of the ice blue vein, and then began to reset the direction of the information flow in it. At this moment, Su Zhou used a technique similar to'physical soul searching' for this spiritual power vein.

Then, with the mighty river of information surging, the youth who disguised himself as the original linker sensed that behind this context, a huge but loose will seemed to be guiding him into a'dream state'.

Without hesitation, Su Zhou chose to keep up and put part of his will into the dream.

From light to dark, the surrounding world changes to a completely different appearance.


The refreshing air, the chirping of birds, the warm feeling of the sun shining on the body, the smell of soil, and the faint sound of insects from all directions.

When Su Zhou in'Dreamland' opened his eyes, that was what he felt.

Looking around, he noticed that he was in a dense forest, and what he stepped on was a solid asphalt pavement, and the neat and wide road continued to extend in front of him, and finally, at the far end, straight into a tower full of various high towers, the sky There is a shuttle cruise, I don't know if it is a primitive or advanced city.

"Interesting-almost 100% realistic dreams."

With a whisper, Su Zhou squinted his eyes and raised his head. He moved forward and walked towards the city.

Soon out of the dense forest.What appeared in front of Su Zhou was a typical agricultural city. With the city as the center, vast farmland occupies almost every place in the field of vision. Large tracts of dense farmland are scattered around the city and forest, and the farms are scattered among them. arrangement.

Several figures are driving some kind of magical equipment back and forth in the farmland. Of course, there are also figures with no spiritual power and magical instruments that wander in the field.

Near the farmland, Su Zhou even picked off a wheat ear that hadn't begun to grow, rubbed it, and felt distinct.

He showed a thoughtful expression, and then continued along the road towards the city.

On both sides of the road, those Qingqiu people who looked like peasants looked at Su Zhou who was walking alone on the road with suspicious eyes. They were discussing in secret, and some of them even spoke and asked him questions.

"Lady, where did you come from? Why did you walk this business way alone?"

A farmer, holding some kind of magic weapon for farming in his hand, shouted to Su Zhou in his field.

After the young man glanced at him from a distance, he frowned and left, making the farmer a little unsure. So: "Hey, he's quite arrogant--but he looks really good, but why doesn't he have ears?"

Across the farmland area is the city.

Moving on, Su Zhou entered the city.

At the gate of the city, he saw a sign with six characters [Human·Nine-Six Two].

Weird city names.

Stepping into the city, unlike Su Zhou's imagination, the interior of the city was unexpectedly lively.

The streets are full of Qingqiu people coming and going. They wear a variety of traditional or trendy clothing. The latest ones are not inferior to reality, and even far beyond—in fact, According to Zhengguo's current textual research, human civilization in the age of ancient immortals has actually experienced countless cycles of popular culture, and their costumes are not only classical robes and gowns.

If it were not for the collective migration of immortals, and the gradual loss of spiritual energy, the productivity degradation or even the beginning from the beginning, the current human artistic level will be unimaginable, and their daily lives will also be very rich.

And now, in his dream, Su Zhou witnessed this scene with his own eyes.

The towering towers and buildings are brightly lit, and there are all kinds of shuttles flying back and forth on the streets, but there are also many practitioners flying around in the air.Su Zhou could even see a Qingqiu cultivator collided with another cultivator. The two quarreled first, then their anger rose, their spiritual power boiled, and they were ready to fight on the spot. Fortunately, a stream of light flashed by. A certain cultivator with the word'Guardian' came over, separated the two, and took them away.

"In a few days, let's go to Lianyihai to play. I heard that there is a wild dragon who is going to pass through the tribulations and become a true dragon. Maybe he can watch the tribulations, which is great for cultivation!"

"That's really not easy. I can get the qualification for transforming dragons... I read the announcement from Shenting last time, because there are too many cultivators who intend to transform dragons over the past ten years, and their qualifications are waning, so At the beginning of the year, the qualifications for transforming dragons were tightened, and ordinary dragons and heirs would have to line up to receive them."

"Be at ease, Qingqiu has an independent indicator, we don't have to compete with the gods' realm here..."

"By the way, housing prices have risen again recently. Didn't Wang Shang say that the housing problem will be solved soon?"

"I don't know, but I heard it was a big deal..."

Su Zhou mixed into the crowd and walked along with the crowd. He could hear the noisy sound of the city. In addition to the communication of the Qingqiu people around him, he could also hear the noise in the surrounding shopping malls, and between the towers and buildings. , Numerous huge immortal light curtain projections are floating slowly in mid-air. Above it is a Qingqiu person who doesn't know who it is, telling all kinds of news and advertisements.

"...The concentration of aura in the southern area of ​​Lianshan has dropped on a large scale, and the local officials announced that this was caused by a person who was a celestial warrior practicing in retreat..."

"...The embryonic form of a large-scale typhoon appeared in the middle of Lianyi Sea, and the volcanic eruption of the submarine plate caused a strong submarine earthquake. Please beware of large-scale tsunamis in coastal areas. All ships are prohibited from sailing..."

In the hustle and bustle of the news, the bustling crowd communicated freely, and everything was extremely normal.

With a serious expression, Su Zhou walked slowly. He came to the center of the city, a huge square, or the center of a garden monument. In the garden square in the center of the city, there are several unusually tall and majestic golden figures. Even the majesty contained in the statue is awe-inspiring.

"Emperor Chu, Emperor Yu... there are some immortals that I don't know, but probably very famous in that era."

Whispering chanting the origins of the statues, Su Zhou saw that under those statues, many Qingqiu people were worshiping—most of them just passed by here, but as long as they passed by, they would definitely turn to the bottom of the statue and begin to worship. worship.

After worshiping, they left and continued their lives.

Everything is in order, exactly the same as it really is-perhaps hundreds of thousands of years ago, or even tens of thousands, thousands of years ago, Qingqiu people lived like this.

It's just like reality.

"But I don't think so."

So whispered, Su Zhou suddenly raised his head, his expressionless face temporarily high in the clouds.

Then, in an instant, with the drastic changes in the spiritual energy, the sky began to change rapidly, countless clouds began to converge toward the city, and the white clouds turned from white to black within a few seconds.

Boom!There was a thunder.

The pouring rain came suddenly, together with the billions of irregular droplets, and the result of collisions with each other.

Suddenly, centering on this inexplicable rainy area, the whole world twisted for a moment.

The heavy rain was pouring, and Su Zhou could hear many people in his body saying, “Why is there rain?''Did the Dragon Palace make a mistake in the rain order?'In such an exclamation, all the civilians on the street who were not repairers began to look for sheltered places, and entered the buildings on the side to avoid the rain.

For a time, the whole street became much deserted.

After the torrential rain triggered, Su Zhou closed his eyes and began to feel the movement of the people around him—soon, he opened his eyes and walked towards a small building marked'Huyi Groceries'.

Before that small building, many people from Qingqiu who shopped entered, but after the heavy rain, more people from Qingqiu chose to enter it to avoid the rain.

It stands to reason that that shop should have been full long ago, and it could not be crowded, but just a second before, there were still people from Qingqiu who sheltered from the rain entering it.

Su Zhou didn't say a word, he followed the crowd, the last one opened the door and stepped into the grocery store.

The results of entering the project were unexpected.


The entire grocery store was empty.

Only rows of ice-blue soul light spots can be seen, regularly suspended in every corner of the grocery store, with all kinds of complicated information circulating on them.

After entering the grocery store, Su Zhou didn't speak, he just stared at these light spots, and these light spots did not move.

After a while, the rain caused by Su Zhou stopped outside, and the ice-blue light spots began to move. They floated toward the door of the grocery store, and then one by one across the grocery store and the outside streets. When dividing the point, it transforms into many completely different Qingqiu people.

After walking out of the grocery store, these people who were converted from light spots were still talking to each other. They complained about the sudden rain, complained that the Dragon Palace forecast was not on time, and there were even a few children who deliberately stepped on some water beside the road. Wa, splashing drops of water on her trouser legs and tail, laughing and playing, not caring that she would be blamed by her mother when she returned home.

Su Zhou watched such a peaceful and harmonious daily life, still expressionless.

He walked out of the grocery store, and then stood in the middle of the street that had become crowded again.


With a whisper, Su Zhou sensed a huge will projected from a far distance, focusing his attention on this wrong area where the'BUG' appeared.

At this moment, the lights in the entire city began to dim one by one, like a candlelight blown out by the wind, and the people who were moving and talking suddenly stopped all their movements, and they opened their mouths as if time was still. It is generally different from solidification in place.

The wind stopped, and the water droplets no longer fell. The flame in the grill of the street vendor who was grilling on the side of the road stopped at the moment when the sparks burst, and the practitioners and shuttles flying in mid-air also stopped working and extinguished the floating above. The aura.

The world quickly became quiet and dark, as if dusk had arrived.

And above the sky, an ice-blue giant eye is gradually taking shape. It looks at the city, then casts its gaze to the center of the street, and also raises its head to look at Su Zhou.

Then, in the city, a faint blue light appeared in the eyes of all Qingqiu people. In the whole world, all Qingqiu people were in agreement, turning their heads together at the same time, staring silently with the giant eyes in the sky. Su Zhou standing in the middle of the street.

Such a scene is like a nightmare.


But Su Zhou was not at all afraid.He stared at the giant eyes in the sky, and then faintly said: "The devil, imitating humans, is it fun to play with each other?"

Extra-boundary dangerous individuals.

Juyan didn't respond, just a non-emotional word everywhere: [Forced to expel from the'Six Worlds'.

In an instant, the icy blue light in the eyes of all Qingqiu people flashed, and the dreamland turned into nothingness in the light.

And just before the entire world completely turned into nothingness, Su Zhou, who was forcibly expelled, could vaguely see that the dream world he was in was just a small part of the six more massive'dream worlds' that were in constant reincarnation.

Six rounds of rotation.

Reality, Qingqiu Star, Southwest Town Spirit Tower.

Su Zhou returned from the huge collective soul dream, and everything that happened in the dream world was only a moment in reality-at least not more than ten seconds.

"How about, Minister?"

Tang Yuan asked worriedly, Su Zhou always acted like this suddenly, making people too late to dissuade them: "What have you discovered from these heavenly demons?"

He actually had some blame in his heart. After all, such an active connection didn't know the source at all, and it was also produced by the spiritual power of the demon. What if it is invaded by the demon?Without Su Zhou, how could they have survived the orbital strike of the Qingqiu Heavenly Devil.

Although Tang Yuan believed in Su Zhou, he felt that Su Zhou would definitely not be corroded by the demon, but he still had to worry about it.

"A group of demons played home in the dreamland. The ghosts know why, they are imitating the civilization of the Qingqiu people-damn it, I think that is just a small part of the dreamland, and its complete body is bigger than I thought."

And Su Zhou loosened his grip on the ice-blue spiritual power veins, then took a step back and shook his head-just now he was kicked out of the dream by the collective will of the heavenly demons, facing the terrifying total soul power. Even Su Zhou could not say that his soul was intact.

At least you have to take a few seconds and take a few deep breaths to recover.

Regarding Tang Yuan’s question, Su Zhou took a few deep breaths, and said with extremely suppressed anger: "At first I thought it was these demon that imprisoned the Qingqiu people’s souls and made Qingqiu people live in a dream... But it’s not."

"In essence, those Qingqiu people are all'evil worms' that have been invaded by the heavenly demons-but they imitate the Qingqiu people and still live, grow, and die in that world..."

Philosophy zombie.

Su Zhou didn't know why, this word suddenly popped out in his heart.

A monster, its appearance and physiological structure are the same as ordinary people. It can communicate with people, laugh and curse, laugh when it sees interesting things, cry when it sees sad things, eat when hungry, and drink when thirsty Water, injury will perceive pain, jealousy and love.

It behaves exactly like a human being-except that it has no self-will.

Everything is imitation, it's "how humans should react when encountering this situation", just like the feedback of a mechanical program. There is no thinking, just a pure feedback of external impressions. Philosophical zombies imitate humans. His every move, but there is not the slightest thoughts and thoughts that belong to him.

The Qingqiu world that the demon imitated in the dream world gave Su Zhou this feeling.

A mechanical, completely dominated, without any vitality, any superfluous possible world.

"Wait, does this have anything to do with the'destiny promoter'?"

Thinking of this, Su Zhou in the Zhenling Tower was suddenly taken aback.

In connection with the various magical elements related to the'Six Paths of Reincarnation' that the opponent had exposed before, when he was fighting with the demon, he suddenly had a speculation in his heart: "The virtual world, the reincarnation of the soul... is completely simulated by the demon. The completely dominated'Samsara', the city named'Human·Nine-Sixty-two'..."

"The world, humanity...Six reincarnations...a system of six reincarnations that is completely composed of heavenly demons and completely dominated by..."

When Su Zhou frowned and thought about this, suddenly, the atmosphere inside the entire town spirit tower hall was solemn.


Along with the sudden aura howl, the aura within the entire town spirit tower fluctuated and pulsed, and suddenly it no longer breathed in and out--in the pillars of the spirit tower, the majestic aura began to move towards the cultivation tanks and the green hills in it. People go backwards!

"What's going on?!" "Be careful, things have changed!"

Suddenly, amidst the unidentified alarms of Gu Zechuan and Tang Yuan, all the Qingqiu people soaked in the jar opened their eyes together and turned to look in the direction of the three of them.

In the hundreds of thousands of cold pupils, the icy blue light flashed, without a trace of emotion.

[Dangerous target-elimination.

[Dangerous target-elimination.

[Dangerous target-elimination.

A uniform sound rang in the cultivation tank, and then, all the solution in the cultivation tank began to fade, and with the activation of the spiritual energy of the Zhenling Tower, one by one Qingqiu people with extraordinary strength, or to say ,'Tian Demon', they all smashed the transparent shell of the culture tank, and then charged toward the three men bravely.

Then, they were all shattered by the surging spiritual power suddenly raised by Su Zhou's body, turning into a rain of blood.


Su Zhou, who had already drawn out the Tree of Wisdom spear, let out a cold snort. Facing the many demons who were still rushing towards him, he raised his spear and struck it towards the ground. Suddenly countless pieces of floor debris and stones floated up and boomed. After a loud bang, the huge blue-purple spiritual power turned into a shock wave, shattering all the culture tanks in the entire hall, causing countless light red culture solutions and blood to tremble and splash.

At this time, Su Zhou's body was wrapped in almost material spiritual power, and the power of the peak of the commander was completely released. After protecting Tang Yuan and Gu Zechuan, he unscrupulously pressed the atmosphere, causing the air to appear violent ripples like ocean waves. Like an insurmountable barrier, shattering everything around it.

But there is still a demon that can do it-a demon with a mid-level commander strength with a gloomy and cold aura, the first to break through the blockade of Su Zhou's possessed aura. Its original body is a seven-tailed celestial fox in his hand. Grasping a long sword made from vertebrae, with skewed twisted runes inscribed on it, then aimed at Su Zhou and pierced out with a sword!

This'Bitter Sword of Destruction and Destruction', which originated from the Great Divine Ability'Mingluo Hell Dao', may seem evil, but it is actually a first-class righteous way. It is cut out with one sword, and it makes people feel the end of life.'' There are all kinds of horrors of the "Soul Annihilation" of the corpse. If you can't comprehend the Dao and persevere, and get great freedom, you will suffer this suffering forever and it will be difficult to escape.

But what it faced was a bit of spear light pierced with anger!

boom!The atmosphere exploded, and the shock waves that the human eye could not observe were condensed into one beam. The extremely violent force was driving the destructive gale towards the front, and in an instant it bombarded a cylindrical vacuum that penetrated thousands of meters!

The point of the sword is facing the tip of the gun, and under the huge impact, this commander-level demon has nurtured the magic weapon of life for an unknown period of time and exploded on the spot, and the fragments splashed in all directions, like shrapnel shrapnel that exploded--but just these broken fragments. , Just by breaking through dozens of demons swarming in, making the surrounding space empty.

And the leader-level demon itself has been directly blasted out of the town spirit tower by the power of this gun-a huge cavity appeared on the thick tower wall, and the body of the demon has turned into nothingness. .

And in the next moment, you can see a very shining blue-purple aura, shining from the bottom of this town spirit tower, it is like a meteor flying backwards, through the seven-story tower amidst the roar of a huge explosion, and then appeared in the eighth tower. High above a hundred meters!

boom!The sky, which was originally overcast with clouds, suddenly lit up with bright thunder lights. They crisscrossed the sky, illuminating the expressionless face of his master.

At this time, the entire Zhenlingta City was under martial law, and sharp alarms rang across the sky. The huge, gear-like defensive array flashed with icy blue brilliance, and began to operate at full capacity, and more attacks The magic circle also all locked Su Zhou.

At this moment, Tang Yuan had just escaped from the Zhenling Pagoda with Gu Zechuan. They stared blankly at the young man who was holding a spear in the sky and surrounded by thunder, and they didn't know what to say.

"I knew he would demolish this place!"

The torrential rain was pouring, and looking up at this scene in the sudden torrential rain, Tang Yuan muttered in a low voice: "I can see it, he is already mad! If it weren't for madness, he would never connect with the demon. Spiritual power, when he saw the culture tank with the'nutrition supplement' hung, he would take action to smooth it out--"

"Angry? Why?!"

But after hearing this, Gu Zechuan on the side was incomprehensible. He was holding a cone sword at this time, alerting the many celestial demons swarming from the spirit tower, with a confused tone: "Although I am also very angry, in the final analysis, Didn’t it mean that a lot of people died? I knew that even if they didn’t die, they would definitely be tortured..."

"But Su Zun is obviously not from Qingqiu, why is he angry?"


Hearing these words from Gu Zechuan, Tang Yuan, who also took out his own weapons and prepared to deal with the impact of the demon, turned his head. He looked at the white-haired fox-eared youth with a strange expression, with a confused tone: "Isn't the answer very simple?"

"Because he cares about you."

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