Movie World I am King

Movie World I'm King Chapter 208

"Yes, commander!" The adjutant responded and planned to go out and let the signal soldier signal.

"Let them try to rescue the soldiers who fell into the water..." Jack Obery said as he walked to the boat hanging from the side of the ship... "I should also accept my fate..."

"No... Your Excellency Commander..." The adjutant's lips trembled. He didn't know what the fate of the commander who treated himself as a father would be when he got on the enemy ship, but it was definitely better not to go..." Don't go, it's a big deal we will fight with them..."

"Haha..." Jack Obery smiled mockingly, and then pressed his adjutant's shoulders and pointed his arm at the warships of the East India Fleet that had been hit hard by the Umbrella battleship and said: "How do we fight with them? What to fight for? This is not a war..."

"Then what is this?" the adjutant asked ignorantly.

"This is—a massacre!!!" Jack Obery gritted his teeth and said: "Compared with their warships, we are as vulnerable as unarmed babies, so... I have to go, for those flukes. Soldiers who survived, I must go..."

"Your Excellency Commander...oooo!" The adjutant was crying like a child.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine!" Jack Aubrey.

At this time, the sailors on the deck of the battleship stopped their work, involuntarily looked at their commander, and unanimously paid attention to him. In order to save the lives of the remaining soldiers, they resolutely ignored themselves. The commander who decided to surrender by his reputation gave his most solemn military salute.

Jack Aubrey boarded the small boat hung on the side of the ship under the attention of all the officers and soldiers of the ship...

----------------------------split line------------------

"It's interesting..." Zhou Ye was interested in seeing everything in his eyes through the holographic projection and sound feedback system. "What a righteous commander..."

"It's just a defeated general!" Yamato Nadeshiko said disdainfully by Zhou Ye's side: "Why does the master care about this life-defeating dog?"

"No, no... some people, their souls are shining with dazzling light!" Zhou Ye explained: "They are like noble ones. They are admired and praised by others. Even if they fail, they still don’t affect people’s Their reverence..."

"What does the master mean?" Yamato Nadeshiko didn't understand Zhou Ye's thoughts.

"I want to see a noble soul degenerate..." Zhou Ye smiled and said, "I don't believe that anyone can have a truly pure soul. Everyone has selfish desires and greed, more or less... Below you Just watch my performance!"

"Then, Master, I'm full of expectation, and I'm waiting to see your performance..." Yamato Nadeshiko put his hand to Xiaozhu and said with a chuckle.

And he didn't know that Jack Aubrey, who Zhou Ye planned, was struggling to paddle the oars of the boat towards Zhou Ye's Umbrella battleship.

To be honest, for Jack Aubrey, who has been pampered for more than ten years, the distance of 500 meters between the two ships is really a bit challenging for him.

How can he say that he has been in a high position for so many years, and he is almost forty-five-six years old, how could he still row with such physical strength?

Halfway through the boat, Jack Obery was a little out of breath, but turning his head to look at the expectant gazes on the boat behind him, he had to gritted his teeth and insisted on rowing to the front of the Umbrella battleship.

With his arrival, two armor plates on the side of the battleship slid open, revealing an entrance, and then an escalator was dropped.

Jack Aubrey climbed up the Umbrella battleship along the escalator. Before entering, he fumbled on the side and hull from time to time. The cold metal touch made him feel ashamed. It seems that the ship is made of steel. Ah... No wonder his shells can't cause any damage to this warship.

He has completely died of the heart of fighting Zhou Ye desperately, and the crushing of science and technology has made him unable to see any hope of victory... He now only asks Zhou Ye not to ask too much.

"My master has been waiting for you for a long time..."

Just as Jack Obery climbed onto the ship’s side, a soldier in a black military uniform came over, and said in a loud voice, "Please follow me..."

"Okay..." Jack Aubrey faced the two-meter-tall man, he could only obediently follow behind the soldiers and walk towards the command room...

Along the way, he paid attention to the layout of the deck, but the more he looked at it, the more despair he felt. Everywhere is made of steel, there is no dead corner of defense on this ship...

The soldiers noticed Jack Aubrey’s small actions, but didn’t care at all. It’s like a modern man driving a warship to ancient times. Even if they opened it to them, they would only be confused...what useful No information...

"My master is waiting for your Excellency inside, please come in..." Zhanbing said and made a please gesture at the door, obviously he would not go in again.

"Okay..." Jack Aubrey took a deep breath and calmed his mind. He raised his hands to push the door, but before his hand touched the door, the door slowly slid to both sides. opened……

Jack Obery finally saw the handsome boy sitting in the chair in the middle of the hall, the man who surrendered the flag of his fleet...

Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty Three

"Your Excellency Commander, I, Jack Obory. On behalf of the East India Company's East India Fleet, I ask you to surrender!!" Although surprised at Zhou Ye's youth, Jack Obory stepped forward and formed himself He held his sword in both hands and handed it to Zhou Ye.

"Well, I accept your surrender!" Zhou Ye smiled and took the ritual sword handed over by Jack Aubrey.

Zhou Ye didn’t shy away from Jack Obery, he just took his saber in his hand and played casually. The symbolic meaning of this thing is greater than the actual meaning, but he looked at the gems inlaid on the hilt and the spotlessly wiped. The scabbard, Zhou Ye knew that the owner of this sword must cherish it very much.

Jack Aubrey looked at Zhou Ye's movements, and flames almost appeared in his eyes. In his opinion, playing with the saber handed over when he surrendered in front of a defeated general was a naked humiliation. .

"I don't know what your Excellency intends to do with us..." Jack Aubrey forced the anger in his heart, looked at the boy in front of him, and asked.

When Zhou Ye heard what he said, he stopped playing with the saber in his hand, raised his head and looked at Jack Aubrey with interest, and said, "How to deal with you? This is really a difficult problem. Do you have any suggestions? ?"

"This is your right... I am a defeated general who has no right to make suggestions!" Jack Aubrey decided that the Eastern boy in front of him was playing with himself, and simply refused: "I think you should make your own decision. !"

"That's it..." Zhou Ye looked ignorant, then muttered to himself in a voice that Jack Aubrey could just hear: "Catch you all? I don't have that many people or energy. , Let you go? It's not in my interest, this is really a difficult thing..."

"..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Jack Aubrey couldn't help but cocked the corners of his mouth slightly, as if he was proud that he could finally find it difficult to reach Zhou Ye.

"Oh, it's really troublesome!" Zhou Ye said with an upset look: "Just kill them all..."

"Oh, no--!" Jack Aubrey didn't care about Zhou Ye's joke anymore, and hurriedly stepped forward to stop him: "Your Excellency, killing the captives will ruin your reputation throughout the European continent!"

"...Oh? Do we Orientals still have a reputation in Europe?" Zhou Ye looked at Jack Aubrey with a smile. "Aren't Orientals a symbol of ignorance and backwardness in Europe?"

"...That's because they don't understand the Easterners!!" Jack Aubrey said bitterly: "With such a powerful warship as your lord, who would dare to say that the Eastern family is a symbol of backwardness?"

"It seems that I still have to use my fist to speak!" Zhou Ye smiled: "Then since you have surrendered to me, logically speaking, you are now my personal property? Is it?"

"That's it... That's right!" Jack Obery said frustratedly.

"So...I have the right to distribute my personal property? That's right?" Zhou Ye continued to ask.

"Yes..." Jack Obery tried his best to argue: "But according to European tradition, we can redeem our freedom with money. I believe the East India Company will be happy to pay a large amount of money to us Redeemed it!"

"I'm not interested in those mineral metals!" Zhou Ye curled his lips and said, "Why don't you just make you my servant troops and march towards Europe? We will take down the whole of Europe... …"

"Your Excellency..." Jack Aubrey was a little bit dumbfounded, isn't the handsome Oriental boy in front of him a bit too whimsical?Actually want to lay down the entire Europe with one battleship?

"What? Do you think I am daydreaming?" Zhou Ye asked with a smile.

Jack Obery nodded involuntarily.

"That's because you haven't really seen the power that belongs to me..." Zhou Ye smiled, and then said: "Why don't I show it to you now?

Without waiting for Jack Aubrey to answer, Zhou Ye ordered: "Yamato, let me see how far those little mice have gone!"

"As you wish, Commander!" As a female voice sounded, Jack Obery was horrified to find that his environment had changed.

The original command hall of more than 100 square meters suddenly lost the surrounding walls, and the whole person appeared on the top of this warship.

It was Yamato Nadeshiko who once again turned on the holographic imaging system that had just been closed. This scene was like a scene in a magical story to Jack Obery, how could he not be surprised.

"Oh my god... what is this?" Jack Obery couldn't help but looked around, even he wanted to see where the Yamato who only asked his voice was saying.