"Three months ago... when you were just out on the ground?

"Yeah, there was an article in an intelligence magazine I saw at Lord's house about a woman in Armenia who was called incompetent, right?

"Ah! I remember... a public execution indeed..."

"That's it. I don't know if it was in an intelligence magazine before that...... why didn't Titanomachia help?

That's crazy, for sure.

Titanomachia should have been active for several years... The article stated that the woman executed in Armenia had indeed been in detention for two years.

As Levi said, it is possible, of course, that he did not know because he did not know if the information had come out before that......


"I'm sorry I'm thinking... I saw the village!

When Epoli tells me that and I look forward, I see a wooden house built with potpouts.

Is that a village called Aruba where Mr. Sieg is?

"I'll see you now, Mr. Sieg, for now"

"Right. I've got a lot to ask you."

The main road leading to the village is sandwiched by fields and fields, and in the distance you can also see people magically plowing the soil.

When the refreshing wind blew, the green rice ears that grew swayed, and the vegetables planted were shining in the sunlight.

Such idyllic landscapes mark the hour independently of the unrest of the world, etc.

"It feels like the countryside."

"It's not so different from Ist just because of the small number of people who live there. I prefer this one to the big town."

"Yeah? I prefer big towns."

While we're talking about that, the carriage goes inside the village.

There doesn't seem to be any stables.

Just talk to the village people......

"Oh, that's unusual. Are you an adventurer?

Is it home from farming, that's how the old lady, fluffing over her head with a basket with tons of vegetables, called me out.

Is he a floating wizard?

"Yeah, hello. Um, is this the village of Alba?

"That's right. Are you guys on your way? There's no inn or adventurer guild here. It's just the countryside."

"Really? Uh, I was actually looking for people...... is there someone named Mr. Sigurd?

Sigurd is Mr. Sieg's pseudonym.

According to King Celtic, Mr. Sieg is trying not to meet anyone but a close person after he quits the brave.

Several people, such as Mr. Byrne and King Celtic, said they knew this pseudonym and the location of the village.

"Oh, Master Sigurd? He's going to the mountains."

"In the mountains?

"There's only a lot of old people here. Master Sigurd will bless us with his hunted prey. Instead, we're giving you crops. Please exorcise demons and dragons... and this village seems to be able to live thanks to him."

"Really... you're a good man, Mr. Sigurd?"

"It's like God to us. Well, some people come to visit once in a while, but are you one of them?

I'm sure you mean Mr. Byrne.

I wonder if I should not give you a name.

"I know someone who carried two swords and a woman in white."


Having a friendly old lady ride in her carriage and go a little further as she talks to the public, she sees a small wooden house on the outskirts of the village.

"That's what it is. Looks like he's not here now, after all. If you wait there, you'll be back in time."

"Thank you. Eppoly, give your old lady a ride home."

"That's good. It's close. You'll be fine."

"Well, well, I have to thank you for guiding me"

"Oh, my God? Thanks. Well, it's a village with nothing, but it's not relaxing."

"Grandma, which one?

"There's a creek over there, isn't there? Ahead of you. Bad."

"Oh, over there?

I dropped off Epoli and my old lady who talk like that, and Levi and I took another look at Mr. Sieg's house.

of wood. That is shaped like two small houses stuck together.

The house facing the garden had no doors, and a peek inside from it saw splendid kamadoku and forge tools.

This one's for work, the other one's for residential use.

"Why did Master Sieg come here... even though he quit the brave one, he would have had the money"

"Hmm... isn't there a reason you don't want to live in a big town? He's hiding his name, too, and maybe he wants to live quietly..."


A low, thick voice suddenly heard from behind.

When we looked back at the same time, there was a big deer carrying... a naked man standing on his upper body.

He's bigger than Mr. Byrne and looks more than 190.

More importantly, my entire body is shoulder-width.

Dark hair stretches for a long time and has awesome dandruff about not taking much care of it. It's like a lion's tenderness.

He said he and King Celtic were the same age, but whatever it looked like he was in the late thirties or so, he was pointing at us with a big slice of rice on his thick arm like Marutai.

This is scary......

"Oh, um... I'm called Lord. This is Levi. Mr. Sieg...... right?

When I said that, the man glanced at me with a sharp eye after sighing one.

Shh, so intimidating......

"... Sieg is dead. My name is Sigurd. You're wrong. Go home if you know what I mean."

"Oh... just talk...!

"I don't have it. I'm sorry, but I have to dismantle this guy. Bye, kid."

That said, when he re-carries the big deer, he passes beside us.

"Oh, that! At least give me this!

I give him a letter from King Celtic.

He seemed troublesome to see it, but you noticed King Celtic's crest on the letter, he threw a deer at me and received the letter.

"This guy..."

"It's from King Celtic. We are here with His Majesty's introduction."

When he glances at me, he opens the seal and begins to read the letter.

As I proceeded to read, my eyes became gradually more rugged, and by the time I would have finished reading it, I was in a ghostly shape.


"Shit... Orlando bastard...... ha... just get inside, kid. So is your little lady."

"Oh, thank you!

"I'll dismantle the deer, so sit inside. Damn... Burn and good Orlando..."

Mr. Sieg goes into a barn in the garden with a bump.

They seem to listen to me for now.

"Phew, that was a tremendous intimidation. And that's a former brave man... with terrible powers."

You saw it, Levi.

"Yeah...... for now I'll talk to you later. Let me wait inside."

"Shall I?"

Go inside through a different entrance from the one you just saw.

Inside was bigger than from the outside, instead there was only one room.

There's a cooking alley, a bed, etc., and it looks like there's a whole bunch of life in one of these rooms.

For now, we decided to sit in the chair in the corner of the room and wait for Mr. Sieg to finish his work.

After waiting for a while like that, Mr. Sieg walks into the house to see if he's finished his work.

Mr. Sieg stood up and bowed to us. He raised his hand silently and removed the cigar from the shelf in the corner of the room as it was.

With it in his mouth, he sets fire to the cooking ground with a burning demon stone.

"What about booze?

"Oh, no... I don't drink"

"What about your daughter?

"I won't take it personally."


Mr. Sieg grabbed two glasses and put some water in them and put them out on us.

"Thank you"

"I'll have it."


Mr. Sieg carries the bottle of liquor he had on his desk straight to his mouth.

"... Phew. Well, let me read Orlando's letter. You said you defeated the Demon King? Let's do it."

"Oh, no... you're lucky... thanks to my people"

"Right. Titanomachia to the curse of incompetence, Temple to the Dragon Nation, besides Roy. Apparently, the world is going crazy."

"Yes. That's why I want to be stronger. Mr. Sieg to me......!

"To save the world? That's arrogant. I'm sorry, but I can't teach you one thing. Well, it's Orlando's introduction, so I let him in, but if you stay the night, go home. I quit already. And the brave...... everything"

That said, Mr. Sieg once again includes booze in his mouth.

Having finished drinking, Mr. Sieg looked so sad... I felt that way.

"Mr. Sieg... please show me how to fight"

"... were you listening to me, kid? I have nothing to teach you. Don't tell me the third time."

"I... I have to be strong. Because I've noticed the strangeness of this world... because I've been entrusted with the power... so... please!

The moment I say that and bow my head, the air in the room changes.

Sweat was gushing out of my whole body at will at that mighty magic I felt billowing.

"Oh man... he doesn't know what to say with his mouth. The guy from Orlando sent a troublesome kid, too. Fine...... then show me your power. That you defeated the Demon King... its power."

"Ha, ha!

"Get on the table."

Outside the house, me and Mr. Sieg went across the street.

Levy looks at it a little further away.

When Mr. Sieg put the tweezer he had earlier on his shoulder, he put his index finger up against me.

"One shot."


"Just one shot... hit me. If they hit me, I'll think about it. If you can't... put your little girl down and go home just you"


Hey, why Levi...?

"You're trying to push me through. Then you pay the price, too. So, you're gonna do it? You're not gonna do it?

Maybe Mr. Sieg is trying me.

Do you want to be strong no matter what?

I look at Levi.

Levi nodded to me as usual.

"... I'll do it"

"Okay, then let me see... everything about you"