"Hey, it's been a while, Lord."

How are you doing?

"Zido-san, Volksfang-san... yes, I'm doing something about it."

There were two people there who were no different from the last time I saw them.


"It's been a long time!" Mr. Levi! "

"Dear Vivien... I'm sorry." Are you okay with sleepiness already? "

"Yes! I slept well!" It's been a long time since Lord... ah, this is the first time I've talked to you like this... "

"Oh, I see..."

That's right.

I've never spoken to Mr. Vivien in person.

... I've seen your face a few times.

"I'm sorry... it's almost useless..."

"No, no, no, no! It would have been worse if Vivien hadn't been here."

"I-I would appreciate it if you could say that..."

Ah, Lord.


Well then, I'll be around for a while... please take your time and talk to me.

"Ah, yes. Thank you for showing me around."

"No, I'll see you later." Excuse me. "

Bowing her head, Jenny leaves the room.

"... so, Lord, have you met that bastard yet?"

Seeing that the footsteps were far away, Mr. Volksfang asked.

"Ah, who's that bastard?"

It's Zadiak. Zadiak.

"Ah, ahhh..."

"You're a bad bastard, aren't you?"

"Um, hmmm..."

Ah? What is it?

"Somehow, it feels a little different from what I was listening to..."

Huh? What was that?

"I was next door too, but I have the same impression as Lord." I was imagining a more sidelined, self-centered person, but when I asked Jenny earlier for her hard work and treated us with respect... she raised my adventurer rank one step higher on the spot. "

"Seriously!? If you don't like it so much, it's really creepy..."

"Yeah... so I'm a little surprised, honestly."

"That's right..."

From what I've heard, I imagined that King Zadiak and the Zadiak King I met earlier were completely opposite, and I wondered if they were really such bad people.

”I don't know how it feels... isn't it even from the inside?”

"I don't know..."

"Well, I guess we'll find out later, huh?" That son of a bitch. "

It looks like Volksfang hates King Zadiak a lot.

Apart from what I know, something may have happened in the past.

Well, this promotion of Lord is something that Zadiak ordered directly, right?

"Ah, that's right, Zeed... looks like Old Man Olgren recommended it quite a bit this time."

Ah? Is that so?

Is that so, Mr. Byrne?

"Yeah. I took the back. There's one person in the Olympus Knights who I can trust... he told me about it."

"Hmm... is that it?" I just promoted it by my own order, so that's all I'm doing, right? "

"Maybe... Lord, what did you talk to Zadiak about?"

"It's really a big deal... ah... by the way, I was asked to make time for you after the ceremony."

"Hey, are you serious? That Zadiac asked me for a favor... shit."

"First of all, it's impossible..."

Isn't that what it is?

So, you got it, huh, Lord?

"Yeah, well... I can't say no..."

"Tell me more about what you told me."

"Ah, yes. Um..."

I told Mr. Byrne and the others about our dealings with King Zadiak.

"... like that, when I said there were a lot of escorts around, they said," I want you to make time later. "

"I see..."

Mr. Byrne put his hand on his chin and mumbled, then closed his eyes.

Then I opened my eyes a little bit...

"You can see it, can't you?"

That's what I saw.

"I knew this person would see anything..."

"Yes, for example, all the way down here... there's a lot of people walking... carrying something."

”Is this... the kitchen?”

”I'm surprised... you can't see farther?”

Yes, but not all of this castle.

"That's great, but there's another part that bothered me."

Another one?

Yeah. Do you feel like you're using magic power from Lord's body right now?


"No, not at all..."

Oh, is that so?

"In the first place, if you just practice your magic power to use your magic, the Knights will fly here."

"Ah, speaking of which..."

I looked at it unconsciously, but there was no sign of it at that time.

"I mean... what do you mean?"

"I don't know the details, but it's probably done in the load." The magic power of life. It already feels the same as looking at things normally, and I don't have to practice magic power anymore.

"I see..."

Is that so?

I had no idea.

"So, here's the point." After all, I wonder if that's what Zadiak wanted. "

My... ability to see life?

“Of course Zadiak doesn't know what power it is. Just that I noticed the presence of the guards around me without using any magic... that might have been important."

Why, why?

”Well, I guess Zadiak wants to stay away from the guards.”

"Well... for what reason?"

"I don't know. I don't know that much."

"Hey, hey, hey, hey..."

"I don't even know anything." Well, it's just a guess. Just ask me for reference. "

"I guess the Lord's guess is right..."

"Fu... Lord, I don't know what Zadiak is thinking, but be careful." He's called the King of Fools, but... his head is cut off. Do you understand? "

"Yes, yes, I understand. I'll be careful."

”Nh... hey... if you think it's so quiet...”

With a dazed expression on his face, he looked ahead at Mr. Byrne's gaze...

”Guuu...... Mughaa......”

"There was Vivian who slept pleasantly while drooling..."

"... you're still sleepy, aren't you?"

"This is because this is not normal driving..."

"Well... oh, I'll change my story, but Bern, what's going on over there?"

Yes, Mr. Zied speaks to Mr. Byrne.

What the hell is that?

"Hmm? Ah... I've heard that too. Well, that's more important now. It seems to have turned out that way after all."

"Seriously? You're mad after all."

"Hey, lords, why don't you talk to us so we can understand?"

This is where Lord's mission ceremony begins... but it's customary to do it in this castle now, isn't it?

Well, I did it here, too.

Ah, I knew it.

I'm glad to hear that.

I feel like I've lined up with these amazing people... a little bit.

"Actually, this time, it seems to be a change of place..."

What? I didn't hear you say that.

"The night before yesterday, it was suddenly decided." Since then, until last night, I've been setting up the venue... and I sympathize with his subordinates. "

"I knew it was shit!" So, where do we do this? "

"In the middle of the main streets of this country, the square known as the heart of Valhalla."

Valhalla's heart... it means the core of this continent.

Well, that's true.

"Hmm... but why did you change it again?" Is there a reason? "

"Well, this is a top secret, but Zadiak was... forewarned of murder a little while ago."


Is it a foretell of murder...?

"Yeah. It was the anti-government called the Resistance."


“Yeah. The Resistance is a bunch of people who are dissatisfied with the current regime led by Zadiq. He's been sending assassins to assassinate Zadiak several times. Well, the Knights of Olympus have prevented all of this... but this time, it seems to be more serious than ever."

”Not that I wish I could do it, but I'll definitely do it...”

"That's right. What's the point of giving a murder warning?" It's just more vigilant, and there's nothing they can do about it. But when I said it to Zadiak, I said, "Don't run away."