Murabito Desu Ga Nani Ka?

The Ring Dance of the Outsiders (Rondo) Part 1

-Side: Cardinal Marks

Tent for the field.

The vast wetlands - sick and tired of the smell of mud - groaned like this.

"But you're not really twisted."

I was thrown in for Holy Church number two as a military adviser from the Holy Empire, but the front is in the worst possible situation.

On the battlefield in the northwest, the brave men took over the Ultimate Goblin, and even on the battlefield in the west, the Sword Saint God took over a few gods.

Until we got on the ground, we were floating into a good story of the economy, but as we learned about the situation on this front, such a mood blew away with one blow.

"Final confirmation, but enemy power?

In the tent now - there are four men.

Me, the representative of the Episcopal Church, who leads the elite of the 1,000 Anglican Knights.

"I checked multiple Ultimate Goblins. At least three of them."

That was accordingly the military adviser of the World Union, who headed 1,000 World Mixed Divisions. By the way, I hear the World Federation had a rough time with some of the heavy towns suddenly disappearing.

Number three disappeared in the Episcopal Church as well, but it was a very mild fuss on its own.

And aside from that...

"Confirm the herd of gods. It's not the size of a plural - it's a herd."

And, what went was the Grand Marshal partitioning the Eastern Union, which does not belong to the World Union. This is another 1000.

"As much as you want... you mean this is de fate"

And finally, the mysterious boy, acting for the Grand Guildmaster, who divides the Adventurer's Guild.

This again leads to a fierce Alliance of 1000...

"It's something the Grandmaster told me right away... how could a boy be in a place like this?

"Don't worry about the stiffness."

A mysterious boy smiling hahahaha.

The headache is getting stronger when a boy is too out of place to tell why he's really here.

and so the Great Marshal of the Eastern Union opened his mouth.

"The existence of the slaughterhouse has also been confirmed"


The Grand Marshal snorted at my words.

"He's a famous samurai in the East, a living legend that 2,000 years ago he became a family member of vampires and increased his life expectancy... since then - he's been walking across the battlefield and building himself up. The power is so called a catastrophe... that any army can be destroyed by one of them. I can't even accurately push that power."

And so the boy laughed niggly.

"So you hear me, Merlin? It still looks like this is where they were meant to be. You were so right to send me away... when Cordelia or Lilith run into a slaughterhouse... it's a little bad"

"What are you talking about?

"Oh, leave me alone. 'Cause we're talking over here."

"... I know it's a communications ceremony... but aren't they grandmasters?

"You didn't hear that from the Alliance's Grandmaster? We need to know about this meeting on our own route. People are also present at the communication ceremony…"

So I stood up and grabbed the boy's chest.

"This is a major pre-battle conference where the survival of mankind is at stake, right? Which horse bones and if the goodwill is flowing through it...... so? You know what you're doing?

"Damn... the old man from Glamous... how unusable... wasn't he talking through it?

That's how the boy took three crystal balls out of his nostalgia.

"So, now - should I tell you who I'm communicating with?

"That's a minimum condition. There's a possibility of espionage, and in some cases, I'm going to cut you loose."

Light overflowed from the crystal balls placed on the desk, and statues began to tie on the crystal balls.

It's a popular way of meeting each other remotely, well... you're the guy who talks face to face through crystal balls.

"Hey... what are you talking about... I'm out of time"

The Great Marshal of the East knelt on the spot.

"I see. The fact that the boy is here... does that mean"

The military adviser of the World Union shrugged his shoulder in a frightening mood.

"Dragon King... Liu Hai... Marlin the Prohibited..." Boy, who the hell are you?

That's how the boy laughed invincibly and said:

"Lute-McLane... a villager"