Murabito Desu Ga Nani Ka?

Tabernacle - Noah's Ark

Bodies were scattered everywhere in the Palace of the Holy Empire.

Between the bloody thrones, Moses laid back on the emperor's chair and watched Mukuro, the one who was once divine emperor with pleasure.

"Well, Mr. Raw Pawn? How about a tail?

Red wine single-handedly, the silver-haired woman, who once led the most powerful knights of the Episcopal Church, laughed niggardly.

"The control of the Holy Empire is complete. Immediately disperse 60% of the 10,000 mass production types (Owers) and send them to various countries to take control of each country with great momentum."

"Yeah, hurry up, will you? Because I don't like to say I wait."

"To be recognized as king by the system, did you do it three months after you took control?

"Yeah, 'cradle', a demographic adjustment device (artefact) left behind by ancient civilization. By the will of the exchangers, the pinnacle of each country… people are led to suicide by losing their own will"

"So, I'm like a baby just listening to the king, half-dreaming, 'cradle' of death if you notice. Totally... bad taste in naming. But"

So Moses stirred up the red wine all at once.

"It looks good to me, doesn't it?

"Sage... the taste of a man who did his virginity to the age of thirty in the previous world."

"Mr. Raw Pawn? That's not a promise, is it?

"What is it? Don't even call me a pawn if I let you. I told you to call it a proper zero, didn't I?

"You know... if you're going to say taste in the first place, you dumped your name. I don't know if it's called zero because it's a nobody, right? Besides, your real name is Koma Zero, right? Aren't you just replacing zero with zero? I don't know what to say... it stinks of two diseases."

"It's weird. I'm a mysterious woman who abandoned her past."

So they stared silently at each other, shrugging their shoulders in the form of Moses breaking.

"Well, let's not fight"

"Let it go. I don't know if we can rub it here. So... there's one thing that bothers me."

"And say?

"The man-made catastrophe was stopped by the coalition of nations, as planned. And of course, the slaughterhouse will be sealed as planned."

"It is only this time that we have had a local artificial catastrophe. We have some number of final and quasi-final forms of evolution in the race… but still far from their original scale. Lute-McClane, the Dragon King, the Immortal, the Prohibited Art of the Demonic Realm… If one of us goes to each of the three locations, we'll have a cat."

So Zero shook his head left and right.

"No, Lute-McClane and his delightful companions are probably... doing their job this time"


"Cordelia-Alston and the sorcerer with Lute-McClane. I stopped you two alone."

"Mr. Cordelia...?

"Oh, don't let your power increase beyond our assumptions."

Moses nodded small, often thinking of something.

"Nevertheless, there are more than 10,000 mass-produced (Owers) and reincarnated people here...... You can't shake a win. So what happened to the Ark?

"A thousand men have already moved to the sanctuary."

"These are the ones with the outstanding genes of my choosing that should remain in the next generation. Make sure you treat them with care."

"But don't be a jerk."

"And say?

"Mass production types (Owers) are physically remodeled and long-lived disposable, smashing most of humanity today with cradles to solve demographic problems"

"Yes, and in a world that has escaped the solemnity and collapse of the system… only my chosen ones will ride Noah's Ark and prosper the next generation of humanity to create Eden"

"The genes of our reincarnators... will remain colorful as the ancestors of mankind. We don't know about the world, but it's important to Brother Moses and the rest of the men."

"Yes, because if the purpose of the organism is reproduction, those who leave more genes of their own will be the ultimate winners."

"For the first generation of children, only the reincarnated shall be children. After that, I took it to prevent inferior heredity... reproduction between 1,000 people and their children... I really don't know the world..."

"By the way, you only exchange a few kids about me, right?

"Oh, Cordelia, as for your children, you let them reproduce in a special way as royalty."

"That's right. And then... cut off the reproductive organs of the slave men who do farming and chores. Because we don't need anything other than the genes that are chosen and superior."

"I don't know, Cordelia got tangled up in a troublesome stalker, too. What's so much fun about messing with your head and daughter-in-law your unwilling doll?"

"Don't you see? That's love."

"Sure... for my first night with Cordelia, you're still here, aren't you?

"Yeah, I'm keeping it pure. Because that's love."

"Don't be so distorted... well, I'll do a good job on Cordelia's case at best. Seya, but it's a little hard to grab Cordelia when she's confused by Dosakusa... and make her head a little Izzy to be her brother's wife?

So Moses said this in a flat tone at the same time as drinking out the wine glass.

"I don't mind failing to recapture Mr. Cordelia in itself. In that case, you just have to do it another time. But why don't you hit him so hard and kill Mr. Cordelia? I'll kill you, no matter what you are, right?

That's how Zero said this with a sigh.

"Here, let's do the best and the worst plan of salvation… Let's get started"