Murabito Desu Ga Nani Ka?

Moses Preliminary

- Ark

even more endless of the endless land. The former capital of ancient civilization.

It was once a city of priests called the Vatican City State.

"But the Ark... really don't let the old guys fly away"

"Here… we surround the Vatican Palace ten kilometres square with special metals, isolated from the outside world. Nuclear weapons can also start considered attacks and withstand natural disasters."

"I don't know what the rationale is, but it seems like it's getting worse over time..."

"Because it is a city of strong religious colour and artistic and historical value… it would mean that there were people who tried to leave it for future generations. Well, it was difficult to get in.

"Since my brother, who has as much skills as an asshole, feels responsible and starts working hard on his own...... a good deal of time goes by. That's how I finally entered the Ark..."

"Yeah, let's just devour the fruit they left behind. We are here to create a millennium, the capital of 1,000 years."

"Ha, but only at the end is like Tokugawa Jiayang"

"You're the guy with the Oda and the firewood and the Tenshita cake..."

Moses and the Saint Knight with silver hair - where Zero stands is the Sistina Chapel in the Vatican Palace.

They turn their gaze to the paintings that are emotionally painted on the ceiling.

"Is it Michelangelo"

"But the final judgment was too much."

"It must be. We will judge the present human race, and here on the Ark will begin paradise by a few electorates."

That's how Zero shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, I don't care there. Yeah. If we get busted, that's fine..."

"By the way, have you finished your work?

"Oh, it's a simulator in the basement. That's a broken simulator of civilization."

"Hmm. Looks like you were already done with your job"

Zero nodded contentedly.

"Situation analysis… nearly a trillion… simulations on all the future patterns assumed were closed the other day"

"But Special Skills: What's a Future Predictor's Eye?"

"Well, that's right. Our skills can only be prefetched a few minutes or so in combat only. This time, we used an arithmetic simulator of a broken civilization, so we could do that on a massive scale."

"But what you can do with your skills means that you were also made of the original civilization."

"Let it go. It's a perfect match between our skills and our machines for computational processing"

"... and that means... predicting the future before that... didn't all possible patterns predict ancient civilizations as well?

"Let it go. So, this is what happens now…. Well, I figured you didn't have any options for a loco future?

"Too much advanced civilization...... it's not hard to imagine the status of your end-state checkmate, having to reset everything. So, how was the arithmetic result of your prediction of the future?

So Zero stood one finger.

"We have a 100% chance of winning."

"You're right."

"But well, let's move the chess pawn along the easiest pattern of them all"

"What about securing Mr. Cordelia?

"In Ron the Mochi, we'll make that a top priority for search criteria."

"Then there is no difference here. Please plan until your checkmate"

"Alright, I'll take care of it!

"By the way... Plans A and B are the tiger kids here, but without them, what would have been our winning odds?

"Almost zero or. Even if this one keeps taking the best of hands, will it end with some mistake somewhere? Exactly Lute-McClane...... don't be halfway there"

"But apart from Plan A... I don't want to use Plan B"

"In the meantime, you can deactivate Lute-McClane with Plan A, right? Even considering the mistake of someone like us taking our best hand, our chances of winning will jump to 90%."

"So what if we use Plan B?

"When, and in any case, the odds of winning are 100 par without question or. I'd rather you taught me how to lose."

"Yeah, I think so too"

So Zero laughed with pleasure.

"But... if it's possible, I'd rather not use it. Yeah, do it. Well, we'd love to try it because it looks like we're having fun! Hahahaha! Really do it. If it's already... that's exciting!

"Right. I'm sure you'll enjoy it, but then I won't."

"From the sword of the blades."

"Sometimes, what about the outside god?

"If I block my way home, I'll make a big deal out of you in my room. Originally, it's just a creature that rolls around until it's switched on."

"But I'm really afraid for the obsession of the reincarnators of the past,"

"Further to the end of the land, further ahead of the boundaries on which the survival of mankind in the true sense was allowed…"

"Yeah, keep digging the underground tunnel from the ark to that point. It's a terrible obsession."

Essentially, the outside god knows the other side about underground space.

"Well, as soon as you step out onto the ground on this side, you recognize it as a" place you shouldn't exist, "and then you go back to the other side."

"But the ark here... will be completely isolated from the outside world in a completely sealed space"

"Therefore, the perception of God outside...... this will be the other side. This hypothesis is in the form we've proven."

So Zero nodded loudly and loudly.

"That's why Brother Moses... you're our general."

Worded, Moses nodded with his sigh.

"Disposable...... Worst Skill: Parasite"

"It's just a broken effect, I can only use it once. Take off your original body and give it to your new body... just one brainhack or something. The outermost God, who is the strongest flesh for the sake of God, will secure it."

"But... if I parasitize to an outside God and take over that consciousness... I am no longer a person"

"That's the only way to live as an absolute god of the living. Yeah, yeah?

So with a sigh of "I don't like it," Moses looked up at the ceiling again.

"Well, anyway... we're ready for the final judgment"