Murabito Desu Ga Nani Ka?

Tabernacle God and God

The wrecking capital of the goddess.

The deepest part of the military establishment in the former city valley - the garden of the goddess.

A neutral wearing a swallow tail suit and silk hat was pounding his tongue on tea in the garden of the goddess.


"What were the results of the future calculations? Lucifer... no... Mr. Virus in the system?

"I want you to recognize that you are not a virus of the system, but a god who presides over the diversity of mankind's future, O God of Order"

"So, how was it?

"It's not a future operation in the first place, it's just a supermassive simulator, though. Though the sole here performs far better than the Vatican sole and is at the earliest possible level... it can be said absolutely God's scenario"

"It's been a long time since you really don't listen, how was I? And I'm asking?

Lucifer said so that he could stay back there.

"You're being rude about this. Humanity will undoubtedly dramatically reduce the number, although we will only know it until the near future. From there on out again… we will continue to suffer from catastrophe and outward God demographic adjustments"

"In the end, you will be."

"You can't beat Moses at Lute-McClane. There is no way to resist the lawlessness that parasitizes the outside gods."

So the goddess put her mouth on tea with a distant eye.

"See you then... you want to start over the world?

"Even if I say I'm going to start over, I'm just going to move to a parallel world (parallel world) that exists in numerous ways. It's the same reason the reincarnates come to the future, and we don't even know it so well... it's true that we can abandon the world and rewind our time a little and come and go to different worlds. Well, I guess I'll just have to accept that it's like that."

"I'm sick of it. But what the hell is this countless parallel worlds?

"It's only a hypothesis, including you and me... that this world itself is of the simulator's computational process... maybe a bubble of dreamy worlds"


"Or that before civilization is lost in the Great Destruction, it is perhaps this world that computes and then presents itself as one of the possibilities"

"The world is not coming to an end, and this world is in the middle of an operation...? If so, the two of us are simulator aides arranged to find the optimal solution...?

"Though it's only a possibility. It's not a time slip about reincarnators either, if that's the way to hit a simulator with data about people like that, or..."

"Interesting, but you're flying"

"Well, either way, the truth doesn't matter to us. We need it because it's real here now."

"Anyway, we will continue to explore the world, which is an example of many failures, and destroy parallel worlds…"

They put down a cup of cachari and tea at the same time and sighed like that.

"But what do you think is the cause of this loss?

"The key is lute-mcrane. This is for sure. Or if he had gained God-eating skills in the tower of Yangtze and eaten the ancient gods... it might have been a different story."

"And it hurts that the Demon King didn't complete it. The power of war on the part of mankind becomes too fragile. The closest thing I've ever seen to success was a pattern with two things in common."

"Anyway, a fundamental solution by human forces - the elimination of the outer God. They're no longer appropriate."

"Just one of the countless branches, just one word of casual conversation. Something's wrong on that level, something's wrong with the buttons, and... things can't be helped anymore..."

"Oh, I can't present an optimal solution to the world already in this world. The next possibility… I'm going to travel to parallel worlds?

But - and the goddess smiled nicely.

"Still, let's at least see it through to the end"

"What about that heart?

"It may not be the right answer. But still, if it's those kids... or they could offer us the possibility of a different path"