Murabito Desu Ga Nani Ka?

Its name is Zero, Part One.

Side: Zero

Sistina Chapel in the Vatican Palace.

The situation on the ground part of the Ark with surveillance cameras... No, we hold our heads in sight of misery.

The reincarnators around...... they all look pale and quite shocked too.

And with an abomination for the paintings painted on the ceiling, we threw up abominably.

"Michelangelo's Last Judgment...... If you keep doing this, we will not be brought to justice!


"God willing, the demographic adjustment of mankind! Get the strongest lute-mcrane and NORINOLI STATUS HIGHHOY! After that, activate the cradle. Ideal place! If you realize that, the mass-production type gets bumped up and this one is in danger with a pinch of absolute desperation. Yeah yeah that's good too, it's common - it's Magiukel...... what the heck!


I still haven't thrown away our scratches.

"Well, Brother Moses, no? I don't have much. Are you going to take responsibility? If you do it like this, you'll lose a lot of color. I don't think you can beat me by mobilizing all the reincarnates. Heh! They're impotent!? I'm sorry I don't have enough!

So Moses pushed his middle finger into the belly of his glasses and smiled invincibly.

But we don't miss the sweat passing on to Moses' comet.

Oh, come on, I can afford it, but I'm so wolfy. Stop. Are you sure you're okay?

"It's a last resort. Possessed by an outside god isolated underground, I leave."

"It's really a mess... the Ark itself can't even be burned down in the wilderness."

"So I'm saying it's a last resort"

And we thought a lot and asked Moses.

"But if you do that, you're dead, too?

"Yes, the flesh of Moses is dead, and I possess the flesh of God outside."

"Cordelia, who are you?

"I can crush the dream of reproduction, but I can't help it."

"It's just that you hate me"

"What does that mean?

"It's been adjusted. In order for you to possess the array, you need to make direct contact, which means don't let it go into hibernation. If I see a human, I'm going to kill him crazy for death. I'm not ready to put you to bed."

"You haven't heard such a report, have you? In the schedule of the plan, God is already out in hibernation..."

"No. Sure you didn't call me about the delay? Are you going to be a mess? Oh, Sora, you already had Lute-McClane in your hand, didn't you? The sky above just said the plan was made...... so, this zama or. He's really an asshole."

and Moses turned his heel back and started walking towards the exit.

"Where are you going?

"Underground. To the outside god..."

"Saya, you have to touch it to possess it, right? Do you have the power to bring yourself closer to the outside god? Is that what Lute-McClane can't do?


For the first time, there Moses...... no, the complexion of the fucking glasses changed.

"Ha, ha, ha!

"Doesn't it?

"Why, why, why, why!? I've got a cradle! The villagers brainwashed too! We also have 10,000 mass produced units! Full attitude! It should have been an iron wall formation!

Ah... and we've opened our mouths.

"Ha, ha, ha... Ha! Ha ha ha! Where, where did I go wrong!

"Hey, Brother Moses, no?

"Ha, ha, ha... Ha! Ha ha ha! Ha, ha, ha!

My glasses are uneven, I salivate, and I also get runny nose.


This is awesome. The mentally weak pulling virgins of Kosovar descent in the shadows from this...

It also helps shit in times of need.

"These fucking glasses... even if they break. I don't know... I was wrong to follow the Admiral."