Murabito Desu Ga Nani Ka?

Destroyer of the Old World Part 2

"... over. Everything. I just have to throw my saji now."

"Wait a minute, Lute? So, but? The defensive barrier's coming through, right? Then if you sink the main body in one blow - Skill: Can't even the rage of the villagers?

"Oh, that's the neck at the end of the day. I'm the only one who decides on the last... lack of firepower. Simulations have only a few moments later. There's nothing you can do about losing the piece called demonization."

"But before this... you weren't a demon?

"No, I have to remotely operate Moses, and I can't do anything about it."

"Then I figured...?

"Yeah, I've come to the conclusion over the last few years that I can't, considering all the possibilities. I can't help it."

"If you're so sure... there's really nothing you can do about it"

When everyone makes a sinking face, one side is enveloped in silver light.

And when the light subsided...

"Goddess...... you say?

Unexpectedly, I gave a loud voice.

Be the goddess of reincarnation and administrator of this world.

But how the hell in this phase...?

The goddess laughed as if she could see through my question like that.

"In human strife, you are already the winners. The rhino to the future has been thrown."

"And..." the goddess continues her words.

"Nor is the system intended to eradicate mankind."

Wait, wait... wait a minute!

No, I know what you're saying, and you're going to do a great deal of gratitude... but I can't keep up with my understanding.

"This is the habitat of mankind and the resting place - inside the boxyard. Well, I have some authority, too."

"Does that mean...?

"Yeah, this is off-site brawling, so to speak. We therefore recognize it as a state of emergency and intervene in nanomachines as biological weapons of God outside. I will temporarily weaken it."

That's how the goddess puts her palms on the floor - continuing her words with machine-like audio.

Code 623. Confirm the annihilator's rampage within the system jurisdiction.

"Implement the weakening of the annihilator."

"Automatic recovery program. All green. Confirm disarming.

"Immediate death avoidance program. All green. Confirm disarming.

"Physical and magical resistance. All green. Confirm disarming.

"Immune superactivity/cell tissue superregeneration. All green. Confirm disarming.

"Intervene in an automatic repair system for paired physical barriers, paired magic barriers, and paired physical-magic mixed barriers...... all green. Confirm disarming.

"All green. Confirm the release of all healing abilities, including killer barriers.

"And this is the limit of my intervention, isn't it? Destroyer... has shut down the automatic healing system, including God's absolute defense outside. However, the existing barrier remains intact."

Often I push silence, and... ask the goddess.

"It's not just because it's an off-site brawl, is it? Hey, goddess? How can you... do that for me?

The goddess laughed as she had trouble with my question, "Why not -" she continued.

- Because I'm a goddess who loves this world.

That's how I said this to us with a smile of mercy.

"Now resist... these children of the stars, etc. And grab what you think of the future."