Actually, I wanted to have my twins practice various swordsmen in the city of swords, but it seemed impossible to recover for a while, so I decided to go to the next destination.

"I can see it. That's a magic city."

"Awesome! It's in the middle of the lake! It's ARK!"

"Yes, that's right."

Running the land ship came to a magic city where I stayed for about a year in 18 and 19 years.

"There are six magic schools here."


"Oh, I'm learning red magic, blue magic, yellow magic, green magic, black magic, and white magic.

"Hey? Why don't you do it together? I wish I could learn at all!"

"... Layla, she doesn't know much about magic, but she can't say it in the city."

"Mom, why?"

While talking about such things, he dived under the castle gate and entered the city.

"What is that ship?"

"Are you running on land? Is it a magic tool?"

People in the city seem to look at this strangely, but there is only a magic city and the reaction is weak.

Aside from its performance, this kind of moving magic is sold normally in this city.

"But I was worried that the city of swords was occupied by demons, but apparently the magic city seems to be okay."

According to rumors heard on the way here, once the Demon King had attacked, he thought it might be in a state similar to a city of swords.

I don't know if it was just a hoax or a repulsion, but it was apparently unconcerned.

"Well, then I'm glad I could deal with demons."

"I don't think it's good."

The first thing that came to the school was the red academy, as Linna became half-hearted.

"Can I enter the site without permission?"

"here we go?"

"Let's say ..."

"I didn't graduate after all, but it's probably okay."

"I can't rely on that at all."

"Well then go to get permission from the dean?"

Unless it has changed since then, I have met the academy.

Talk to him and you should be fine.

"Sure, it was that building that had the Dean's office."

Then he headed for the Dean's office, but was stopped by a guard on the way.

"I have a talk with the dean."

"Do you have an appointment?"

"No, I didn't."

"The Dean is busy. Please make an appointment properly."

"How can I get it?"

"Please go to the office"

So I went to the office,

"Are you affiliated with our institution?"

"It's different now"

"So you mean a graduate?"

"No, I haven't graduated. I've only been there for a while."

"Is it going to drop out ... I guess it's a bit difficult. In the first place, the dean is busy and I'm going to meet a stranger."

"I have acquaintance."

"Is that one-sided?"

"That's not the case. I've talked a couple of times.

"... I'm sorry, what is your profession?"

"I'm unemployed."

"Please pick it up. In other words, the school premises are off-limits to anyone except those involved in the first place?"

"So to get that permission"

"If so, I can answer here now. I can't allow it."

It doesn't help at all.

"... I'm as expected."

"Mama, Leila, I'm hungry!"

"Please be patient"

At that time, the young man was approaching,

"What happened? Did you have any trouble?"

"Oh, Mr. Kite. Actually, he said he wanted to see the Dean, but his status was suspicious-"

"What is a master !? Isn't he a master !?"

Suddenly, the young man looked at my face and screamed.

"... Who do you remember taking disciples?"

"Come on, me! I'm a kite! Did you forget?"

A young man desperately points to his face, but he is unfortunate and unfortunate.

No, wait ...?

Kite ... Kite ... I've heard you somewhere ...

"Oh! Possibly one of those threesomes"

There was a cheeky boy in a trio who met on the way to the Demon City and was tested together.

However, now the atmosphere has changed completely, and he is a gentle young man.

So I didn't notice.

The clerk asks a frightening kite.

"Um, Kite-sensei ... Is this person you know ...?"

"Yes, that's right. Allel is my teacher."

"I don't remember becoming a teacher ..."

"I have always been a teacher of my heart since that time!"

For some reason, I look at my eyes more strongly.

"I've been studying magic desperately over the past ten years, and that's why I became able to understand the terrificness of the teacher even more."

"Is that so? Or is he called a teacher?"

"I'm ashamed to be a professor at this institution, but of course I'm still not as close as my teacher ..."

Kite humbled her head.

"That kite, who became a professor at the age of 20, is nowhere near my feet ..."

The clerk looks at me with incredible eyes.

Anyway, it was just good.

It'll be fine if you ask a kite.

"Huh? Would you like to visit this institution with your children? Oh, these kids are master teachers! This is your wife? This is a very beautiful person! Please meet the president! ”