My Dad Is Too Strong

Dad's too strong. Episode 115.

the Hunter Administration Bureau

Second basement level, promotion test site.

A forest field full of coniferous trees of 50 meters.

Dojun walked around the test site and looked at the 'checklist' he was holding.

"Why should we do this?"

Interns, a hundred people were confused and identified mushrooms growing between weeds.

Other interns were complaining about whether they didn't want to do the same thing.

Dojun looked up and looked up at the hot sunlit sky.


I read the text message on my smartphone.

Manager, I'll cheer up!

A letter from Cha Ye-ji.

To explain this situation now, it dates back a day.


Monday at 10 a.m.

Crack Management Team 1's office.

Dojun looked at the calendar on the computer body.

Time flew by so fast that there was already a week left until the end of the internship.

A ring.

The messenger alarm turns on in the flower bed on the right side of the monitor.

A message from the department in charge of the Hunter test of the general affairs team.

Dojun sipped coffee and slowly read the message.

[ Request for cooperation in accordance with the 2019 A-level Hunter Promotion Test. ]

To summarize the contents of the message.

There's an A-level Hunter promotion test in two days.

The test site is so large that the personnel of the general affairs team alone cannot handle the safety inspection.

So the plan was to hire interns from each department to conduct safety checks.

"Oh, my. I'm so busy that I can't take out an intern..."

Kim Doo-hwi muttered in an irritated voice.

The section chief laughed as he watched it.

"You rely on Do-joon a lot these days."

"It's up to you. Who did you think would do such a good job?"

"I'm going back to Dojun's city hall after this week anyway. Let's get back to normal."

Kim Doo-hwi sighs.

I looked at Do-jun, who was working silently.

Maybe it's because I came back from working in the crack management department at City Hall.

Even if you take that into account, you have been relying on it a lot because of the fast and skillful learning of your work, but it was disappointing to think that you were leaving in a week.

"Dowoon, would you like to join Hunter's office? The salary and welfare benefits are several times better than the ones you go to City Hall....... The chief will give us a hand if he comes to our department."

"Thank you for saying that, but I have no intention of quitting my civil service.

If you wanted high salary and welfare benefits in the first place.

No, if money had been the only purpose before that, I wouldn't have gone to work itself.

Dojun had a good job with the people there as a crack management department in Seoul City Hall.

It's where you can feel how happy it is to be able to live a normal life.


Kim Doo-hwi had a look full of regret.

Meanwhile, Do-joon saw the phrase, "A-level promotion test."

I called somewhere.



A coffee chain located on the first floor of Hunter Management Bureau.

Cha Ye-ji, who was drinking latte, coughed as if she had a phlegm.

"Well, I'm taking the A-level Hunter test?"

Dojun nodded.

Cha Ye-ji, who looks perplexed.

It hasn't been long since he became a B-hunter.

It was absurd to take the A-level Hunter exam already.

However, Do-jun's expression seemed to suggest that he was not joking.

"Well, the choice is what Hunter does."

"But how am I supposed to......... Grade A...…."

Class A Hunter.

The pressure of the word was great.

A life of great social success as a B-hunter.

In addition, by the time of Class A Hunter, he became so famous that even a passing child could know, and he was treated as a VVIP guest everywhere he went.

For ordinary hunters, 'A-class' was simply the realm of dreams.

It was a position where one could only take a step forward if he had an unparalleled.

"You underestimate yourself. Right now, Cha Ye-ji is good enough to be an A-level. You've only been in full swing for a short time, so you're much behind the others and your stats are low....... because the skill of Bachelor's Degree is good enough to offset all that."

S-level skill, Bachelor's test.

When Dojun was in the forest.

It was a tax-saving inspection method created by Jin So-un, a member of Hwanggung Haksa Temple, which was called Gumseong.

I don't know why Cha Yeji is learning that skill.

Cha Ye-ji's skills were literally improving because of her academic background.

"But...'s already past the exam period...…."

The trial period was already over last month.

It had to be next year to apply for the A-level Hunter promotion test.

Dojun nods as if he already knew.

"You're willing to take the test. Please wait a moment."

Dojun texted Jung Young-chul.

There's a hunter named Cha Ye-ji in charge.

Please use your strength to try for the A-level promotion test this time.

And the answer didn't take long.

Please fill out the application form and send it to me and I'll take care of it

I'm sorry. You're not sending it, but if you fill it out, I'll find it.

two consecutive letters

Dojun walked straight to the reception desk in the lobby.

I have received an application for an A-level Hunter promotion test from an employee.

"Please fill it out right away."

" it true, is it true?"

"I'm serious."

with Cha Ye-ji hesitatingly

I started to fill out the application form.

Cha Ye-ji's name was put on the list of test takers that day.


Like this.

Now Dojun is with other interns.

It was helping to check the safety of the promotion test site located on the second basement floor.

Unlike before the Hunter Promotion Test, which simply catches one or two monsters.

Class A was held for 48 hours, or two days, at a test site that imitated a large crack.

Mana application of formula, chow, and salt essential to Hunters.

How much we know about the structures within the cracks and how much we can use them.

It was a difficult test to get a general assessment of how actively they can cope with unexpected situations.

Besides, the A-level Hunter promotion test.

Various broadcasting companies broadcast it live so that people can watch it on TV.

It's a test only once a year, and it's a process of selecting A-level hunters.

It was so popular that it recorded a steady 70 percent rating every year.

"Even if Intern only needs to look at sector D...…."

A little wider than most middle and high school sites.

There was a reason why more than 20 interns were deployed.

"But isn't it pretty funny? Even if it's a copycat......... we're in a state of great conflict......... when can we see the crack again?"

Im Jin-ah smiled.

We looked at the lowest spirits wandering between the design drawings and the bushes without a word of mouth.

Originally, monsters were deployed on the day of the test, but the lowest spirits were deployed in advance because they were busy running away when they saw people without pre-emptive attacks.


Pong, pong.

Im Jin-ah smiled broadly at the spirit of the land the size of her palm.

When I approached him because I wanted to touch him, the Spirit of the Earth was startled and ran.

The lowest spirits basically did not come close in the first place if they did not have spirit-


Im Jin-ah looks at Dojun.

"Why is he so crowded with Dojun?"

dangling around Dojun

The lowest spirits who rub their bodies as if they were asking for attention.

The interns look at it like they're amazed.

"Mr. Dojun... ... Maybe I can sign a contract with the Spirits. You seem to be very spirit-friendly....... If you sign a contract, you can be a hunter! Give it a try it."

Man, you're signing a contract.

Let's sign a contract. Contract!

Do-joon, who was annoyed by their interest and the entanglement of spirits, said,

For a moment, a little bit, but a little bit of a life to the spirits.

The spirits ran with fright.

"You run away."

"......uh, uh?"

Dojun with a calm face.

They continued safety inspection by looking at the design drawings.

Why spirits are so anxious to sign a contract when they see themselves.

And so was Ragheim, the leader of the spirits.

I've been secretly saying 'If you sign a contract~' recently.

Whenever Dojun did so, he changed the subject of conversation to another place.

If you think about it, you can call him 'Master'.

Maybe he was laying the groundwork for the contract.

Let's tell him to stop calling him "Master" when he gets back, Dojun thought.



Dojun is about 30 meters away.

He looked toward the side of a spirit peeping at him.

A human-type spirit of wind similar to a 5-year-old child.

If you open your gut, you'll find that it's almost like an S-class monster.


You think you got caught, you fly away.

A superior spirit that does not exist in the design drawing.

After agonizing over what to do, Do-joon decided to leave it alone.


The A-level Hunter promotion test is.

Because of the emergence of Class A and Class B monsters that can only be seen in the big cracks.

Unlike other general tests, 'supervisor' is placed inside each sector of the test site.

Supervisors are those who have the ability to protect Class B hunters from monsters.

In other words, S-class Hunter.

A total of four zones from A to D sector.

The supervisor was already chosen.

Jung was thinking about one thing.

a general supervisor

I wanted to include someone who could supervise the entire test site as well.

But it was impossible to put Behimos on the first floor of the center right now.


Jung Young-chul looked at Cha Ye-ji's profile.

Class B Hunter requested by Dojun.

I heard that he was a contract hunter for City Hall, and he was also a hunter for Dojun.

I was amazed when I found out that I had been playing from grade F to grade B in just three months.


Jung Young-chul knew.

If he were to take the post of general supervisor, only Dojun was suitable.

If the general supervisor is Do-joon, S-level hunters will agree with him at once.

The question was whether Do-joon would approve it.


Cha Ye-ji Hunter, originally not on the list.

I was thinking about asking you to do this for me because I put you on the A-level promotion test list.

I couldn't make such a saucy remark into a situation where I hated it.

It was much better to ask politely.


Today's dinner was braised spicy chicken.

A delicious chicken mixed with red pepper paste sauce.

Recently, meat side dishes were served on the table.


Yong-yong wagged his tail.

Looking at the braised spicy chicken in a dog bowl.

I was waiting for Dojun to use chopsticks.

Lord, master. Come on, let's have a spoonful.

"You can eat first."

Dojun, let's eat a spoonful of rice,

Yong-yong took his mouth to the chicken as if he had been waiting.

Seol Yoon-hee pats the head as if she is proud.


At that time, I got a text message from Dojun's smartphone.

Officer in charge, I'm texting you first in case you're eating. Before this Hunter promotion test...

To Dojun, who is staring at the text.

Seol Yoon-hee asked as if she was curious.

"What is it?"

Dojun said, putting his smartphone in his pocket.

"Spam letters."