My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 11 Students

"Isn't it interested in solving the case?" Song Yuhang was migrate to the seat belt, and Lin weeded to open the door.

Her eyes were beautiful, and when she bending the lips, she couldn't play a few points.

"But I am interested in the Song team. Where are you going?"

Song Yuhang hangs start, obviously didn't put her jokes in my heart: "Oh, I thought I thought Lin Dao is only interested in money and men."

I am married, but it is obvious that the giants will come out of the city Jingji.

"Nothing is not, I appreciate all the things, and the male is a woman"

The car is not far away, and the positive earrings are blocked in the crossroads. Lin is angry with the red green light, and the measures have been said: "Left turn around the Great Wall Road, there is a small road to go directly to Jiangcheng City"

Song Yuhang was glanced at her, and he didn't move: "The road is sealed in the street transformation."

"Oh, is it?" She changed a posture to make myself more comfortable, and the eyes closed his eyes closed.

Therefore, I missed the sharp scorpion of Song Yuhang.

I just learned myself early, the campus was a vibrant, positive in summer, sunshine cast a motto from the camphor tree gap, teenager girl in blue and white, or walking together, or standing in the corridor, or three or two two Take a trick to run around them.

"Hey, what to eat at noon, the school gate just opened a Yunnan rice noodle, or try it?"

"Well, I have to eat everything!"

"I said that this just finished breakfast, you start to remember lunch."

"Hey, don't you just look at the get out of class with a class ringtone?"

"Wow, I dare to say me, you stand!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"

A cool situation has passed by her, and her shoulders have been hit, and he heard who shouted "haired" in his ear.

She slammed his head, thinking that people who can see the thoughts, but saw Song Yuhang standing at the end of the corridor, a normal white shirt, the cuffs were slightly pulled up, revealing the white wrist, black suit pants, sunny sprinkles In her body, the contour is clear.


"Lin wearing" "haired" is like the illusion of her feelings.

Lin is sinking, lifts the foot.

"Hello, the police" Song Yuhang debut the police officer: "I want to find what kind of person is Ding Xue."

The reception of them is the third grade director, a middle-aged man who has a somewhat, and hear that this name begins to sigh, take them on the sofa.

"Very good, although you are young but also, it is a teaching backbone in our one. If you don't have this kind of child, you will not be unexpected, and it is her future."

"How is the usual character, and there is any contradiction between the students' parent colleagues?"

"Contradiction?" He stunned, and then smiled: "If you want to talk about contradictions, which teacher and students, the parents, the parents, most of them are not embarrassing steel or educational concept, these can understand, But if you murderers, it is too much ... "

Lin wear "Hehe," I also saw it for a piece of money to cut the other ten knives, the knife is in the middle of the street, my light is sewing the body and sews for a long time. ""


The grade director was already awkward, it was obviously a show, and it could not meet the soldiers.

Song Yuhang was ignored her, and continued asking: "The case is the evening, that is, when Friday night, the deceased's husband said that the deceased received a call from the school, saying that there were several children fighting. Need her to deal with it, is it true? "

The senior director took the older and flooded her mobile phone, and then gave them the past: "It is true, it is true, the phone is me."

Song Yuhang wrote a call time in the paper: 9:00, a total of thirty seconds.

"Trouble you talk about the situation of that day"

"Okay, good" man is sitting on the sofa, I have a piece of tea, and I will recall it.

"You are lie! Don't listen to it! Ding teacher is not the same!" The thin boy worn the dirty school uniform, the hair was very short, cleared the fist, climbed up from the ground, and rushed to the people In the past.

The opponent is more popular. After his sneak attack, he quickly opened up in the ground, and a group of people kicked his foot.

The male child protects his head with his hand, biting his teeth, until the end of the corridor came to drink.

"What are you doing ?! Have your hands!"

Everyone laughed like a bird and beast, and Ding Xue ran over and helped the boy faded to the ground.

"Nothing, they hit you? Isn't it just called the parents last time? I am going to find -"

"Ding Teacher" booked her, and the dark night was dark, faintly water, and the blood of the lips was barely laugh.

"Nothing, so late, you still have trouble"

"I can't bother, your child, as your class teacher, protect you should be" "Woman said that he has turned out of the paper towel from his pocket and wants to help him.

The teenager rejected her contact, took the paper towel, but did not speak, as if thinking in thinking.

"What happened, Xiao Zhou?"

He seems to be determined to raise his head: "High school for three years, you are very good, if you are not you, I may not learn, I still don't know where to work, you said, we are friends, that as If you have a friend, you can't tell me, you - "

The voice did not fall, and behind the footsteps, the grades and vice presidents appeared in the hallway.

"Ding teacher, okay?"

Ding Xue went back, put the boys from the ground: "Nothing, the child, playing people, tomorrow, you can call parents to talk about it"

The boys see someone to turn silently.

"Thank you teacher, then ... then I have a rest of the dormitory"

"Okay, I will send you" Ding Xue saw that he is still a little one, active proposal.

"Ding teacher, what's wrong with you?" Vice President saw her face is not very good, there is a little thin sweat, the neckline is also wet, and asked.

"If the body is uncomfortable, you can arrange the hunting"

This is a concern for my colleagues. I don't know on how, Ding Xue 's eyes.

"Nothing, there is a bit raining when you come over, and it is still wet"

She took a folding umbrella in one hand. After finishing, she had a few times, and she looked really like a cool look.

The grade director went through God, putting the tea cup at the table: "This is the situation I last last time"



The two people are in touch with the sound, Lin is anteenic: "You said"

Song Yuhang connected: "Can we see the child?"

"Hey, good, good, no problem, I am calling" he seems to be stunned, get up and call.

I hang up the phone and came over, but I was frowned: "The teacher said that he didn't come to school today, please fake."

Song Yuhang immediately asked his family address, grade director to go to the gap of the flowers, and forever came to the outside breathable.

I wanted to smoke in the school, I didn't have any concerns. She took out a smoke from the cigarette case and slammed it. Press the lighter.

For students, students have seen their eyes, gornes have spit a smoking ring, picking up a brow, throwing a glance.

If you have a big student, you will come up with your mouth. "Sister, I also give me a bite"

Her eyes are gently glanced, and the gods are hanging on a gold chain. The school uniform zipper is not pulled, and it is not a good student.

Most importantly, that chain is pure gold.

Lin weighing slightly bending the corner, take the smoke to his mouth, and the boys are very interesting.

"Interest, the younger brother,?"

The smoke is a good smoke, and the scent between the woman's lips and teeth, the boys suddenly suck two: "The high 36 class, my sister, leave a contact information"

She glanced at the soft chest on his school uniform, and the god took some gossip: "The 16th class, I heard that the female teacher who is dead recently is ..."

When I said this, the boys took a smoke and smoked a bit: "It is our class teacher"

"It's a pity, I read the newspaper that she is a teaching expert." Man naturally took the words, and smashed his mouth.

Who knows that this boy snorted: "Unfortunately, not ..."

He said that it seems to be aware of improper, smashing his mouth, and looked down on the eyes.

"No, closing management during the class, who is you, how come in?"

This kid is still a police officer, and the laughter is like a flower, deliberately thrown the eye, and hate the teeth.

Who knows that boys have slammed the thigh: "Hey, I know! You are a reporter! A lot of people come to our school to interview"

"Cough ..." Lin weeded by his saliva: "To the right, I am a reporter"

She nodded like a garlic: "So you know what gossip, about your teacher, what kind of people doing you usually have a good job, who has a contradictory colleague, and which student relationship is particularly bad or especially good , As well as marriage, etc. can tell me "

Her lies remain less than a minute, the class bell rang, the boys took the three and two of the smoke, turned into the railings, turned to the classroom, and ran back to a kiss.

"Thank you, the smoke of the beautiful girl, next time"

"- classmates" forever, mother, this is really time to ring the ringtone.

Her voice did not fall, I saw that the boys had hit the people in the classroom door, hurriedly stabilizing his body and hurry: "Teacher Li is good"

I watched the eyes of the greenery, and the people called "Mr. Li" wear black suit uniform skirt, and glanced at the pair of pairs of folk glasses, like a teacher image of the film and television drama.

Song Yuhang pushed the door from the office: "Go, Lin Da Journalists"


Lin wearing her back in her back.