The steeple was absurd...... or subtle, but at least I could hide it through and finish the discussion in the living room where I didn't want to be known. Looking at Colette doesn't seem like anything to tell Erica, and if you keep an eye on the liner, you're not going to have to make it into a troublesome situation.

On top of that, the original protagonist party was set up to solve the problem of chi, so maybe we can say that we can do this already.

I have a headache about how I will shake myself in the future, but at least now I should be able to make it to “that scene”.

That scene, in short, is a hostile event with the liners.

Justus' own flying giant fortress. Get in there. There's no other Harold Stokes to show up from nowhere near catching up. Confused by Justus' sweet words, defeating Harold in an enhanced state with astral potion can be one of the most difficult in the making. So defeating Harold also escapes Justus, and the stage moves to the final showdown, but what to do here is also a source of concern.

As we avoid, then the answer is no when it comes to whether there are any human beings on whom Harold's surrogate acts. There's no way you can unearth the talent that will stop the main party at the end of the story in the short space of a few months left.

Then what happens if you don't serve as an understudy and pass that event? I couldn't read this place at all.

Congratulations on defeating Justus, I hope it ends with, but it's hard to imagine that guy doesn't have the means to defend himself. You can see that we almost certainly have some countermeasures in place.

Or it's more difficult to hunt down too much and be free of your powers in a different setting than the original. Anyway, Justus uses the energy of this planet to fight. It would be more likely to be defeated if it were hit properly.

Regardless of the course, the occasion for the settlement should also increase the chances of winning by putting in place a situation that Harold is familiar with. I don't want to change the flow here as much as possible.


(I guess I'll have to...)

I also considered the means of belonging to the protagonist party and controlling his movements, but I had to decide that it was hard to get rid of them that didn't work the way I wanted them to. It doesn't make a good impact that Erica and I are in a bad relationship, and obsession won't dissolve so easily where we have solved our misunderstandings.

It is unknown whether even Justus would make the same move as the original Harold knows in the first place, and there is a risk that what he considers Gudagda will thus become meaningless in itself. If that happens, it's already good for you.

and so on. Harold was delayed in his thoughts, but it is also forced to interrupt.


"I've never seen a bath this big!

"They call it an open-air bath. It's an unfamiliar culture, but it's brilliant."

It's no exaggeration to say that Harold appreciates it most in Smeraggi's mansion. An open-air bathhouse. Once it was dissolved and I was supposed to rest in my room, I enjoyed both refreshments for the first time in a long, open bath, but suddenly I felt misty due to my intrusive voice.

It was the trio of liners, Hugo and Francis who showed up. They also notice how Harold was bathing first.

"Ah, Harold."

"Were you here too?"

I tried to get into the tub in a way that pinched Harold very naturally, so I beat the surface of the water with the 'just clapped' instructions, and I would get a blister and sprinkle some hot water inside on both of them.

Hot! And Harold glances at the two people who jump away in a fuss and raise a protest about what they're doing.

"Don't soak your filthy bodies, you idiots. Wash your whole body before you put it back out."


"I'm sorry!

Pushed by its force, Liner and Francis flee toward the washroom. Washing your body before bathing is not prescribed as manners, but Harold's obsession with turning it into a hot spring service.

Hugo, who sweats and dirt misplaced with the two dispersed people, comes and enters the hot spring.

"... uh, Harold, that's okay, right?

I tried to line it up and soak it in the tub, often silently cutting out stories from Hugo's side.

"What can I do for you?

"Actually, meet someone who looks like Harold lately. I haven't seen your face, you know, your voice, your tone."

Apparently, he's already been taken care of. Naturally speaking, it is.

I just didn't tell you my face and my name against Hugo, and I haven't taken any other means to hide who I am. It's because I ran into him at a time I never assumed for the first time or the second time.

"... what's wrong with that"

"No, there's nothing wrong with it, and I'm not going to tell anyone. Just stay with the two guys that Soitz has changed. I was wondering if those two were okay somehow. Well, it's just bullshit."

"It's not what I found out about your bullshit. I don't care about those two. … but I'll just tell you that you don't have to worry."

"Heh, yeah. Well, that's not a problem."

I don't know what psychology it is, but I hear Hugo won't tell you anything else about what happened at the Heybar ruins. He seemed concerned about Wentus and Lilium, on which Harold slipped his mouth that he “had no language function”.

I may have noticed in an earlier discussion that the two Star Wings, who took them out of the human experiment, I guess I connected the word that it's not safe with the information that it doesn't have a language function.

"Then I feel clear, and you want to go peek in the girls' bath!

Harold relentlessly kicked down Hugo's back, who suddenly stood up for saying that, turning away from the moist atmosphere. Hugo sinks into the hot water with enough momentum to set up a water column at the forefront.

That prompted an open-air bath to noise all at once. Francis looked like an age-appropriate teenager, caught by a liner sprinkling hot water with Hugo and the two of them pushing him toward the hot mouth and calling him hot.

I also feel like we're getting along too soon, but we'll just have to think about what's ahead. It was noisy and irresistible though, so they snuck out of the spot while the three of them were raising tension over their first hot spring.

Let's change into yukata in the stripper and get back to your room. That's what I thought. I ran into Batali and Reefa when I went out in the hallway.

Reefa looks frightened when she sees Harold.

"Hey, what do guys do? I'm so loud, I don't even want to take a bath anymore."

The noise played by the threesome of men seemed fierce even in the bath for the woman next door. But even if Harold tells you that, you're in trouble.

"That's an odd encounter. I saw the same thing."

Or because they did it in front of me, the voices to say it, the sound of blistering, and the sight of twitching were very noisy.

"... oh, that's the thing"

Reefa sighed as she instantly grasped Harold's situation.

Reefa was also about to return to her room so walking in line and down the hallway, she raised her dissatisfaction as if she remembered.

"Yes, Harold. If this is the case, tell me from the beginning."

"About what?

"I didn't think it was going to be this important until they showed me the machine and said, 'Find a way to disarm this.'"

"Whatever you do, it doesn't change one thing. Then it doesn't matter."

"There's no way!

Puffy and angry, but there's a reason for that too.

First of all, as a prerequisite for what we're about to do this time, if Reefa can't disarm that device, everything will go bankrupt. In the original, he entered the mountain in the name of exploring the cause of his temper, and after the search, Reefa finally found the device and let him disarm it on the spot.

I can't tell if that's not even a creation for Reefa, or if that's how it was portrayed gamely. So Harold had Reefa analyze the device beforehand, and on top of that, he didn't let extra elements such as finding people or solving anger problems devote resources to his thoughts. It can be pressure, especially with regard to the latter.

I don't know if it was due to that, but as a result, Reefa seemed to be responding well. I get a powerful answer that there is no problem with disarming.

"Damn, you're so selfish."

"You say it."

I don't feel like it's something Reefa could say that I had to accompany him this way without listening to Harold.

"... you care about her."

Unexpectedly, Reefa shrugged like that.

I don't know what that means.

"It's about Erica. You insisted you weren't my fiancée, but I don't think your brother over there thought so."

"He's just claiming on his own"

"What's Harold so unhappy about Erica? She's beautiful, she's sophisticated, and she treated me and Colette quite generously, who weren't noble until just now. Nice personality, too."


If you ask me that, I have trouble responding to you. It's nothing. Harold doesn't hate Erica, he's just keeping her away because there's a high risk of inducing this death flag.

Except for that, there's no way Erica as a heterosexual can be dissatisfied or complaining. She is a girl on the level of how many men in this world can speak of such things? It would also naturally be the most popular from the players.

I keep my mouth shut thinking about it.

"It doesn't matter. I guess I'm not talking about sticking my neck in it. It's not like Harold's attitude toward Erica."

"You think it's not like me?

"That's right. You're nothing but sarcasm and harshness, but you're not cracked and tolerated by the people who come near you anyway. They even kidnapped me and told me to go home, and I ended up doing this."

"That's because you're persistent."

"Well, there will be, but then why would Harold try to keep away? Erica, stay away from me."

There was no way I could answer that. To explain it, you have to explain that the world is very similar to the game, or that you think you're crazy about knowing the future.

"Erica said she didn't care about each other just because her brother kept saying she was her fiancée. But if that's true, I don't think Harold needs to keep Erica away."

Until now, no one, not even Harold himself, has noticed, so uncomfortable that it can't even be called a contradiction. Reefa has seen it through precisely.

This observational eye and thinking ability is probably why you're a genius.

"You're equal in a way. I say tough things about everyone, and I'm not even interested in people who have gone away with it. Like they did to the people at the lab."

To Harold, who is unanswered, Reefa overlaps words.

"But just like them... no, that's not against Erica, who's more away from you than they are because she's indifferent. It's also different from the usual harshness. Harold is“ cold ”to Erica. It was like he was afraid of something."

That was almost right. Harold fears that Erica will result in a death flag. The feeling was seeping out as an attitude, and Reefa may have seen it as cold.

"You think I'm afraid? Stupid what?"

"... it's sort of like an argument. I'm sorry, forget it."

Bye, then, and Reefa turned and disappeared into the corner to those who had their own room without seeing Harold's face.

Reefa told me to forget, but the words she left were somehow struck like wedges inside Harold's chest, unlikely to be forgotten immediately.