My Death God Roommate

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"My roommate Death" Author: Do not laugh


Sang Yu is a girl with yin and yang eyes. After an eight-year-old car accident, she can see things that ordinary people can't see. She often talks and smiles in the emptiness, leaving a strange impression on people, waiting for her to find out. My own abnormality, there are no friends around me.

Mu Rong Tiantian is the owner of the paper shop, serving the living, earning some money, and supporting his body.

At night, he is acting as the god of death, serving the underworld, accumulating yin virtue and saving mother.

Because he has seen through the cycle of life and death, Mu Rong's personality is dull, has no friends, and does not participate in social activities.

Once, a difficult ghost slipped away and tried to destroy Murong's body when her soul was out of her body.

Mu Rong decided to find a rent-free roommate to help him take care of his body.

So Sang Yu moved in...

Sang Yu: I can see my roommate's soul out of my body every night, and I also pretend I don't know what to do, wait online, I am very anxious!

Reading notes

1: This story takes place in the mirrored time and space of the earth, and the names of places, people, events, etc. involved are purely fictitious, please do not check in.

2: All hell, ghost hunting and other similar techniques in the article are made up by the author, please do not imitate.

Content tag: Spiritual gods and monsters meet near the water tower by fate

Search keywords: Protagonist: Sang Yu, Mu Rong┃ Supporting roles: Sang Tong, Su Sifang┃ Others: A Miao, Luo Ruyan, Hao Jiefang, Zeng Tianhan, Wang Hao, Hua Yunyue, and many others

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