My deep sea fishery

Chapter 46

It was night, Xiang Yang went to the beach for a walk after trading the rat spot.

The plankton floating on the surface of the sea exudes sapphire blue fluorescence, just like a small road paved on the water, it looks particularly beautiful, and it is like a bridge walking out of the fairy tale town, and the stars in the sky reflect each other.

When Xiang Yang saw this scene, his heart trembled, and the cold current was coming.

Whenever a cold current comes, dinoflagellate and diatoms will float on the surface of the sea to multiply, and when they multiply to a sufficient number, they will even form algae blooms, causing a large area of ​​seawater to change color.

Both dinoflagellate and diatoms are the lowest level producers of the ocean, the main food sources of small fish, shrimp, crabs, and shellfish, and the main oxygen releasers of the ocean.

Whenever the cold current comes, tropical marine fish will migrate south to the equator. Without the harvesters, dinoflagellate and diatom will reproduce wildly and will continue to feed the ocean until everything recovers in the coming spring.

"It will be difficult to fish in the next few months!" Xiang Yang squinted his eyes. Most of the northern marine fish that adapt to the cold climate will not swim south due to the cold climate, but the high-temperature marine fish in the South China Sea are growing. When the climate gets colder, it will continue to move south to warmer waters.

"But the impact on me shouldn't be great." Xiang Yang's hunting grounds can even extend to the deep sea area at a depth of 10,000 meters. In that bottomless sea area, sunlight can't get in at all, and it is cold all year round. climate.

Xiang Yang took off his coat and wanted to take a look at the sea bottom.

Before he got out of the sea, Xiangyang suddenly stopped. He saw a starfish with five tentacles lying on a rock in front of him.

Starfish, also known as star fish, is shaped like a five-pointed star with spines on its surface. It feeds on slow-moving shellfish and crabs. Every tiny crystal on its spiny skin is its "eye".

Xiang Yang swam to the edge of the reef and broke the starfish off the reef.

The regenerative ability of the sea star's tentacles is the strongest among all animals. If any one of its tentacles is torn off, it can quickly grow a new one.

Some people may think that this ability is similar to that of a gecko, but in fact it is more magical than a gecko, because the starfish not only regenerates from the torn part, but also quickly regenerates from the torn part. starfish.

Starfish is a very important link in the marine food chain. It preys on sea rainbows attached to the reefs, but it has almost no edible value on its own. Including humans, few marine life will prey on starfish.

However, the medicinal value of starfish is extremely high. It has a calming and tranquilizing effect. It can also be used to treat a variety of stomach diseases. The most important thing is that it can also eliminate scars to a certain extent.

"Catch some and go back to see if they can be collected in the pharmacy." Xiang Yang took the reef as the center and carefully searched around.

A starfish is a group of creatures, whether on steep rocks or on the bottom of a shallow sea, starfish can often be found. Finding one means that there are usually a large group around.

When he reached the bottom of the sea, Xiang Yang did not see any traces of the life of a large group of starfish.

Xiang Yang turned his head and looked at the reef behind him. Starfish often had the habit of escaping from the group to climb on the reef to breathe. It seems that the starfish caught wanted to climb on the reef to breathe, temporarily leaving the group.

Xiang Yang wouldn't be interested if there was only one starfish. He let go and threw the starfish he caught back into the sea, and then continued to swim into the deep sea.

Not long after swimming towards the south, Xiang Yang, who was swimming on the bottom of the sea, suddenly stopped.

In a relatively barren sea area in the past, Xiang Yang found a large number of tropical fishes migrating to the south.

The densely packed marine fishes gather together, and it is impossible to count the number or the number of populations.

All kinds of good-looking, hard-to-see, and strange-shaped marine fish are swimming in the direction of the south.

From time to time, fierce marine predators run rampant in the school of fish, swallowing a large number of small fish in one bite.

However, these are not important points.

The focus is on the migration of fish. Those swimming crabs and lobsters that feed on small fish and scallops are also chasing behind the school of fish and moving south together.

In the old days, large lobsters where the dragons saw their heads but not their tails can be seen everywhere at this moment.

The swimming crabs lined up to form a straight line with no end in sight.

"Well, how many swimming crabs are there in this TM?" Xiang Yang saw his eyes straight. These whole group of swimming crabs had changed their timid temperament in the past. They were really domineering on the seabed and were not afraid of people at all.

Xiang Yang swims to a swimming crab that is alone but has a small ball and weighs at least half a catty. The swimming crab is holding a one-foot-long marine fish with a huge tongs, and the other tongs are taken from the marine fish. Tear off the fish meat a bit and send it into your mouth.

Seeing the behemoth Xiang Yang swimming over, the swimming crab was not even scared at all. Not only did it not abandon the captured marine fish and quickly escaped, but instead waved the big tongs at Xiang Yang majesticly.

Some of the swimming crabs were attracted by Xiang Yang, and they turned the marching direction into a circular arc to outflank Xiang Yang.

Xiang Yang was immediately stunned. Did the other party include himself in the recipe?

In front of a huge ethnic group, apart from terrifying creatures such as whales and king squids, any individual power seemed insignificant.

Without allowing the swimming crabs to encircle him, Xiang Yang picked up the swimming crab with the size of a ball in front of him and rushed out of the encircling circle and quickly fleeed towards the distance.

After rushing out of the encirclement, Xiang Yang didn't hesitate at all, and swam in the direction of Qinglong Bend at full speed.

With so many swimming crabs, not catching them at this time is simply a fisherman.

Xiang Yang, who had swam back to Qinglong Bend, climbed directly onto the old fishing boat and threw the swimming crab with the big ball in his hand into the cabin. Without further ado, he removed the reins of the fixed fishing boat and moved the fishing boat toward the south. Pad in that direction.

When the fishing boat reached a certain location that people on the shore could not see, Xiang Yang repeated his old tricks, leaping off the bottom of the sea and dragging the entire fishing boat quickly toward the south.

Soon Xiang Yang caught up with the group of migrating fish and saw the group of tyrant crabs.

"Mine, it's all mine." Xiang Yang swiftly traveled back and forth between the surface and the bottom of the sea. During each round trip, he could catch more than two swimming crabs, or catch a fresh large lobster.

Swimming crabs can be seen everywhere, and they are easier to catch than the swimming crabs in the farm. In less than two hours, the cabin of the small fishing boat of Xiang's father was filled with swimming crabs, and the waterline was near a very dangerous value.

However, Xiang Yang still expressed his thoughts. This opportunity is only two times a year, once when the cold current comes when the swimming crabs move south, and the other is when everything recovers and the swimming crabs head north.