My deep sea fishery

Chapter 70 Rescue the Wounded Sea Lion

Xiang Yang swam to the injured sea lion to examine its injuries.

The sea lion was a little wary and kept barking at Xiang Yang.

"Don't move." Xiang Yang first gently stroked its back, starting with a cool and smooth piece, the sea lion's skin felt as if it was touching a pudding, but it was harder and very tough than the pudding.

Under Xiang Yang's comfort, the injured sea lion gradually calmed down, lying motionless on the bottom of the sea.

When the surrounding sea lions saw that Xiang Yang didn't hurt the sea lion, they gradually moved closer, some circled Xiang Yang, and some lay down on the bottom of the sea and gently touched the injured sea lion with their noses.

"Hi!" Xiang Yang inhaled a mouthful of sea water after checking the sea lion's injury.

This sea lion is really injured and the injury is serious.The skin on its head was directly cracked after its high jump and desperate bump, and a trace of bright red blood kept flowing out.

This is not the most important injury on this sea lion.

The main injury of this sea lion is on its back. On the gray-black back skin of this sea lion, a piece of skin the size of a cattail fan turned grayish-blue. The skin at that location feels soft, as if Although a broken pudding is still smooth and cold, it no longer has the toughness of a Q bomb.

This sea lion was obviously a little bit painful when Xiang Yang touched the grey-blue color on its back. It swam aside for a meter or two with its plump body, and then lay down on the bottom of the sea, with its nostrils bulging. It seemed that the one or two meters that had been swimming just consumed all its strength.

Xiang Yang heaved a sigh of relief when he saw this place. He had already determined that the sea lion did not hurt any bones.

The group of gray blue is in the position of the front vest of this sea lion. If it hurts a bone, it means that it hurts its spine. It is impossible to swing its body and swim.

Think about it, the main attack method of a humpback whale is to hit the enemy with its big head while swimming fast, and even if the orcas is hit by the big head of the humpback whale, it will get cold.

As for fin flapping and powerful whale tail instigation, they are only auxiliary attack methods of humpback whales. Normal humpback whales will not cause substantial damage to killer whales if they slap them on the body of the killer whale. They are also rough and thick. How can a sea lion be beaten off by a humpback whale?

No bone injury does not mean that the sea lion's injury is not serious, on the contrary, its injury is actually extremely serious.

When the sea lion swims, it not only needs to use the pectoral fins to move the water, but also need to move the waist together to move forward on the bottom of the sea. Now the back of this sea lion is seriously injured, and every movement of the waist will bring severe pain. It is impossible to rely on Swim back to the beach by yourself, and you can't even get out of the sea on your own to breathe.

If Xiang Yang left his hands alone now, this sea lion would definitely die on the bottom of the sea due to lack of oxygen.

It's just that this sea lion weighs more than 500 catties. It is not easy for Xiang Yang to bring it out of the sea or even on the beach by himself.

"Big head, come here." Xiang Yang turned and waved at the male humpback whale.

When the two humpback whales saw Xiang Yang beckoning, they immediately swam toward here happily.

The sea lions immediately retreated to the rear. Although the two humpback whales did not attack anymore, the sea lions were still quite afraid of the two humpback whales.

Soon two humpback whales swam to Xiang Yang's side, and the sea lions retreated to a distance of more than ten meters to watch.

Xiang Yangchong's group of sea lions smiled. It seems that the sea lions with high IQ also know that this is a misunderstanding.Although the group of sea lions are very wary of Xiang Yang and afraid of the two humpback whales, when the two humpback whales swim in front of their injured companion, they no longer show strong hostility.

It was the injured sea lion that saw that he was sandwiched between the two giants, one on the left and the right, and his whole body became stiff.

Xiang Yang first smiled and soothed the sea lion. When the injured sea lion gradually relaxed his body and became less rigid, Xiang Yang opened the oxygen tank on his back, then took off the oxygen mask from his face and placed it on the sea lion's nose.

The nostrils were covered by an oxygen mask, and the injured sea lion's body became stiff again.

But the injured sea lion was pleasantly surprised to find that there was oxygen in the strange thing covering his nostrils and suddenly snore and swallowed greedily.

It took about five minutes for the injured sea lion to breathe before pulling off the breathing mask, and happily touched Xiang Yang's chest with his head.

Xiang Yang smiled, put down his breathing mask and gestured to the two humpback whales, motioning them to hump the injured sea lion to the sea.

The two humpback whales didn’t understand what Xiang Yang meant at first, but when they saw Xiang Yang making gestures and kneeling down and arching the injured sea lion with their heads, they floated to the sea. After coming down several times, the two male humpback whales finally Understand what Xiang Yang means.


The male whale let out a loud call and slowly swam to the side of the injured sea lion, arching the fat body of the injured sea lion with his big head.

Xiang Yang gently stroked the head of the injured sea lion and motioned it not to be afraid.

The injured sea lion probably also knew what Xiang Yang was going to do, and swam to the top of the male whale with his pectoral fins gently swayed.

Xiang Yang was a little surprised when he saw it. A few minutes ago, the sea lion only swam a few meters before it was so painful that it lay on the bottom of the sea again and couldn't move. He didn't expect to swim slowly again in a few minutes.

Soon the male whale lifted the injured sea lion out of the sea, and sprayed a water column more than two meters high from the whale hole.

The female whale makes a melodious whale call around the male whale.

"Wow, wow!"

With a sound of breaking water, the sea lions swam out of the sea.

The female whale immediately stopped calling and turned to look at the group of sea lions.

The coercion of the humpback whale was still very strong, and the sea lions immediately became extremely quiet when the female whale looked over.

It was the sea lion on the male whale's back that raised his body and let out a cheerful cry.

Several sounds immediately rang from the sea lion group, as if communicating with the injured sea lion.

Soon, several large sea lions slammed into the seabed in Xiang Yang's puzzled eyes, not knowing what they were doing.

The injured sea lion used its pectoral fins and crawled to Xiang Yang's side to bite Xiang Yang's trousers.

Xiang Yang retracted his gaze and fell on the injured sea lion again.

"It seems that your recovery ability is very good. You don't need to go back to the boat for treatment. I will go to the sea to catch a few fish and let you go down." Xiang Yang thought that the injured sea lion wanted to recover from the humpback whale. Going down, touched the head of the injured sea lion and smiled.

The injured sea lion narrowed his eyes with enjoyment under Xiang Yang's touch.


At this moment, there was another sound of breaking water on the sea. The sea lions that had sunk into the sea one after another emerged from the sea, and each sea lion had a large or small fish in its mouth.