My deep sea fishery

Chapter 206 Top Fish Pills

In that case, steel brakes are evenly uniform as well as the overall stress of the sea fish fishing boats.

This time, this time I went out of the sea fish for thousands of pounds, and the freshwater resources on board were mainly stored in the stern.

"Well, Master Xu, you first reduce the speed." Xiangyang said.

Although the fishing boat decelerates before the network, it will definitely lead to many fish that have already entered the net, but those fish running off with safety are not worth mentioning.

Soon, the speed of the fishing boat slowed down.

At this time, Zhou Wang did not need Xiangyang ordered the consciously manipulated winch to pull the fishnet.

The fishing nets leave the water and slowly move towards the deck.

At this time, the crew members standing on the deck and served are excited.


"many fish."

"Full of a fishing net."

The whole fishing net is supported, it seems like a round ball, and the ball is in all colors.

"That is a squid?" Fang Friends pointed to a sea fish with black spots.

"It's impossible." Xiangyang did not look at it directly.

The carp is the most important economic fish species. It is one of the largest fish in the world. It is a fisherman who knows that the squid belongs to the cold water, and they live in the cold waters, Xiangyang now The sea area is getting close to the tropics, plus water is not very deep, how can you catch squid?

"Hey, this is?" Xiangyang watched the fish of Fang Friendship, the fish of the fish, the colors of the fish, the colors of the back, the color of the abdomen is deep, and it is really like it is A squid.

"How, I didn't say anything wrong? This is a squid." Fang Friendship.

"No." Xiangyang shook his head.

"It's really not." Chen Qingsheng also opened: "If I have not admitted wrong, it should be a snake."

"Snake squid?" Many people have heard the name of this fish for the first time.

"Snake squid is really similar, especially in this body with pattern of snake fish, but in fact, the snake fish is still very good, you see this fish's body is cylindrical, The body of the squid is shore, and the back of the squid is three dorsal fins. "

"Of course, the most important difference is the teeth of snake fish, and its teeth are calm."

"Snake squid." Fang Friendly said: "This is the name of this fish."

"That brother has heard? Coarse brother." Xiangyang smiled: "The so-called" Nony Brother "on the tide is the snake fish, because the snake fish's fish scales seem to be more fish Both are thick. "

"Yes?" Fang Youqun quickly ran over and touched the fish, and then went back and surprised: "It is true."

Speaking of this snake fish, there is a nursery rhyme with a wide range of swings, translated into Mandarin, seems to be like this:

"Coarse girl, there is money to buy

Don't pinify without money, kneading ... "

Of course, the object of this folk song is not a snake fish but a person who has a skin disease.

Generally, if you have classmates who have children, everyone will take this folk song.

"I don't know why this is so heavy." Xiangyang turned around the fishing net, : "Unwn Master Xu said that it is necessary to reduce the speed of the ship and then start. There is a lot of this network. It is a snake fish. "

"How? What is this different?"

"It is a bit different, the snake fish is a very economic fish, which is the meaning of high quality price, and there is a very fresh snake fish in the vegetable market with snake fish. Just ten dollars per catty. Around, dried to the inland to go to the price or even more than the ink fish, but a slap half long brother fish is more than one pound, simply as heavy as the scale. "Xiangyang said.

"Take ten money a pound?" Fang Friendship squatted, "Isn't that the same as barmia?"

Barrows are famous, named, alias, namely, hobfish, stick fish, pool, yellow, Huangzi, cooked fish, one of the genre, is a kind of garbage fish, is Many people in the eyes of the most worthless money in the sea fish in the eyes.

"Almost." Xiangyang said: "Snake fish is a very fierce meat fish, the meat is still white, the most common food method is cooked into a fish rice, its taste and price should be Biba The fish rice is slightly higher, but it is not too much. "

"Cut the brother's fish with ribs and radishes together or can, and the taste can be more than the fadel soup, I used to bring a few go home if I encountered the brother before I will take a few goals and then put the fish. It is a small piece of salt, sun-drying, frying, then staying slowly. "Chen Qingsheng said.

Xiangyang is headed, and the snake fish will not sell a few prices. When the boat boss on the fishing boat is given to the crew, it is not surprising.

However, Xiangyang does not need to use this means to cage people, and he gives the benefits of the crew.

There are a lot of bones of snakes, so many people are daunting.

Even if it is the most famous tidal saucer in the snake, there are very few people bought fresh food.

However, the cause of the snake fish is not used for the reason, but it is used to make fish pills.

Chaoshanfish pill is a food in the four seas. Basically, as long as people who have eaten the street snacks have eaten this cheap and delicious food, the production process of Chaoshanfish pill is called the peak, and the taste is tender and fresh. famous.

If you ask Chaoshan's fish balls so delicious, then snakes are definitely the most important hero.

"Take these fish," Xiangyang told: "After waiting for it, I left a few hundred pounds, and I sent it to Pothai Town to proceed to the fish ball. I passed 20 pounds. "

The famous sound of Chaoshanfish pills is very large, and the bulk fish pills in many inland supermarkets are also playing the banner of Chaoshanfish.

In fact, it is not, those are all ordinary freshwater fish, and the tide fish pills made of snake squid are rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B1, lecithin, etc. You can enhance memory, thinking, and analytical capabilities. The elderly can delay the brain decline, and there will be no side effects on the body.

Previously, there were some fish pills in some high-altitude hotels, but now there is no time, because the price of those fish is generally more expensive, but the fishballs that have not yet have no snake fish fish pills.

Snake squid pills have a low price, but the texture is especially soft and brittle, biting a very delicate, and some fish pills in some sea views are also being used with snakes.