My deep sea fishery

Chapter 281, seeing the fishes

Xiangyang they drive a fishing boat, constantly chasing the group of big guys in the sea.

I have been in the deep sea area, and the long whale grabs a chance, and hit the smelt whale that led the leader, and then went to the distance.

"The captain, the long whale didn't see." Xu put it in the cab.

"No need to chase." Xiangyang opened: "On the diving long whale than smelling whale, the long whale is hurt, and it is not a whale whale."

This can be seen from the body of the long whale with the smelt whale. It is very suitable for swimming, and the whole body of the scent whale is like a big box that will move. Although there are ocean submarines. The title, but their swimming speed is really not good.

When you arrive in the deep sea area, when the long whale is able to let go, the smelt whale is impossible to capture the long whale.

Xiangyang looked back at the route of the fishing boat, and there was a touch of bloody smell in the water.

"Take advantage of this opportunity, we sprinkle." Chen Qingsheng suggested with Xiangyang.

Xiangyang nodes, this sea area is wrestling with long whales, and the bloody flavor is very far away, it is easy to attract some ocean predator.

Chen Qingsheng saw Xiangyang, and he quickly shouted: "Lao Zhou, feeling net, we dragged back."

"Good ." Zhou Wang promised, immediately took several people to run towards the winch behind overtime.

The crew of the two turning machines looked slightly from Zhou Wang, "Wang Ge, can we control the winch?"

Zhou Wang smiled and went to Xiangyang, he said: "Don't worry, this winch is your manipulation, but this time I will control it, you have two more you have to look at it. The essence of the ocean fishing boat can be on this winch, it is a sloppy sloppy. "

The two crew nodded.

He said that there is also a basis, and the fishing boat is in the sea for fishing.

And fishing is inseparable from a winch.

It is said that this winch is the essence of the entire fishing boat.

Zhou Wang squatted, he did not control such a high-level winch, the maximum weight of this winch is as high as one hundred and forty tons, theoretical, up to the top 100 tons of catch, than the general The crane is still a cow, and the winch on the fishery in the front piercing network is a bird gun to change the cannon.

"Look, this is the switch to the war." Zhou Wang teaches two new people, while holding a winch to put the fishing net.

After the water, the fishing net is automatically scattered under the traction of the steel cable, and it is wrapped in the fishery in the fishing net.

The crew in the cab is also immediately boat.

After half a hour of tracing, the fishing boat reached the shallow water area. At this time, as a wheeled long, Xu Ying worried that the sea in the sea was broken, and Zhou Wang was returned.

It may be that the long whale and the smelt whale battle are too big. This online catch is very rare, only a small package, and most of the monks are still octopus and squid.

However, Xiangyang found a big guy in a group of octopus and squid.

Not only the Yanyang found, Chen Qingsheng also found it.

"Hey, this is the car fish." Chen Qingsheng looked at Xiangyang, he knew that Xiangyang did not taboo fish, but this is the first website that is sprinkled after the water, he doesn't know Xiangyang Not taboo.

Xiangyang went up and saw that this turned fish was close to three meters, with at least two tons weight, and a little bit smaller than the last time Xiangyang saw it on the water, but it was also a giant. Intaled.

"This fish is so blame." Xia Pengjie came over, whispered: "It's like being cut with a knife."

The head of Xiangyang, "The whole body of the car fish is elliptical, like a big dish, many fishermen are playing themselves to swim the fish."

"Loosing this roll fish to the freezing warehouse." Xiangyang smiled and got up, for other fishermen, fishing is a kind of taboo, for Xiangyang, this is a big pen The income, after all, the meat of the fisherman is not very suitable.

The old crew members are not blame.

The new crew looks at Xiangyang in a surrounding place.

Xiangyang saw, laughing and said: "You don't look at the fisherna rough, but the meat is actually very delicious, there is a little similar to wild puffer meat, and non-toxic."

"The taste of the puffer fish?" Fang Friendou came to listen to it, he lick his lips and said: "Yang Ge, do we get this flesh to get a little meat and eat it?"

Xiangyang turned a white eye, "Even if the fish is, our ship is immature, and the whale fork in Verner" The bottom of the sea is said to put it in the pot, and the pot is lost It is to turn the fish. "

Chen Qingsheng immediately attached: "Even if you cook this fish, bring this fish back and is taboo, if you don't believe in evil, you can really hit the evil."

Chen Qingsheng is a traditional fisherman. He is very taboo for the turning fish.

"We don't eat this fish, let others eat."

Xiangyang felt a little funny, he sighed: "If you don't have this fish is too big, too heavy, I want to take a roll fish in every living tank."

Xia Pengjie is stiff, "The captain, are you joking? Resting this to the living room? Others hide."

"That is not that others don't understand." Xiangyang disdain: "Don't look at this fish, don't have a long way, in fact, it is really a treasure for fishermen."

Xiangyang learned about the characteristics of the turffish at school, this turning fish is simply the miracle of life. Its other features don't say, one of which is enough to make countless scientists crazy.

After several studies, biomedicers have been checked, and they will secrete a strange substance to improve the surrounding environment. These substances can not only improve the quality of seawater or the treatment of holy drugs, which can effectively treat around Fish injury, and effective for humans.

Scientists refer to this substance as unidentified radiology.

Although biomedicers have never studied the cause of the magical substance, anyone is not able to negate the "doctor."

After listening to Xiangyang, everyone strangely looked at the turmoil.

Among them, Fang Friendship is a sleeve, walking to the edge of the fisherman, put the arm on the car fish.

"What are you doing?" Xiangyang asked curiously.

Fang Friends Group is gradable: "There is a scar on my arm, see that secretions can not give me this scar."