My deep sea fishery

Chapter 296 ominous sign

"I don't do it because I haven't bought it, so I didn't borrow it?"

"How much is you bought with fishing rod? Do you want to sell it to me, I have a big one more money, you go back to buy a better."

A group of people play trouble, not lively.

With the old age, the oldest Xu Feng smiled and walked, he asked, "Xia Pengjie, will you fish?"

A group of people saw Xu Feng, and quickly converge a lot.

Xia Pengjie was just shook his head, "No, I first caught it."

"Don't teach me by Master." Xia Pengjie took the fishing rod to Xu Audao.

"This sea fishing ..." Xu Feng put a model with a fishing rod, "If I will, I will ask you will?"

"Ah?" Xia Pengjie fainted, feeling that you will ask me because you won't?


The crew smiled.

Not, or Xiangyang said: "Just fishing, this fishing, fishing is not fishing, it is not important, important is the process of fishing."

"I still want to be able to fish fish." Xia Pengjie hanged the bait to the fish hook, then throw the fish hook to the sea.

Unprofessional throwing action.

If you are still waiting for the ocean fishing boat, Xiangyang even doubts that he can throw the bait to throw the bait.

However, because the ocean fishing boat is in high speed sailing, the bait of this group has been thrown out, and there is a position from the stern of more than ten meters.

"Not bad."


"Throwing so far."

This is an exclamation of a group of blood.

Xiangyang turns a white eye, this is what it is good, what is it called?

The bait is thrown out on his face?

He is too lazy to see.

Symptom a whole, Xiangyang only needs to see this Summer Pengjie a throwing action, the bottom of the heart has been sure that this Xia Pengjie can't catch fish.

Just when Xiangyang was ready to leave, he suddenly, he saw a black shadow quickly rushed toward the bait in the depths of the water.

"Is this?" Xiangyang got a spirit.

"Hey." He has a fishing rod, and the other hand, Xia Pengjie, who touched the smoking in the pocket, suddenly exclaimed, "There is a fish bite."

Everyone met Xia Pengjie to a despised eyes.

"You will blow it, the bait is just falling, the fish drifting is not floating, there is a fish bites, why don't you go God?" Fang Friendou looked over.

Xia Pengjie had to cry, he worked his hands with the fish, and the body was tight. "It's really a fish biting, big fish, come over to help me."

Xiangyang quickly said: "Fast, put line."

Everyone looked at Xiangyang strangely, I don't know what Xiangyang is saying.

At this time, which fish in the seabed began to struggle, it struggled, and suddenly took the first half of the sea scorpion.

Everyone took a breath, this is really a fish hooked.

A group of people quickly went to help.

Chen Qingsheng rushed up, he opened the wire wheel on the sea, and the wheel immediately rolled quickly.

"Are you stupid? Compared with a big fish, I want to be dragged into the water?" Chen Qingsheng angry.

The wheel rolled out, the sate was not far from a long striped fish, then hit into the sea, set off a huge spray on the sea, and the fish line was suddenly struggled to struggle.

Fang Friendly looked at the empty fish line, Chao Xia Pengjie: "There is a danger, you will be dragged to the water by the sea snake to the water."

"That is not a sea snake." Xia Pengjie shook his head.

He is also afraid, I didn't expect the first time to catch such a big guy. When I just didn't call Chen Qingsheng immediately helped him to open the wire, I was really being dragged into the water in the water.

"What is the sea snake? I just like this to see this from the bottom of the water." Fang Friends group looked at Xia Pengjie as the idiot.

"Don't say it." Xiangyang opened: "That is not a sea snake."

On the scene, Xiangyang he also saw it.

Just now, the long strip-shaped creature is indeed a sea snake, but a fish.

And it is a very famous one in fish, called royal fish.

The royal fish is the longest sad bones in the ocean, the longest 15 meters, 8900 pounds, when it is long, there are several floors so high, even if you often go out, the old water for the sea. They often misunderstand the sea snake.

"That is the royal fish, they are very fierce, and it is terrible than the sea snake." Xiangyang is serious.

The earliest royal fish record was in the 4th century BC.

Aristotle wrote in "Animal History":

In Villa, the sea snake is big, and the sailor along the coast is said to have this giant sea snake attack on the road.

Aristotle said that the giant sea snake is actually a royal fish.

After other crew listened, I took a breath, and the fish, it is actually a horror than the sea snake, it is no wonder that the royal fish.

Xiangyang's face is not very nice.

The royal fish is also known as the messenger of hell.

Many people think that the sea snake in the middle of the ancient navigation is the royal fish.

Europeans also have been circulating about the horror legends of 'Dahai Snake'. In ancient and medieval navigation works, many of the ships encountered with the sea snakes.

The creepy is that every time, it is called the 'large sea snake', it will have an earthquake or a tsunami, so in most legend, the appearance of 'Dahai Snake' has become unknown event. The ancestors occurred.

For thousands of years, the shadow of the 'Dahai Snake has been shrouded in all the hearts of the air, and today, the royal fish still has the devil's messenger.

"The royal fish is generally living in the deep sea below 800 meters, rarely appearing in the sea or shallow sea, once found that they have surface, or appear on the shore, usually means the tornado or earthquake." Xiangyang face is ugly.


Chen Qingnheng said, he is nervous: "No, the captain, the weather forecast did not say there is a tornado."

Xia Pengjie also also said: "The captain, in fact, there is another case of the royal fish will also float the water. When they are sick or they will float on the water."

"The big sea is very mysterious. Many things even don't dare to pack the ticket. The royal fish will only go into the perspective of scientists until 2006. They have a specific reason that appears on the sea. There is no accuracy, It may be that food is not enough, it is not necessarily. "Xia Pengjie smiled and relieves tension atmosphere.

"Hope is this." Xiangyang slowed down.

His inner heart actually has a bad feeling, but he can only say this now.