My deep sea fishery

Chapter 336 History is the most poisonous crab

"But the tourists are coming, I have to have a bit of marine entertainment project?" Li Chao was anxious: "You can't let people make a shower in the sea, then I will not be?"

Song Guun smiled: "What do you think Miss Zhou?"

Zhou Lili smiled and shakes his head, "Super brother, Song always willing to make a fortune with me, I am grateful, and I dare to have a specific thing."

Li Chao hit a haha, "Everyone is shareholder, what is the belt? There is a good suggestion to share it, we brainstorm."

When Xiangyang interpired, he said: "In fact, there are many sea entertainment projects, such as surfing, such as diving, such as sea motorcycles, such as sea performances."

Zhou Li Li smiled and said: "These suggestions for items are still very constructive, that is, no safety issues are taken into account."

Li Chao also deeply said: "In the same sea area, there is dive, there is surfing, and even Kaihai Motorcycles, safety problems is indeed deemed to be."

"This is not difficult." Xiangyang said: "You can give the sea area to the region, stipulate that some recreational facilities are allowed to do in the sea area, which playing facilities are strictly prohibited to enter which sea area."

Li Chao saw the heart of each other after seeing the eyes of Song Guining.

"Item your brother." Song Guowei asked: "Can you do this?"

Xiang Yanya laughed.

What is joke.

Although the beach of Qinglong is packaged by Xiangyang, it is the private beach of Xiangyang, but the Qinglong curved sea is a public sea area of ​​the entire rock village. There are hundreds of fishermen who make a living in the waters of Qinglong. How can I divide the entire blue dragon bending area.

, good guy.

You said that this is not allowed to make a boat in the swimming area, and the vessel is not coming?

Can so many fishermen in Rock Dragon can promise this?

"This is good." Xiangyang smiled: "Calling the people in the village will open a meeting, let the villagers eat the dividend with the land, as long as you give the interests, how do you want to plan how to plan."

Song Guowei's mouth took a soy sauce. The most feared is that this kind of land is bare to eat.

"See it later." Song Guining said.

Li Chao also shifted the topic: "The brother, I have been going out for so long, do you try it out?"

Xiang Yanyu laughed, he didn't think of himself, Li Chao will agree with his conditions, but this matter only needs to mention it, it is already a table, Qinglong bend or belongs to Rock Dragon. Village, no villagers who have no rock village agreed, don't want to develop a green dragon bend.

"Sad Yet is also good, try his hand." Xiangyang said with a smile.

A group of people spread from the bow, leaving the position to the crew, Zhou Wang personally manipulated the winch, and put the fishing net.

"You don't have to spread, just stand at the bow, and the fish smells at the end of the ship will be big." Xiangyang smiled.

Li Chao didn't care, even some people walked over the boat, and bowed to the boat.

Xiangyang saw them, and people who conducted a driving group continued to sail, while commanding Zhou Wang to manipulate winches.

"Yes, Zhou Master, the net." Xiangyang shouted.

"Good." Zhou Wang promised and then directed a wheelbar group member.

Xu Lee and Zhou Wang found that no matter whether it is a turbine or a driving group, the technology is actually very hard. There are a few young technologies even more powerful than they, just because of young, proficiency is a bit low, so now As long as you have a chance to get, they almost let them give those young people, for those who cultivate their proficiency.

"There are not many fish." Li Chaoye looked at the dry fishing net whispered.

"The offshore is too close, the fishery resources are exhausted." Xiangyang went to the eyes and went to the fishing nets.

The fish that is caught in this net is not much, it may be more than a thousand pounds, these fishing boats is a harvest on the small fishing boat, but when there is a fishing net in an ocean fishing boat, it is very poor, Zhang Yunet is flat, there is a parcel for a wrapped catch.

The fishing net is slowly pulled up to the deck, and it is slowly dropped.

At this time, Xiangyang, the eyes, seemed to have a lot of crabs in the fishnet.

Seeing this, Xiangyang is immediately a happy, although the captured catch is not a lot, but if you catch the catch, the quality is enough to make up the quantity gap.

Li Chao next to it is a exciting, "Hey, this is a embroidery crab?"

"Embroidered crabs?" Xiangyang spiritual earthquake, immediately remembered the full name of this crab, embroidered ridges.

Ruo, Ruo, Ruo, the name of the crab, light from its name, I can't see the specific habits of this crab, I don't want to understand that someone will give this name, if If it is very understandable to the crab, it will definitely think that this crab is a very cold crab in the crab family.

In fact, it is actually.

Ruplely famous embroidery rodents is even more famous in the entire crab family.

It can stand out from the numerous crab species, it is complete because of its fierce, it is a fierce Hehe.

Whether it is the degree of danger, or the degree of murderousness, or the degree of argument, other crabs are far more than it, even the murderous crab is.

Xiangyang carefully touched those embroidered ridges in the fishing net, and saw that there were extremely bright red mesh patterns on their back, just like embroidered.

"The captain, the net is still to collect?" Xu Ang asked in Xiangyang.



The sound of the front is called yang, and the sound behind Li Yongjun.

Li Chao twilled his head to see Xiangyang, "What do you know? Do you know what crabs? This is embroidered ridges, this crab contains severe toxins, and there is an experiment in foreign countries, a back shell Ten cm width embroidery ridges, the toxins contained in the crab body can kill 45,000 small mice, only one leg can be poisoned, this crab is too dangerous. "

Li Chao is open.

Swippled Ruo Crab is a water-soluble toxin. This toxin is impossible to remove, and there is no way to decompose by heating. Even if the processed, it is the same, it can be easily lifted, and it is basically worthy of edible value.

"Not so serious." Xiangyang smiled: "All crabs are only in organizational organizations such as crabs, and they are different from scorpions and poisonous snakes. They are not alerting skill. It is not caused by this crab. Only a poison crab will be poisoned. "

"Ah? Is this this?" Li Chao looked at Xiangyang, blame it. "It turns out that you know this crab, I am a semi-solving for this crab."