My deep sea fishery

Chapter 555 envy

Most importantly, Li Chao said that it is right.

Some waste of bluefin tuna is really wasteful on the yacht.

"This bluefin tuna gives Murong Qifu first. When I got some fish meat to the yacht." Li Chao said, while knocking on the water tank wall of the water tank with a wooden stick with a wooden stick.

At the time of the living tank, Xiangyang is deliberately raising the bluefin tuna with other seafood, is that the bluefin tuna has the driving force for swimming.

Now put the bluefin tuna in a small water tank, if you don't stimulate it, your blue fin tuna can't live in the water tank.

"OK." Xiangyang Nod, "In fact, I just put a suggestion, how to do it, Super brother, you will definitely be better than I know."

The flower cace sedan lifted, and Xiangyang was appropriately held by Li Chao.

Li Chaoyang smiled, "I will take you more in the future, so, I will first send people to take away, and I will let you first hit your account now, I will give you a wind banquet at night."

"No, don't be so polite." Xiangyang refused. Although the catch from this time is precious, the price of Li Chao is not low. Xiangyang makes a big pen, and it should be a good time to ask the guest. And this time, the crew who follows Xiangyang suffers. It is also true, Xiangyang is originally told by the crew, and when you come back, please ask everyone to eat together.

Now he promised to ask the guest to ask for guests, the crew on the ship is still not stupid?

"Total, you promise." Murong Qifu won the bluefin tuna after a good mood, he smiled and looked into Xiangyang, "Total, this time you go out, you really have a big harvest, a few more Gather, drink a cup, you have eaten dinner, prepare, hurry up. "

"Where to go?" Xiang Yang was boring.

"What can I go? Of course, I will lead the fishing boat to go to the sea fishing!" Murong Qihe's granular.

Xiangyang listened, suddenly his face was green, "Murong boss, you really call me as a triero, I just came back, my feet didn't get on the shore, I have to rush to go out, you don't know at sea Long time, is it a very boring, is it very fortunate? "

"Can you worry too much." Li Chao shot the shoulders of Xiangyang, "Taking advantage of now is the head of Fortune, you will make more earn a little more when you have money."

"Then I have to go on the shore segment is not?" Xiangyang was vilased.

Zhang Jiapei is open: "Yeah, so Super brother calls you to eat and drink, is this not relaxing? After you put it, you don't live."

Xiangyang went to death.

Returned to the voyage of the ocean, even if you eat, even if you eat?

When the ocean fishing is the motorcycle driver goes out to work, come back at night, go to work next morning?

"Three, you still spare me." Xiangyang practiced for mercy, then fled and ran to the deck, after the laughter of Li Chao and others.

In the process of going to the boat, Xiangyang found the overall yachts on the sea on the sea, and there seems to have people in activities, not all empty ships.

"What is the people on the yacht?" Xiangyang asked.

Previously, Xiangyang could listen to Li Chao, and all of these yachts will have to go out later, especially the supreme series yacht, and now they have not been handled.

"You don't know, in addition to the supreme series of yachts, other yachts are ordinary yachts, the service staff, chefs, doctors, and crews, all need me, these are just a staff configuration, these The yacht really wants to go out, and it will also take a while to prepare for a while. "

In order to recruit these people, Li Chao has a big price.

However, these money will spend a quite worth, because how long does it take? When these yachts officially entered the business state, Li Chao will hold the money on these yachts in a very short period of time, and they will be put into the money on these yachts. come back.

Xiangyang nodded, it is understood that the preparation before the cruise ship is in the sea, must be done well.

Just this, more than ten large trailers came from the distance, accompanied by the sound of the whistle, steadily stopped on the pier of the Qinglong.

After Li Chaoyou, I immediately laughed immediately, "I am coming."

A box of fish is transported from the deck.

Those fish dealers on the edge of the dock have not left, they looked up with their heads and worked hard, and then looked at the stacked catching fishing from Xiangyang Ships.

At the beginning, the moved was all bubble boxes. Although those fish vessels were secretly shocked, they got the gains of the sea, but because of the specific fishing of the foam box, what is the heart It is basically able to hold it.

When the bubble box was moved, one of another tank, the large wooden bucket was lifted from the boat.

This time, the workers lifted down a wooden barrel or water tank from the boat of Xiangyang, and the fish dealers were exclaimed.

"This is a yellowish fish, and it is the size of two fingers, three fingers, four fingertips, there are a lot of four-finger size, and can sell dozens of money a pound in the market." A middle-aged fish traders shocked.

The yellow fish is actually the stone headfish, also known as the lion headfish, the thorny plum fish, they usually eat with small fish, shrimp.

Don't look at the yellowish fish, and it is a very common edible sea fish, but the market price is not a little.

In fact, the yellowish fish is best for early summer.

At that time, the yellow-proof fish was approaching the layout period, and the fish was so strong, and there were many unsaturated fats, proteins and multiple nutrients in the fish.

When the yellow fish is eucalyptus, the fish will soon become thin, and the taste must become a lot.

However, with the front of the rhubarm, the yellow-skin fish near the ovife is prohibited in many bays.

The nutritional value of the yellowhead fish is very high.

In the body of wild yellow fish, rich protein, trace elements, vitamins, have a good supplement to the human body, for physical weakness and middle-aged and elderly, eat yellowhead fish will receive a good diet.

In addition, the rich trace element selenium contained in the yellow head fish can remove the free radicals produced by human metabolism, which can delay aging, and have the effect of prevention and treatment of various cancers. Chinese medicine believes that the yellow headfish has spleen and stomach, and the effect of Angers stopped, Yiqi fills, the anemia, insomnia, dizziness, loss of appetite, and women's post-body is unique. Effect.

All fish dealers looked in Xiangyang in the eyes of Baba, this rare small fish in the lower waters of the sofa, they all really want to divide a piece!