My deep sea fishery

Chapter 556

"Sold, I have sold it." Xiangyang smiled and held a boxing, "Now my catch is limited, wait until I have built a fleet, can catch the surplus catch, will definitely ask Everyone helps a pin together. "

Ten thousand pounds of yellow-skin fish are lifted up from the boat with workers and crew, the attraction of fish traders, it is not anger.

One of the fish vessels wipes the nose, and the road: "Board boss, Li Boss, you are too good? So many yellow-skin fish are not uniform, we run from so far from the place. It is waiting for so long, let us go back to us so long? "

Li Chao looked at the guy, and then his eyes smashed, like the person completely did not see the person, Li Chao felt that he was spending himself with the other party, completely wasted time.

Xiangyang is also purely that person is fart, it doesn't use it for a half point.

But there is a person can't help.

It is Murong, I saw that Murong Qualifei jumped out of the crowd. "Is that I always still let you wait here? Don't we don't think about it? I know that the goods in the pier are collected, you come over If you count, you still dare to say that Lee has always taught us, how do you teach us? "

When Murong Qifu, he quickly got the resonance of Fang Friendship.

I saw the Fang Friendship in front of him, and he looked at everyone and shouted with Murong Qiyu: "Are you teaching us to be people?"

Xiangyang looked at Fang Friendship, and suddenly grinned, "I don't have to welcome this moral kidnapping."

Strictly speaking, here is Li Chao's business field. These fish traders are invasive. Now they have to grab Li Chao's source of supply, and Li Chalars will not give them a face.

The first-opening seafood, the seafood purchase, will not hate a gap on the ground to let yourself drill.

When the yellow-skin fish of over 10,000 pounds was lifted, it followed, and it was a box of silver fish.

Silver is a near-sea warm temperature medium and lower fish, a sea area inhabit 30 to 70 meters, likes to cluster in shadows, is a more precious sea fish than yellow-skin fish.

Talking about silver fish, there is something that makes Xiangyang very concerned.

Silverfish as one of the important candidate varieties of marine farming has been widely received by countries around the world.

In recent years, the silver fish is more than one of the four major local characteristics of the four major places of marine germplasm.

Although the specific breeding method of silver squid has not been studied, this is completely in line with the spirit of my country's medium and long-term scientific and technology development plan, which proposes to "effectively improve the coverage rate of my country's seawater", and promote a group of artificial breeding. Sexual breakthroughs, have a good market potential and can represent the industrialization process of seawater farming in different seas and different farming models, accelerate the progress of the expansion of high-quality seeds, and promote the structural adjustment of the seawater breeding varieties of my country.

Therefore, Xiangyang has a matter of cultivating silver-scale cultivation, in fact, is in the end.

Xiangyang itself has the idea of ​​doing aquaculture, but has been subject to technical standards, and there is a saturation of the market.

There is no more farming fish in the world, but silver-fish farming technology is indeed in the same way to one of the four major local characteristics of four major places in marine germplasm.

If Xiangyang is now gaining a silver fish farming base, you can get the support of the policy, and you can get the support of the villagers in the lower side. Once you have succeeded, it is the first to make silver and breeding. The rich profit, it is very horrible.

Even Xiangyang may take this, and become a domestic aquatic supply giant.

Of course, this idea is currently just a less mature idea in Xiangyang's head.

If there is nothing to grasp, Xiangyang is definitely not truly trying to achieve this idea.

Donghai Yinzhao as a traditional important fisheries resource in my country. As early as more than ten years ago, some people began forward-looking deployment.

Since 2000, Ningbo University, Ocean and Fisheries Research Institute, Donghai Aquatic Research Institute, Zhejiang University and a number of enterprises, successively undertake the heavy responsibility of the investigation of silver.

Silver-artificial breeding technology research, Silver artificial seedling technology research, silver-grained seedling technology research, silver-scale scale technology research and other scientific and technological projects have been studied for more than ten years, scientists have broken through countless technical difficulties, but each After overcoming a difficult time, you can always encounter more new difficulties.

In 2015, the topic of major science and technology specialized "Silver Industrialization in the Operation of Industrialization" is established.

This project was bored by four units of Ningbo University, with four units such as Zhejiang University, and the early study of the industry 5 years, and there is countless humanity.

The biologists and scientists have been continuously efforts to clarify the gonad development of breeding silver, reproductive cycle and effective accumulation, combined with nutrient and optical control technology, the current realization of silver fish.

And scientists have also found that the jellyfish is a special nutrient source of silver, which clarifies the special nutritional demand for the jellyfish.

Biologists also use ultra-efficient liquid chromatographs, successfully screening, 30 important liposomes of silver fish, successfully cloned the genes related to the growth and fat metabolism of silver.

But until 2017, artificially cultured silverfish will also stay in the experimental waters.

This is no way.

Because this is determined by the living habits of silver squid.

Silver fish is close-in-sea warm medium lower fish, and their perfens is the deep water area of ​​the whole 30 meters.

Among the morning, the silverfish likes to swim to the middle of the water at dusk.

The least solved is that the silverfish has a very obvious seasonal tour, and winter needs in the winter deep water area in the winter.

Every spring, with the water temperature rebound, the fish in the winter field will swim from the respective tour route.

The strongest winter fish group in the north of the East China Sea is generally started in April, with the heating of the warmth to move in the northwest direction.

By mid-April, the boat fish fish group of the Zhoushan fishery and the Yangtze River mouth fishery increased significantly.

Sometimes, the silver squid will quickly close to the coast, and enter the ocean and Jiangsu near sea.

Adult silver fish loves to eat water drops, bovine and small fish.

Young silverfish is generally only eating small fish, arrowatiars and ceremonium.

This big pile is added, and Xiangyang feels much more than the feeding of silver.

Shake your head, Xiangyang will drive out this kind of mind this temporary.

Although the cultivation of silver squid is a good thing, it is really going to practice, then the first scientist will truly adapt to the fish survival in the wild.