My deep sea fishery

Chapter 644, hard-working starfish

Soon, Xiangyang took the little purple starfish to the sea.

"How? I always satisfied with this reef version?" Zhang boss smiled and asked the Yang.

"Not very satisfied." Xiangyang took the diving equipment, then put the slap size of the purple sea star on the tea, "I found this in the sea."

"Well? Starfish?" Wu Shousen's face changed, and he went to see the eyes of the boss.

Zhang Bo naturally picked up the purple starfish from the table. "It turned out that this is a ghost. It is no wonder that I sent so many people. I didn't find the sick, and the purple sea star, I like to hide in deep water area, run It's fast, I also like to come out. "

Xiangyang drank the tea, "It is a great loss to the fishermen in the water, especially for some farmers, it is a natural enemy of shellfish and abalone, and shellfish is a farmer to breeding The main food of the fish, abalone is a farmer's own life, no wonder Zhang Boss will put this one piece of treasure. "

The five corners of the purple sea star can open all shells, it can also secrete digestive enzymes, kills the shells including crabs, then kill, then suck the tissue of the quarry, have it In the sea floor, it is basically not considered to cultivate abalone.

Zhang boss sighed, "It is no wonder that the abalone seedlings I put are inexplicably left. It turned out to be these purple sea stars, with these purple sea stars, abalone looks like it is really can't raise."

Xiangyang looked at Zhang Bo and did not speak.

Zhang Boss continued to say: "But since you go, you should see it, this whole, is actually a huge coral reef, very suitable for grouper stocking, the price of grouper is not cheap."

Xiang Yanyu laughed and shook his head: "Pleid fish is good, can be raised, how to catch up? This is a coral reef, even the net is unable to sprinkle, and you have to spend a lot of strength. These groupers are grabbed, if the wind is in the rain, I can earn some hard money, but if you encounter a tower or other accidents, this year is a net loss, fish seedlings, contracting fees, you have to lose a dry two net."

"It is risky, you can make money, I am old, I don't want to take this risk, I have always been a young person, I don't want to take this risk?" Zhang Boss smiled.

"It's not that I don't want to take it. It is risk to talk to the return, so much money, I am enough to buy a large fishing boat again."

Let's get a large fishing boat back, you can catch a little fish every time, it is much more money.

Of course, the cultivation is stable, and the fishing is still eating on the sea.

"In this way, I will then offer a little price, sixty five years, tens of millions, the two fishing boats that are parked there are all, how do you see?" Zhang Bo asked.

Xiangyang looked at the sea, the two fishing boats were small and medium-sized fishing boats, and the first ship that had not yet bought is large. It is still possible to work in this sea area, and it is unrealistic.

Ten thousand should be the bottom price of this surname.

"To tell the truth, I am very calm, but this sea of ​​purple sea stars can't solve it. This reef can only raise the grouper. For me, the profits of grouper are still small." Eupizes.

Xiangyang is indeed possible to dive the sea.

But by the Xiangyang himself dive the sea to catch the purple starfish, this will be like the dog body, and then catch the monkey, the month of the year can catch the purple sea star.

As for the natural enemies of starfish?

The starfish only has a natural enemy, only the seagull will read occasionally.

In fact, the biggest enemy of purple sea star is Chaoyang starfish.

But Chaoyang starfish is also a natural enemy of abalone.

Separate individuals, no creatures can be considered a starfish.

But the race has.

If there is a tiger head crab group with the number of starfish, the tiger crab group will launch the power of the whole whole country, encircle the starfish, will kill the starfish in the sea, one tentacle does not let go Until one of them completely died.

However, if the number of tiger's crabs is slightly less than the number of starfish, the tiger's head crab group will only migrate the monet, and it is not compatible with the starfish.

With a breeding, don't know how many years, and the food is sufficient, the quantity of the sea is more, where is Xiangyang to find so many tiger's head crabs?

If you spend money, I am afraid it is also a hundred millions.

"Hey." Zhang Boss sighed, "these damn starfish."

It can be seen that this boss really has a hate for those stars.

If the water under the reef disc is sharpened, Xiangyang will not doubt. This boss will not spend a lot of money, please people underwater, and destroy those stars.

Starfish is a creature that is difficult to wrap well.

Adult starfish, the skin is covered with slight tentacles, anything who distrescribes their tentacles will be attacked by tentacles, and they will also clean up their skin to avoid being invaded by parasites.

The most sputant is, there is a variety named sand starfish. If someone goes to catch them with a hand, they will be like a balloon to explode, and they will fry themselves into countless fragments, and then wait for a while, these debris will change There are countless small starfish.

"Dragon Ball" monstered burst, becomes a countless small cloth, which is set according to starfish.

Wu Shousun hesitated for a while, and then he only opened: "In fact, I think it can use the floating marline network, so as long as the starfish can't get in the reef, then these starfish will naturally solve it. "

Zhang Bo looked at Wu Shousen and didn't speak with the tea cup.

Xiangyang shakes his head, "this is not realistic, this place is scraped a few typhoes a year, and it is a lot of money. Can you not be a few times a year?"

There are too many restrictions on reef breeding.

Otherwise, such crystal clear seawater is not only able to raise grouper and abalone.

Because of the words of other fish, the whole is running.

"Total, it seems that you are also very well-understood." Zhang boss smiled.

Xiangyang shakes his head, "I have a little understanding, but I don't understand the truly technical things."

"I don't know, is there any interest in cooperation with me?" Zhang Boss smiled.

"Cooperation? How is a cooperation law?" Xiangyang asked.

"What kind of human solution can't be solved, the starfish is difficult, but if I really want to solve, there is no way, but I am really big, now I really don't want this ambition, I don't want to Continue to stay in this sea, there is always an interest in this reef version? Technology, I have someone here, wait for those starfish, you only need to buy some fish seedlings every year, then you can take the money. "