My deep sea fishery

Chapter 730 Miraculous Life

Because the tail of the blue whale is wide and flat, the whole body is flowing, it looks like a razor, so it is called a razor whale.

The body of the blue whale is very huge, a tongue can reach two thousand kilograms, the skull can reach 3,000 kilograms, the liver has a thousand kilograms, even 500 kilograms of the heart, more than a adult man is much larger.

In addition, the blood circulation of blue whales can reach more than 8,000 kilograms.

If the intestines of an adult blue whale are straightened, there are three hundred meters.

Xiangyang has seen a proportion of blue whale angiogenesis in the laboratory.

The blood vessels of the blue whale are rough enough to install a child, and the dirty wall thickness is more than 60 centimeters.

Such a huge heart and blood vessels provide a huge power for blue whales.

The power of blue whales is great, and the power issued can reach more than 1,500 horsepower, which is a well-deserved giant and strong man in the animal world.

In front of you, this adult blue whale is estimated from its body. Its weight should be about thirty times the African body weight, which is also huge in blue whale.

The average length of the average blue whale is only twenty-five meters, and the number of more than 30 meters is not much.

The body of female whales is generally greater than the whale, and the South Blue Whale is generally greater than the North Blue Whale.

This blue whale is like a female blue whale in the South Blue Whale, so it is possible to grow to such a large body, otherwise, it is difficult to get to this body.

Xiangyang has found that this blue whale is different from other kinds of whales seen in Yany.

Including the head whale, other types of whales are very small.

The body of the blue whale is the vertebrae, which looks like a seat whale that is drawn, larger.

In addition, this blue whale is very small, and people on the boat can not see it at all. It is said that the dorsal fins of the blue whale are only visible shortly during the dive process of blue whales.

Xiangyang carefully stared at the back of this blue whale. How to see Xiangyang feels that this blue whale is not fins.

In the back of this blue whale, Xiangyang only sees a just visible bulge.

However, other fins are very eye-catching.

This blue whale seems to have surface breathing, it raises the shoulders and the air hole area from the water surface, and the degree of rising the water is much larger than the other large whales, and the spectacular vertical water column is sprayed from time to time. The water column is up to ten meters.

Xiangyang Station can easily feel the horror power of the water column on boards of hundreds of meters away.

It is said that the lung capacity of blue whale can achieve five thousand liters of horror, equivalent to five thousand bottles of mineral water.


After seeing the huge fleet of Xiangyang, the huge blue whale of the head was low, and he sounded a little bit of whale, this voice seems to be very sad.

At the same time, Xiangyang also saw the tongue of this blue whale through the mouth of this blue whale.

The tongue of this blue whale is very large, and Xiangyang estimates that it can stand 50 people on its tongue.

Without the ground, Xiangyang remembered a paragraph of the textbook before, the heart of the blue whale was as big as the car, the baby can climb the arteries of the blue whale, the blue whale of the newly born is more than a year Heavy.

"Yang Ge, can the blue whale can survive in the Antarctic?" Fang Friendou smashed the shoulders of the Yanyun, asked quite confused.

Xiangyang was so helplessly turned a white eye, and he has already seen the blue whale in the Antarctic. How to ask this question.

However, Xiangyang replied patiently: "The intersection of warm sea and ice-cold sea water is a great habitat of blue whales, and the cold sea water is usually rich in floating creatures and krills, blue whales usually use these two creatures. Blue whales are worldwide, the number of blue whales distributed in the Antarctic whale is the most. "

Most of the Most of the Blue Whale of the Antarctic is a very rich organic matter that rushes into the ocean in the land river, so that the water quality is very fat, promotes a large amount of breeding of plankton.

The intensive floating creatures have attracted a lot of small fish.

The stomach of the blue whale is divided into four, and the first stomach is expanded into the esophagus portion, so the appetite is very large, and 2 million krill can be swallowed once.

A adult blue whale to eat 4000-8000 kg of food every day.

If the food in the blue whale is less than 2,000 kilograms, there will be hunger feelings.

Krill is the largest animal in the world, which is widely distributed in the north and south, which is because of such a rich food, and living in the water does not support weight limit, so blue whales can develop this huge.

The blue whale in the Antarctic is used to open the big mouth every day. In the dense floating boutique, the two rows of plates on the mouth must be like a sieve, and there are many pleats like the accordion in the belly. The expansion can shrink, so it can swallow the sea water and krill, then the mouth is closed, so that the sea is discharged from the mustache, and the small shrimp is swallowed.

The food of blue whales has other shrimps, small fish, water mother, diatoms, and various floating creatures, and the like, living in the northern whale, the body is small than the water near the Antarctic. This has a close relationship with the type and quantity of their food.

Although the blue whale is living in the sea, it is also breathing with the lungs like other mammals.

The weight of the blue whale has reached more than 1,000 kilograms, which can accommodate more than a thousand liters of air.

Such large lung capacity makes the number of blue whales have greatly reduced, and about every fifteen minutes to expose the water to breathe once.

The blue whale will take the exhaust gas such as carbon dioxide in the lung from the nostrils during breathing, and then suck the fresh oxygen.

Whenever the head of the blue whale is exposed, the exhaust gas such as carbon dioxide in the body is exported to the body, and there will be a strong burning gas flowing out of the nostril, the height of the injection can reach ten meters, and the nearby sea is also roll together. Out of sea.

When the blue whale is sprayed, there will be a spectacular water column on the blue sea. It is like a sea fountain, and it is like a short sound of the trains. It is the most authentic whale spray.

People generally determine the location of the blue whale according to the sound of the whale, the height and shape of the whale blowing.

What is the pity is that the blue whale is living in the oceans, but it can be seen in our country.

In the Yellow Sea and South my country Sea have recorded a record of blue whale, no one has found them in my country's waters in recent years.

Blue whale is not a diving master, it will not be more than one hundred meters at a time, very few individuals can dive to 500 meters deep, the dive time is about 20 minutes, will be eight to ten Five jets.