My deep sea fishery

Chapter 765 Icegae

High Chuang underground passage soon Unfortunately, three abalone, each weighing more than thirty-two are in the way, it can be said that three abalone, abalone can be said to be headed.

In fact, this three abalone, the most important of the High Chuang, he still would only willing to pay fifty thousand.

"Yes, I'm back playing eighty thousand people on your card, the last remaining one, if and when you want to sell, then sent to my ship herd." High Chuang although unfortunately, but with not the slightest Yang bargain items mean, directly on the open road.

After completion of the transaction, these high Chuang few green abalone side of history became interested.

High break a smile: "?? Item Yang, before which three sides of the green abalone boat you should or not it is not beneath these waters Spoils"

Item Yang know, this is certainly high Chuang green side abalone move the mind, after all, this is a very valuable seafood, a two pairs of high Chuang only insignificant, may be if one hundred, one thousand, even for high Chuang For, it is not a small income.

Not to mention, there may be able to cash in a single abalone.

"Yes, yes, that is in this sea bottom groan, but the fishing is not good, this sea bottom is rolling undersea mountains, the deepest unfathomable." Item Yang replied truthfully.

"You really always, good luck kid." High Chuang Yang smiled and patted the shoulder item.

"I will also let a person go look for me, I do not take advantage of you, and so I go back and give you copies chart, there are a few rich rare marine waters marked above me." Chuang High Road .

Item Yang smiled and said: "high overall, very nice of you, even if I do not tell you that we want to stay so long in the sea, you will be a people who will sooner or later be discovered."

"One at a code." High Chuang shook his head.

See Item Yang Chuang adhere to high, slightly hesitated, homeopathy promised down, "OK, I'll thank you to the high total."

High Chuang left, Chen Qingsheng came over, and some of his excitement and said:. "Captain White had a chart, this time we make a big"

"White?" Asked Yang item.

"Is not it? Abalone this sea so much that we simply can not dragged finish, and come back here next time do not know what time it was." Chen Qingsheng continue excited Road.

Item Yang shook his head, "Well, do not say this, seize the time to rest, recover under strength, best to add something high-energy food, a submarine and then we will go fishing again."

Chen Qingsheng nodded, he had just tasted the sweetness in the water below, and now my heart is like the cat scratch, and, Chen Qingsheng that, he turned away a piece of undersea rock has passed a long time, because those frightened and sticky firmly on the rocks of abalone, that we should also guard up again.

Soon, Xiang Yang, who went down to the bottom again.

This time, under the terms positive or straight in the deep sea drilling, he, in particular ice algae is very interested in those plants that exist Antarctic deep sea.

According to Xiangyang, Antarctic Icega is some algae plants that grow in the Antarctic waters, and can make cold dishes.

It is delicious with Antarctic Icegae in a cold dish.

Because Antarctic Icegluts absorb the cold for thousands of years, the algae essence contained in Antarctic Icegae is much higher than the general algae, and is a pure natural seaweed food.

Xiangyangyou went to those lush seaweed, and found that the ice under this sea area was mostly yellow or yellowish brown.

Antarctic Icega generally refers to all of the large-class mini algae growth in the Nanyi Extreme Environment Sea Ice. These, which is seen before the Yanye, which is Antarctic Icega.

Antarctic ice is an indispensable an important part of the Antarctic ecological chain.

In the past, the small Antarctic Icega was ignored by humans.

When the icebreaker is moving forward in the Antarctic Ice, the boat in the side can always see more than one meter thick ice, and the seven vertically parallel float.

If someone carefully observes those thick ice cubes, you can find that the ice layer and brown layer on the ice layer and the section.

Initially, human beings think that these different ice cubes are sandy sand in sea ice, not much attention.

Later, after the identification of biologists, it was found that this is a mini algae growing in the sea ice, ie Icega.

Icegae is settled in sea ice, using sea ice to grow natural conditions, reproduction.

Like all plants, Icega also rely on sunshine for photosynthesis, manufacture organics, stored in intracellular, with this self-numerous and supporting other biological ice algae, but there are ice gains growing sea ice, you can It is found that low-end floating animals such as copades and end clams are gathered together.

Of course, there is less greedy fish and krill.

And large animals, such as enterprises, seals, will therefore have enough food, a huge floating area food chain thereby produced.

Icegae provides an essential nutrients for Antarctic creatures to support the entire Antarctic food chain.

If there is no ice algae, the Antarctic will only have loneliness.

Because Antarctica is a high-latitude cold region, its geographical location and climatic conditions determine the type and distribution of ice algae.

The floating microarana exists in the Antarctic waters include not only the Antarctic algae, but also includes certain algae in other sea areas, these algaltes are complicated due to the cold polar environment.

There is a biologist analyzed Icega near Antarctic Davis Station.

Through research, biologists have found three eighty-two kinds of icegi.

Among them, seventy-six of diatoms, accounting for 90% of the total.

Five kinds of parasin and algae.

In seventy-six diatoms, the type of feather citerary line is dominant.

Which Clinton cocoon-shaped algae, marine Fragilaria, long Nitzschia, Fragilaria near shallow shape, the threat Cocconeis, weak Nitzschia is a species that appears every month.

Xiangyang knows that Antarctic Icegle not only plays an important role in the ecosystem of the Antarctic, but also has broad prospects in basic research and development.

Due to the unique geographical and climate characteristics of the Antarctic, it has formed a cold, although the radiation environment, which has a special physiological adaptation to this unique environment, which can survive.

It is precisely because of this special physiological characteristics of Icega, it is inevitable to have a good test material for low temperature biology.

In addition, Iceglamide is also a potential source of new active substances.

Scientists believe that rational development of low-temperature algae resources in the South Pole can not only enrich the existing microbial resources in my country.

If you can develop a valuable physiological active material and product from Icega, you can provide new research materials and new ideas.