My deep sea fishery

Chapter 768 Sixth Functionalization

In addition, Xiangyang also found that the two nostrils of the hammerhead shark were actually separated.

Xiangyang stared at the belly, and the back was carefully looking at the brown-red hammer shark. It found two nostrils, which were distributed on both sides of the head.

It is said that the hammer shark is distributed on the nostrils on both sides of the head because it is far apart, so it is better to identify the moisture within the farther range.

The nostril is not in the predation process of the hammerhead.

The singularity of the hammerhead shark, as well as the sixth sense of supernatural, is simply designed for hunting.

Some biologists are concluded that it is a hammerhead greedy food, causing the hammerhead in the long-term foraging process to help the hammer's ability to hunt food.

Xiangyang also recognizes this inference.

Because the shark has existed on the earth in the earth in 400 million years ago, the time in this planet is more ancient than the dinosaurs.

However, the hammer shark is acquired at 50 million years ago, and it is absolutely a new member throughout the shark family.

According to the evolution of the survival, there is no special reason, the hammer shark is almost impossible to evolve into this look.

While Xiangyang, the hammer shark is also playing Qiangyang while taking the shark.

The two eyes of the hammer Shark are located at both ends of the head on both sides of the head. There is a distance from the distance between the two eyes. This special eye layout not only gives a hammer shak like human eyes, two Only the eyes of the eyes can be overlap, and you can also swing back and forth, and see the scenes of the four sides.

The hammer shark is based on its extraordinary eyes visual to capture and avoid danger.

Relying on a pair of eyes, the hammerhead can determine the distance and speed of the prey, and then quickly launch the attack, to the death.

When the hammerhead is coming back in the ocean, the head of the rocking from time to time can observe the situation around, and the first time discovers potential dangers and enemies, so that the danger is quickly avoided.

It may be a living like Xiangyang. The hammerhead has not seen the reason, or it may be that the number of people in Xiangyang is much more, the number is far exceeding the reasons for these hammerheads, or the two reasons added, In short, these hammerheads have been very vigilant against Xiangyang.

Xiangyang has this, but I don't think there is any accident.

Animals have a vigilance to strange organisms, even if the sharks are not exception.

Xiangyang knew the hammerhead after observing himself, but relieved.

I saw that Xiangyang smiled slightly, and in the sea, it appeared in a few hundred meters away.

Sure enough, those hammerhead sharks immediately a commotion, but for swimming term positive direction is not exactly go against those hammerhead sharks, hammerhead sharks maybe those who fled scared of.

Item Yang know, just swimming tracks, those are absolutely hammerhead sharks to see in the eyes.

The scientists found that the more large hammerheads head, its field of view greater degree of overlap, can also detect the wider field of view, it has become increasingly clear.

Swimming in the sea in quick succession several of the items yang, the body stops where more than one hundred meters from those hammerhead shark, slightly upturned mouth, so fast swimming speed, should these hammerhead sharks to scare right?

Although the fast swimming speed, does not mean that aggression is strong.

But in the ocean, swimming faster, often means more dangerous.

Sure enough, when the term positive again towards the group of hammerhead sharks seen, the group of hammerhead sharks no longer be secure in place krill, and began to sink to deeper waters beneath.

Item Yang suddenly grinned, as long as these hammerhead sharks do not attack with his own crew, these items do not care Yang hammerhead sharks go now.

All in all, hammerhead shark is also number one swimmer in the ocean.

Hammerhead sharks are migratory fish, hammerhead sharks every year hordes will begin a trek travel, summer time, it will travel to the South Pacific south of the summer, winter, will swim with tropical to temperate waters to escape winter.

However, this is not absolute.

After the scientists found that hammerhead sharks have a lot of family migration is not involved loners, they will act together except when hunting with other hammerhead shark, the other most of the time, are a shark in the ocean battles.

Hammerhead sharks environmental adaptability is very strong.

Tens of degrees from the nearby tropical beach, to one thousand meters on the seabed, below zero degrees Celsius waters, there are hammerhead sharks figure.

And with most of the sharks, hammerhead sharks no lungs, breathing with gills, do not need to sleep.

Hammerhead shark can not stop swimming, swimming a long stop, it will immediately sank beneath the waves.

Such as the group of hammerhead sharks to deeper waters in the swim, read entries sun and standing still for a moment.

Although the shark threat to humanity, there is no name of hammerhead sharks.

In the past a long time, hammerhead sharks are considered to be a terrible man-eating shark.

But after a field trip scientists and biologists have found that hammerhead sharks and the great white shark is actually, tiger sharks are not the same shark.

Although the hammer shark is cruel, it is very warm to humans. In most of the time, the hammerhead will not attack humanity. Only when he is attacked by humans, it will hurt people. Extreme move.

But when Xiangyang really face these hammerheads, Xiangyang still did not dare to let these hammerhead sharks with his crew in the same waters.

There are so many freaks in humans.

In the case of these hammerheads, there is also a gentle tire that is not gentle in human beings?

Moreover, those crews in Xiangyang boats, both with biocent guns.

Let these hammer sharks to the crew, Xiangyang does not believe that no one will use a biological gun.

As long as there is a crew to be hurt by these hammer sharks, it is a big accident for Xiangyang. Therefore, Xiangyang did not dare to let these hammer sharks will meet with the crew.

Xiangyang stayed in the same place for five minutes, and it was determined that the hammerhead has disappeared in this sea area, and it won't appear again after his own line of sight, Xiangyang is slowly tone.

After these hammer sharks, Xiangyang did not feel in this water under this waters.

Xiangyang looked at the net pockets in his waist, it was a small bag of ice, and it was enough to eat a few meals.

Sorry, Xiangyang swings hands, go upstream of a sealed mountain.

Xiangyang is preparing to find a few blue Belon abalone directly, and then the crew is not allowed to go to the boat in a short time.