My deep sea fishery

Chapter 805 Plant Class Animals

Fang Friendou's hands were slightly hard, and he was on the biscuits.

"I feel that this stuff is not very prisonful, how can I bite this outer shell in addition to fish?" Fang Friendou asked.

"That is not, there is a lot of creatures in the ocean, and there are many ways to break the shell." Xiangyang Road.

"Yang Ge, you just said that in addition to squid, the biscuit sea urchin did not have any natural enemies?" Fang Friends doubt.

Xiangyang smiled and said: "There is no natural enemy of biscuits, not how hard it's housing is."

The cookies are very small, and the surface has a hard shell, so there are few marine creatures in the entire ocean, and even the sea urchin, even if they love the sea urchin. of.

However, in the squid, there is a squid called ocean squid, and sometimes I need to swallow some biscuits to help myself digest.

"Say, the biscuits of the biscuits are very horrible." Xiangyang suddenly passed.


Everyone was in an instant, and I saw Xiangyang.

Fang Friends asked directly: "How horror?"

Xiangyang calmed a moment, then he said: "Biscuits sea urchin during breeding, female biscuit sea urchin can exclude 400 million eggs once, and male biscuit sea urchin can discharge one hundred billion sperm once once."

Wen said, everyone took a breath.

This kind of breeding method with biscuits, and there is no natural enemy in the ocean biscuits, and the whole sea should not be spaced by the biscuits?

In fact, the normal embryos of the biscuit sea urchin should be formed by multiple morphological changes and food changes.

Each form of changes, biscuit sea urchin will die in a large number of deaths, until the end, really can't live, can say that it is one million.

"Ok, this biscuit is not worth money, throw it back to the sea." Xiangyang said with everyone.

Fang Friendou nodded, according to Xiangyang's requirements, the arm is so hard to throw the biscuit sea urchin to the bottom of the sea.

The biscuit sea urchin is here, and everyone continues to clean up the catch.

Although the number of catching the net is not much, it is standing on the edge of the catch, and the doubles are dead. Whether it is a cherished sea fish, or the dangerous sea fish, Xiangyang can discover .

"Tell." Suddenly, a crew who picks up the eagle fish on the edge of the fish, then slammed from the original place.

"What is going on?" Xiangyang asked quickly.

"The captain, there is a jellyfish." The creker said.

Xiang Yanyin was shocked, and quickly said: "OK, I know, you will take it, let me see."

Xiangyang went to the position to look down, there is one day blue, and it is a bit like the arms of Yang Tao, the whole body transparent strange marine life.

"This is very beautiful, what is this aunt?" Fang Friends group asked.

Xiangyang swayed and shook his head, directly reached out, and took the strange marine life to grab it.

Fang Friendou is just shouting: "The captain, be careful."

"Be careful? This is called the sea peach, it is not a jellyfish."

The appearance of Sea Hutao is indeed very similar to the jellyfish.

However, in fact, the difference between sea fuhua and jellyfish is completely 18,000 miles, which are almost no association in addition to marine creatures.

"Our luck is good, but I have got a blue sea peach."

Although Sea Hutco is a worldwide distribution, some good-looking color distribution is very limited, like this blue sea walnut, usually exists in extremely cold waters.

"Is this in the end of the animal or plants? It is transparent. Why didn't I see any internal organs in the body." Fang Friendou asked.

"Seahembao is a very simple animal, it doesn't have a heart, and there is no eyes with your ears. There is no blood with the bones in the body." Xia Pengjie in the side.

Xiangyang sinks a moment, and suddenly said: "Xia Pengjie, your entire answer is inaccurate."

"Is it a plant?" Fang Friendship doubts.

Xiangyang shake his head, "of course it is impossible to be plants, but if it is simply, it is wrong."

This, everyone is confused.

Not plants, animals are not right, what is this?

Xiangyang said: "There is a variety of animals living on the earth, and there are many kinds of biological types, but in terms of hundreds of years ago, there is no life in land, and there is only a few creatures in the ocean."

Everyone nodded.

These everyone know, in about five or billion years ago, there were only several animals such as worms, sponges, and jellyfish on the earth.

"After the evolution of hundreds of millions of years, the worm has now evolved, and the sponge has almost no change in the sponge with the jellyfish, as for the sea peach, in its early years, biologists will also get it. Unclear it is an animal or plants, so they have a special classification called planting animals. "Xiangyang said.

From the perspective, Haihe Pembula is really like plants.

Therefore, the biologists use vegetable fruit to name the sea walnut, namely the sea walnut.

However, Haihe Pembula is really an animal, but also an animalless animal, a variety of small crustal animals and small fish, small shrimps, is the food of Haihe Tao, sometimes, hungry sea walnuts will also The same kind is starting.

"The captain, can this sea walnut can sell money?" Fang Friendou asked.

Xiangyang point, "Of course."

Fang Friendou gods, immediately turned on, "Is this playing money?"

Xiangyang smiled and shook his head, "I don't know it for the time being."

Fang Friendou is anxious, "Yang Ge, value money is worth money, it is not worth money, how can I still know?"

Xiangyang pointed to the rhombus edge of the sea peach body like the Yang Tao: "These are distributed in the parallel belt of the sea walnut body, in fact, it is its gumping belt, in the night, it can be issued Very beautiful light, especially when it is in the water, the long tentacles that are dragged behind will also make a bright blue light like a neon. "

Fang Youqun listened, immediately understood, "Yang Ge, what you mean, this sea walnut is worthless of the money, you have to wait until the night looks good."

Xiangyang nodes, "Yes, yes, even the sky-blue sea walnuts, can also make beautiful blue light, the brightness of their tails in the end of the tail, the difference, that is also the cloud."

Fang Youqun quickly said: "The captain, I will put it in the water tank first."