My deep sea fishery

Chapter 876 Boiling Shrimp

"But this shrimp, where did you buy? We should have no such shrimp there." Xiangyang said.

"Just in the Aquarium store in Longcheng, the boss also said that this shrimp is imported." Zuo fatigu.

Xiangyang nodded, "This boss should not lie to you, this shrimp is really rare abroad."

Jurassic Shrimp is a shrimp that has existed in the Jurassic period. He once thought it was a creature that has been extinct 50 million years ago. Re-found this shrimp and cultivate a lot of manual cultivation.

In 2005, the Global Ocean Biological Census Group conducted a study of Haishan in the coral waters of the Northeast of Australia.

At that time, the research team traces more than 400 meters deep water, and then captured a very strange, and she had never seen a young shrimp.

At that time, the entire scientific census team was very surprised.

Because the scientific census team was carefully contrast, it was found that this shrimp did the scientific community that it was already extinct from Jurassic shrimp in 5,000 years ago.

"This shrimp is obviously the modified variety of artificial cultivation, ten legs, the size is slightly larger than the crayfish, the whole body is full of pink spots, very beautiful, very beautiful, but its legs are very Thin, and the wild Jurassic shrimp is very thick and strong, and the eyes are huge, they need light to capture food, this kind of shrimp has been degraded. "Xiangyang placed this Jurassic shrimp, while following Left fat man said.

Xiang Hui was originally not interested in this shrimp. This ocean value of the money is much more, and he has seen the French Lanlong, which is worth millions, but also don't say this only worth one. Thousands of shrimps.

But listening to Xiangyang said that this shrimp is artificial breeding, Xiang Hui suddenly puts the head, "What is the same, one artificial breeding, there is still a big shrimp, there is a thousand dollars? I come and see."

Xiangyang handed the bag to Xianghui.

Xiang Hui bowed in the bag.

I saw the six feet behind the Jurassic shrimp stretched on the bottom of the plastic bag. The head was high, and the tip papers also fell on the bottom of the plastic bag. The two legs were left in the half-air It looks like a good look in dancing, extraordinarily.

Xianghui only looked at it, "Wow, this shrimp is so beautiful, no wonder left fat man will spend more than a thousand dollars to buy a shrimp in my teeth."

Xiangyang grinned, "This shrimp, if you are trying to eat, it is so big, enough for you to eat."

Xiang Hui naturally does not believe, "how it is possible, it is better than a big dragonfish than it is big, I can eat several days a day."

"I said that you have to eat it for a day before you can eat it, not how much it is, but it is more difficult to eat it." Xiangyang said with a smile.

The taste of Jurassic shrimp, it is really not able to use seafood to describe it.

Unlike other delicious seafood, the taste of Jurassic Shrimp is not delicious, and even the taste is disgusting, it is very difficult to swallow.

This likes Jurassic Shrimp likes to live in the vicinity of the crater, accumulating chemical substances such as hydrogen sulfide in the body.

Scientists found that the seawater environment of Jurassic shrimp is very special.

It is said that the water temperature of the water is very low, and below the next two degrees Celsius.

But the seafront of the sea area can sprinkle the water flow of up to more than 200 degrees.

Such a high temperature, even enough to give some metal directly to melt.

However, Jurassic Shrimp is discovered by scientists in this extremely poor living environment.

Scientists have found that Jurassic shrimps can accommodate minus 10 degrees to zero 80 degree water temperature.

In the swirls produced by the hot and cold water blending, there are often Jurassic shrimps to be rushed to the temperature of hundreds of credits, while scientists are surprised to find that Jurassic shrimps that are rushing into the ultra high water temperature can always rely on themselves. Quickly swim from hot water.

Therefore, many people like to call Jurassic shrimp for boiling shrimp.

In fact, scientists have not concluded, usually, the proteins in the biology will quickly decompose under high temperature, why Jurassic shrimps can still survive in such a high temperature.

This phenomenon is now a mystery in the scientific community, and there is a large number of scientists in studying this.

Xiang Hui's mouth smoked, and he looked at the eyes of Jurassic shrimp. "There is still such a magical shrimp? So, this shrimp, if you use the pot, my pot is burned, this shrimp It has not been cooked? The water is burning, can it still jump? "

Xiangyang smiled and shook his head. "I didn't know this, but this shrimp really can escape from a few hundred high temperatures in the sea."

"Don't say this, have you lunch?" Xiangyang asked.

The left fat man sways his head and his head and said yet.

Xiangyang pulled out the mobile phone to see time, "I will go to Binhai Department Store, you will go back to put this shrimp, then we go to Binhai Department Store, and then eat something."

In fact, Xiangyang is in Li Chao, and it has already been eaten after lunch.

However, Xiangyang heard that there are several stores that have opened the door. Xiangyang as the second major shareholder of Li Chao, since Li Chao, since there is time, naturally have to go see.

"Okay, I will go, Hui you are waiting for me here." Zuo fat was turned to the family ran.

Xiang Hui turned the locomotive, and then a screwed door came to a handsome turn. "Wait for, hurry to get on the bus, I will take you back."

Zuo fat snakes and climbed to the locomotive, then shouted: "Yang Ge, you are waiting for us here, just a few minutes."

Xiangyang smiled nodded, then turned around to walk towards the direction of the coastal hotel.

After a few minutes, the left fat man ran from the road from the road, just met with Xiangyang in the square of Binhai Department Store Supermarket.

Binhai Department Store has not yet officially opened, the first floor door, there is a master to install a rotating glass door on the gate.

However, the renovation in the building has been done, and there have been a lot of various glass counters in the first floor. Most of them sell some sunglasses, swimwear swimsuits, or the cabinets such as the camera. Some counter goods have been It's good, but no one came over, but some counter, some people have started business.

"Have you have to come to this coastal department store?" Xiangyang asked Xiang Hui with the left fat man.