My deep sea fishery

Chapter 896 (below)

Xiangyang shakes his head.

Chen Qingsheng looked around, "is the guy who is all over the verge of extinction?"

"How many? There are not many things, don't look at these four weeks, there seem to have a lot of , in fact this sea area, may be this biggest gathering place, if you scattered these points to the entire ocean, you Do you say this? "Xiangyang asked.

Chen Qingsheng nodded, "Well, if this is, it is really not much."

Xiangyang continued to look at those .

In fact, Xiangyang said that these are so hard to be extinct, and there is no dramatic at all.

First, it is in fact, which is in fact, the difficulty of this organism.

, , , 180-200 eggs each time.

The eggs are egg-shaped, white, and shells are soft.

The extravagance is about 3.5 cm, and the hatching time is long, and it takes more than two months to hatch.

The back of the young turtle is not completely hard, but there is already a row of watt-shaped, and the car should be free to telescope, but it cannot be rotated around.

At this time, the young turtles are actually dangerous.

The race status of this creature is very bad.

According to the analysis of the published and unpublished reports, due to the over-development of the beach of , the degradation of nest habitats, the survival of adults, all major seasons in the past three generations decreased.

In the past, the main foraging area in the past, the accidental death associated with marine fisheries and the degradation of marine habitats. The analysis of the sub-population of the 25 index sites of the global distribution showed that in the past three generations, the number of females had a year of incubation of 84% to 87%.

Many groups, especially some larger populations continue to decrease.

After some protected population, it is increasing, but from the perspective of the three generations, the overall decline of the species has exceeded 80%.

It has long been thinking that the turtle species such as , because they have a long life, slow growth, long growth, mature maturity, and the reproductive rate is also higher, and the number of ages in the population is not easy. discover.

But in fact, although the reproductive rate of is high, the survival rate of the turtles is quite low as most of the turtles.

Many adult sea turtles are intentionally or unintentionally killed, and the nest position of the turtle is also in human and animal.

Small mammals will attack the nest positions and dig the eggs.

On the United States Virgin Islands, including , the nest of the turtle such as the turtle, the nest of the turtle, will be attacked.

, sand crab, wolf or even livestock will also attack the nest.

In the history near Tobago, has been listed as endangered species by IUCN in 1982. This state was held in 1986, 1988, 1990 and 1994, and since 1996, the protection status of the IUCN Endangered Species Red Directory was extremely dangerous.

When it was rated as endangered species, there were two petitions claimed that and other three species had multiple important stable populations around the world, but IUCN dismissed these petitions according to data analysis submitted by the Sea Turtle Expert Group.

The data provided by the Sea Turtle Experts indicates that the number of seeds in the past three generations has exceeded 80%, and the mature female tortoction of nesting eggs each year has decreased by 84-87%, and there is no significant increase in group in 1996.

And these data cannot take into account the young turtles that drifting in the ocean, so the data derived has greatly underestimated the reduction in population. Therefore, according to these data, IUCN will be set to the CRA1 state, but not CRA2, because IUCN believes that there is no sufficient data indicates that the number of populations in the will further reduce 80% or more in the future.

In the late 20th century, governments have more and more efforts to protect , such as implementing temporary or permanent laws and regulations, and establishing turtles nature reserve. The American Fish and Wildlife Protection Bureau will listed as endangered species since 1970, and the United States has implemented many recovery plans in proper location in the proper place.

In our country, my country has been included in the national second-level key protection wildlife list, in many places, and even have established a Huandong Port Sea Turtle Nature Reserve for the protection of sea turtles and other species such as green turtles.

Although killing is illegal, there are still many people in the world.

In some areas, it is still consumed as delicious food.

Especially in our country, I was asked by the Chinese people, and the people were seen by the people, and the awareness of the bones in this past few hundred years. It is difficult to change in a short time.

Even now, someone firmly believes that it can prolong the birthday.

Others, I like to collect the shell as a collection of collections.

For example, there are a lot of literati ink, like to put a housing in the study.

This is associated with the traditional culture of our country.

is one of the images in the classical poetry in my country.

For example, the "Peacock Southeast Flight", "Ancient Poem is Jiao Zhongqing Wife", the wonderful description of Liu Lai Shi's appearance is full of silk, the head is to tell the scene, and it is also mentioned in the "Tunge Poem". How to make each other, the ear, the "" homophonic is removed, and there is separation.

Even the poetry Li Bai has also written to "I often".

There are often numerous poems to describe the exquisite and luxuriousness of the feast.

This kind of beauty is not wrong.

The shell of is really very beautiful.

But because of the private, in order to occupy this beautiful, it will be unsatisfactory, and Xiangyang feels that this practice is very wrong.

Like this quantity and its rare marine life, Xiangyang feels that if this generation is not protecting it, let him take a rest, the final result is that this kind of creature will only completely completely The big sea disappears, completely exists in a beautiful poem.

"Everyone wants to take photos of nostalgia, but must pay attention to these ." Xiangyang Dangdao.

In this case, in addition to the adulthood, there are some small ................... ........... . .