My deep sea fishery

Chapter 928 923 Explosion Network

Soon, the fleet passed through the East Sand Islands and the Filipino's angle to reach the South Pacific.

"The captain, should we take a look at the network, we come out, until now, it is still a net." Zhou Wang told Xiangyang recommended.

Xiangyang wondered, nodded: "Yes, you will here, sprinkle the Internet."

This sea area, Xiangyang has been there.

When I last time, the sea water in this sea is relatively clear, standing on the sea, can't see the fish swimming under the water.

However, due to the cause of black tide, the visibility of this sea water is not generally low.

Black painted paint on the sea, there is also a shot on the boat from time to time, it is very terrible.

After receiving the order of Xiangyang, the crew moved immediately, three fishing boats spoke, and then in the nearby waters, more than two hours.

The influence of the fish tide, when the net, the number of sea fish that three boats captured were very horrible.

Three Netcomes, conservative estimates, at least more than two hundred tons.

Among them, the newly purchased trails of Guangbangyang purchased, this network, at least falling to a hundred tons of catch.

Each crew on the boat is happy on the face.

"Boss, boss." At this time, in the walkie-talkie before Xiangyang, Chen Qingsheng's voice, listening to the sound, seems to be very urgent.

Xiangyang smiled and asked: "Chen Qingsheng, what is it?"

"Boss, my ship explosion." Chen Qingsheng was anxious.

"Explosion network? Isn't it a good thing?" Xiangyang doubts.

Chen Qingsheng smiled and smiled: "The boss, you still come over."

Xiangyang quickly walked toward the unloading passage outside the boat.

Pick up a telescope, the original, Chen Qingsheng's fishing boat, full of fishing nets over a big bag, when the winch started, the rope collapsed, now the fishing network card is on the sea, the upper is not coming, Don't go down.

Xiangyang quickly picked up the walkie talking, said: "Chen Qingsheng, how much stay can be reserved, if you can't help, directly abandon the net, pay attention, everything is heavy."

Many fishermen will experience the explosion network when fishing in the sea.

Every time I explode, there is only two options, or if I abandon the net, or send the crew to the sea, add the rope to the fishing net, and take the network.

Most of the fishing boats are not likely to choose to abandon the network when they explode.

After all, a fishing net is originally worthy, plus the fishing net in the fishing net, it is a huge amount.

So most of the time, the explosion network is not a good thing for the crew.

"Okay, I will deal with it, but the boss, I can only say good hard, I don't dare to keep the fishing net." Chen Qingsheng said in the walkie-talkie.

Nice head, Shen Sheng: "Your primary guarantee is the safety of everyone, followed by fishing nets, try it, don't hesitate, decisively abandon the net."

"Know, rest assured, boss."

Soon, Xiangyang saw that on the trawler, put down two rubber boats, Chen Qingsheng personally took a few people, wearing a life-saving service, marking in the fishing network.

"Yang Ge, you will see it, those Dan's top cranes fall." At this time, Fang Friends shouted.

Xiangyang looked up and looked at the sky.

Sure enough, the Southam Sounds in the sky, probably discovered many sea fish on the sea, one began to lower the height of flying flying, and some, even directly down to the fishing boat.

The Latin literature famous Chinese in the Dan Bing Crahe is a Japanese crane, which is named by German zoologist Statius Muller named 1776.

Muller worked in Natural Science in Erlangen.

1773-776, he translated Lin Nai's famous "natural system" and announced some newly named species.

The named creature included the Dan Bihe.

In 1776, Muller named a Dand Crahe, in the United States for the first year of the country.

In our year, in my country for forty-first, in Japan, it was a five-year-old, and the value was closed.

On the same day, Westerners can only know our country from Guangzhou, and know Japan from Nagasaki.

Dan-top crane self-northeast, migrated from South China, but in Kyushu, Japan, in the past.

Therefore, Westerners can only see this animal in Japan. Name it as a Japanese crane.

At the end of the 19th century to the early 20th century, the Danmed crane in Japan Island is extinct.

Some animalologists believe that this variety is extinct in Japan, so it is not widely accepted by the Japanese crane in Japan. It is not widely accepted.

Later, before George Achibo, the President of the International Crane Foundation made suggestions, and changed the common name of the Danmed Crane.

Despite this, the proposed law of the Japanese crane in English world is still mainstream.

In the Google search engine, the search results of the other two styles are only one tenth.

Once in the International Crane Academic Seminar, there was a non-uniform situation of the Danmed crane name, and it was proposed for the views of the Dan-top crane, and was passed at the meeting.

Since then, the international academic conference and writings have been used along the name of the Danford.

"Nothing is worth a strange, Dan Bohe likes to live in the open plain or ocean, especially the migration season and winter." Xiangyang said.

Those Danmed cranes are hovering in the low altitude, and this is constantly emitting this .

Dan's top crane is high, the sound of the sound is related to the special pronunciation organ.

The neck of the Danford crane, the tube is also long, up to about one meter, is five or six times the length of the human trachea, and the end is rolled into a cyclo, and the disc is between the sternum, just like the copper tube instrument in Western Yutong. It can cause strong ancestors, and the sound can be passed away from three or five kilometers.

However, the scream of the Danmed Crahe is very crisp, noisy but no noise.

The crew, including Xiangyang, did not bothering the sound of these Dandeshera cranes.

However, there is a guy on the yakboat, and it is dissatisfied with these Danmed cranes.

It is a sea carving of a tiger.

The tiger came out from the eagle nest, and he looked at the heavens in his dissatisfaction. The feathers on his neck were standing up, and it seems to be ready to kill a seven out of the day.

Xiangyang looked at the tiger fishing fishing in the top of the cabin. The new road is really a new cow, not afraid of tiger, those Danmed cranes are only pulled out, reminding that there is not much harmonic, and the fighting force is a single Dand Crane. Sea carving, but a group of words together, as long as this tiger's sea carvings dare to take off, the subject will be given to the bottom of the sea by Dan Bing Crane.

Maybe the Hou's seavat also knows that these Dan-top cranes are not allowed, although it is constantly pushing wings at the top of the cabin, but they have not taken off, and they have not issued it.