My dream realization system is poisonous

Chapter 42, Graceful, Detained

PS: There is a feeling that wants to kill Tong Shen two, but it will definitely change personality.

At some time from 6, many people have prepared a lot of cuisine, obviously waiting for 6 o'clock to get on the first time.

Tong Shen 2 is also ready to prepare dozens of spares.

Tong Shen two scattered the eggs, rubbed into the flour, did not add a slight water, completely with the eggs and face, and then woke up for a while, kneading into a face.

In this, pork is mince pork then add cooking wine, soy sauce, sesame oil, ginger, pepper, monosodium glutamate, sugar, etc.

Publoms do not have egg yolks as long as the protein, then mince it, and prepare the crab eggs to treat clean.

After all materials are ready, you can fill in the package.

Tong Shen 2 will prepare the burn the skin, then apply a thin piece of meat stuffing to the upper, add the crab egg, and the mold is formed after the surface is sealed.

Finally, put the finished burning wheat into the steamer.

Waiting for time, this tri-egg burning wheat is completed.

Just when Tong Shen's cuisine is completed, the time is just 6 points.

Hall island silver hand holding a microphone to appear in the center of the screen, the sound passed to the quarter.

"Do you have a good place to prepare it? Next, you will introduce the review of the review."

The voice falls, the gate of the entire venue is pushed away, and countless people come in from the gate, and the men and women are old, and they are lively.

"They are all food suppliers and their families, and their families will ask them to conduct training reviews each year, and they will explain the eggs filled with surprises, and their review never mistaken. "

"In addition, we also sent a staff member of the cooking sector and the service department in the resort."

"There are two points of qualified standards: Can you make staff and suppliers feel creative, then another, now you have more than two hundred people in 2 hours, let them eat."

"People who satisfy the above two points are qualified, then each venue, each examiner, please enjoy breakfast time. Review start !!"

In the moment, I have finished running in Hallon, all people have started to attract themselves.

However, the attraction, and who is more attractive than Tong Shen 2?

His cuisine will glow!

Perhaps because this is a world of cooking, this world is quite strong for the recipient of the chef!

Whether it is the following medicine or a significant unscientific, they can taste the tasting, and then make an evaluation.

Looking at a large number of people who poured in, Duan Duodou opened the lid of huge steamer, and a dazzling golden column rushed out and exuded the rays of the victim.

This scene was seen by the people who came in.

"There is a shining!"

"Let's take a look! What is it?"

"Dad, I want to see the shiny cuisine!"

"Hey, it is actually burning wheat! Deep green shiny burning wheat!"

With this ray, a large group of people have flocked over and watching the scorpion.

All three burnt wheat, yellow skin are placed in every plate, and the top is dark green filling, and the color is crystal, and the color is quite bright. It looks pleasing to the eye, let people look at the eyes.

"What is this burnt wheat? How can it be so beautiful!"

A long-term staff curiously asked.

"This is three eggs, I added three kinds of eggs inside, you can try it! Can you guess the three eggs."

"Three eggs burning wheat? Then I have to taste it!"

This staff took a small plate of wheat, then took a burning wheat with a fork.

"Ah ~ delicious !!"

Suddenly, the completion of the staff showed the strange flush, "as if there are countless particles jump in the mouth, when the three eggs are integrated together, it seems to have a harmonious power, and the sea in the mouth is encouraged. New life! Show unique new breath! "

Seeing the performance of this staff, the other people can't help but start the crazy sweepstakes. Tongdu two.

"It's so delicious. Is this a three egg?"

"Is it three eggs? I haven't tasted it all! Let another!"

"I know, this Piga is egg, the golden yellow particles in this are crab eggs, as for the third kind of, I didn't taste it at all."

There are some people who have a little experience, but still do not guess the last eggs.

"The first is the egg, I added the egg into the flour to make a burnt wheat skin; the second is the crab egg wrapped in the fill," Duan Tong Shen two did not sell Guanzi, he pointed to a roast wheat Dark green particles said, "The third egg is a duck egg, it is accurately, it is the surface of the duck egg, and then allows it to ferment the preserved egg in the surface of the duck egg.

"The skin egg? It turned out to be a preserved egg? I didn't expect the egg to do so delicate?"

Some people who didn't like the flourishing eggs before said.

"Yeah! Penetrate the sweetness of eggs in burning wheat peg, and the combination of slightly savory premium eggs, God, I was captured by you! I want!"

"I can still eat three hundred packs!"

"Under such a prelude, the accompaniment of the crab eggs in the stuffing, so that the overall taste is completely lively! It's impeccable!"

Then the guests have consciously ranked the team, and Tong Shen two is directly connected to the guests, and the form is good.

Almost half an hour is almost half an hour from the final end time, but the number of pieces of Tong Shen 2 has reached four hundred, and the entire A venue is far ahead.

And look at the prostitutes, and there is only 10 completion degrees in front of his desk, it is very far away.

The original story is that he found the problem at this time, and then started the Jedi counterattack, cooking on the scene, attracting the guests, and completed 200 pieces in less than 2 seconds from the game, barely pass.

This time, it is obviously impossible.

There is no extra thing for Tong Shen, as long as he makes the cuisine as always, it will.

Because Duan Tong Shen's appearance is the largest variable, he can take a huge problem in his hand.

In the end of the time, there were two minutes, Tong Shen two stopped the hand of the cooking, said to the guest: "Sorry, sorry, the material has been used up!"

At this point, Duan Tong Duoda has reached 500 copies!

And the other side, although the manual flying is fast, the number of trays is growing, but it is obvious to complete one hundred, and the standard is not expected.

Finally, the ringtone ended ended.

Fortunately, 116 disks, dropping! !