My dream realization system is poisonous

Chapter 148 Northern Europe

"Welcome to here. Today, the next generation of you will come here, just to confirm your long phase again. At the same time, this is also a party to determine the young devil."

A very majestic old demon is very majestic.

"Sierla Ou Bali, Lily Ji Jun, Cang Na Sidi, Dior Dora Astati, Jaya Del Gagha Yalapos, Sigravra Agar Rez. "

Every time I read a name, there is a corresponding devil and his genus. It is very serious.

"Six of you are from the home, and the strength is unable to picky new generation devil. I hope you can learn from each other before it is officially dispatched, enhance each other's power! The venue has been prepared for you, can you give us a wonderful battle? "

This devil said, this is a long ready line.

"Will we have been dealt with [Money]?"

Sera O'G Bali asked directly that there is no devil like to kill the magic king Ajjka, other worship [disaster].

"There will be a chance."

This devil says it means a deep long, "But as a new generation of demon, you are still progressing, send you the battlefield, the biggest loss for the devil. So, first cautious, gradually grow up!"

I got the answer I wanted, and Sierra O'G Baile retired.

Next, everyone asked the ideals of all new generation demon, everyone also answered.

"Well, you are ready for your stage, have you voluntarily present a ranking game?"

Finally, the most important moment.

Show the strength of the demon new generation, while making other new generation demon see what the children of others are.

"All people, this ranking game is handed over to Dior Dora Astatati!"

The mild teenage devil came out, he looked at the robust Sierra Og Bali, said, "Salai, we offer a wonderful battle for the adults?"

"Of course, Dior Dora!"

Sierra O'G Bali looked at this devil, and he did not hesitate, no matter who he dared to fight.

His dreams have become the devil, establish a unrelated home, as long as there is strength, you can achieve your dreams!

After the magic shot, the two teams disappeared in the original place, and the situation on the battlefield also appeared throughout the venue.

"All people, please also go to the watch room that is ready to prepare."

This responsible devil said to the representative of the major power on the high platform, they have specialized watching spaces.

"Oh! Is it not good here? Just look at it here!"

Others didn't say anything, and Wang Ao, who had a long beard, said, it seems that he is still very satisfied with this place.

"Since Odin is said, then we are watching it here."

Seeing other people have no objection, Sit Jacks Road Western France is determined.

The responsible devil seems to have a slight color, but soon recovering normal, they still have other plans.

"Oh, what is this going?"

"That is!!"


The devil presented at the scene saw a surprised voice.

Because, the two teams that have never appeared in the combat space prepared, and the genus of the two people are absolutely should not appear.

They seem to be very confused about this situation, I don't know what the situation is.

Subsequently, they had a magical array of one week, from the inside, they all have a killing.

From the perspective of the magic array, it is not an Astati's magic array, but is the old magic king of the [Money].

"Dior Dora Astati, what is going on? Is this not the game between us?"

Sera O'Goli is angry.

"Game? No, this is not a game, you will be killed by the [Mission] of the [Money], even if you have a strong strength, you can't deal with so many superior demon and intermediate devils! Hahaha!"

Dior Dora Astati looked at several teams surrounded by hundreds of demon, happy laughing.

Li Yas Ji Ji and Cang Na Sidi are the blood of the current Devil, Sierra O'G Bali is the first, and it is the heir of the Dawang. It is in the Bali family. Then set off the banner of rebellion.

No matter which one is dead, it is a very happy thing for the old magic.

"Breast! You have come to the [Money]! And also tarnished the sacred ranking game, simply sin, the dead!"

Sierra Og is holding hands and emitting a roar.

When I listened to a few people, Dior Dora, Astati, didn't care, and looked at them.

"Ha ha!"

"I am waiting for you in the castle there. If you want to come over, you will defeat them, then come to the unfinished game with me !!"

"Of course, if you die, you will not blame me!"

Pending, he ran, leaving this group of demon to deal with hundreds of intermediate or superior devils.

Outside the field.

"Fast, open the magic array leading to the battle space, picking up the sauce!"

Saravino looked at the situation inside, and immediately said the devil on the side.

"Sarah Fuli, please wait a little, I will ..."

This demonization has not been finished, it is killed by a magic.

It is the devil who is currently asked before, it looks close to the old devil.

"Your guy, die !!"

Seeing this devil, Saravi waved, I don't know where to reach out of several icicles, freeze him, and broken the slag.

"Cang, I will come here right away!"

After all of this, Sarahifu Levitan is like crushed a crim, and the sister is the most important.

Her feet have a magical array, I want to transfer past, can be broken directly, the transfer fails!

This space is temporarily in the enemy's friendship, the intensity is high.

"Cang Na ..."

Saravino Levitan can only be worried outside.

"Don't worry too much, there is a sister we take us! To believe in them, what we have to do now is to solve these messages ..."

Sit Jack Siki said, his sister was also entered.

Moreover, the enemy has arrived.

Subsequently, the space in the room was distorted, gradually formed a big hole, a young man with a little fierce, flying out.

When he entered the court, he launched his hands and looked at all demon and representatives of all parties to.

"Fortunately, you! I am the evil spirits of Nordic! Rocky!"

Rocky? It is not like good god.

"Horizon, although you are the god of Nordic, but you don't have the power here!"

Sit Jack is sharply asked, although it is the god of Nordic, he has a fire.

Luoki ignored him and looked at Odin, and his mouth was high.

"Our main gods left our myth system, repeatedly touching other myth system, and also wants to assist each other with each myth, work together, this distorted thought is really unable to endure! So I came to eliminate him!"

One mouth is that it sounds like an anti-party.

"Rocky, if you go back to Walhara now, I don't forgive you."

Odin has a must-have his beard, saying, for this Rocky, he still loves.

"Forgive? Your old unscrupulous walery! Sign a peace treaty with other mythsystems, isn't it possible to meet the [dusk of the gods of the gods?"

Said, Rocky has both hands and high.

[Dusk of the gods] However, he is the wish of Rocky, he feels that he is to exist in the end of the gods.

Now the Peace Treaty signed, [The dusk of the gods] is not there!

Thinking of this, Rocky is a belly, the Bible is a problem! What a peace agreement!

Is it not good to kill?

and so.

"You have these demon, angels, angels, what other delegates, and I will be broken by me!"

Rocky is confident.