I wrote before the author of a chapter, but I found it won't see it today.

It is the strength of the demon college, this article is set.

In addition to the first ladder, the strength of the other same steps may also have a strong difference, but the gap between the ladder is small.

First step: [Real Red Dragon Emperor] Great Red, [Unlimited Dragon God] Ofs, Beastmaster 666

Second steps: the top ten of the world: Wet Po, Varmament, Brahma, Emperor, Sol, Embankry, Finiel, Hadis, Atton, Rogg, 201 of the Dragon ("Red Dragon Emperor Dregge "and" Bai Longhuang Arubi ")

The third step: other gods, magic kings, , ,, · ,

The fourth step: this is more, not one list, anyway, weak chicken