My dream realization system is poisonous

Chapter 169 to plucking people s Jack


Looking at my hand, Prudeto was killed so quickly, and Hades couldn't help but shout.

This is the most powerful family of his hand, so that Cao Cao who lost his opponent became a big threat.

However, Hadis didn't think so much.


A red beam slammed his body.

In the [Food Dragon] is blocked now, he is a true red opponent at all, can only be dragged.

Although there is no combat skill, the attack is simply luminous waves with your own strength, and then one.

However, Hades has no way to her, it is difficult to form effective damage, and the general skill does not have a role. It has a huge effect to be accommodating, but the time is not short, it will be interrupted.

The temple used to confused also does not work, because it is true red inherit the strength of dreams.

And each of her light waves can hurt Hades, can be said, it is worse than two levels, I want to win is undoubtedly dreaming!


[Food Dragon] Samuel once again sent a miserable scream, and a wing was torn directly by Finlier, chewing, then spit, it's hard to eat.

Moreover, in addition to this situation, Samuel's body is also located in the teeth, the bite is a hole, and then it is not dead.

Although the other members of the heroes have been forced to have a desperate, he is not forced to sinister.


Clean and neat, Hades, one turned, he left his elite hand, this time, there were many dead gods, only some of the ordinary members of the heroic, the purpose is not reached, the loss is big!


Looking at Hades left, Arthur took Finlir to Cao Cao's side and said.

"Yeah, I finally gone!" Cao Cao took a long gun and looked at Arthur, "Thank you, you can come to help!"

"I used to be friends, and I am also very interested in the next plan!"

Arthur laughed, he didn't agree with the heroes before, but now the idea is very good, so he will help the hero sent the [Food Dragon], empty out of the true red fight .

Others also dragged the borders of the battle.

"Unfortunately, didn't leave Hades!"

Heker couldn't help but sigh, he was a wound. He was cut by Hades's team, and there is a unique death at the flow, inhibiting the self-healing of the body.

He is facing regrettable, looking to the side of Georke: "Your [fog] why can't you give strength?"

"If you want to trap the strength of Hades, you must prepare enough time!"

Glorick is also gray, he also wants to kill Hades!

Thinking of the last time it was used to control the space of Ajkka, it would be prepared for a long time, I don't know how many skills have been added!

Moreover, the goal is also dragged in the battle, and he does not let him have the opportunity to resolve space.

And they are escaped during this time, where they are ready.

"You still want to fight! Anyway, I am tired, I have to take a break!"

Looking at the few people who are talking, Jude is sitting directly on the ground, she is almost killed several times.

"Yeah, our heroes should also take a break!" Cao Cao also responded, "[Food Dragon] is seriously injured, Puro died, plus before, Hadis should pay a paragraph Time! Next, let's find a place to get together! "

Speaking of finally, Cao Cao's tone was low, because in Hades chasing, their heroes' strength has grown sharply, and many of the strongholds have been closed. There are only them in the cadres!

In fact, if Hades does not leave, in addition to helping the energetic army, Cao Cao and Zhenhong, the ultimate results of their heroes may be all destroyed, because everyone can no longer persist.

Of course, before that, Zhenhong may also kill Hades!

That is their victory.

They can gamble, but Hades did not gamble.

"Go! I have a few strongholds in the dollar! Everyone is going there to hide."

Cao Cao did not dare to stay more here, and people with several heroes left.

He must plan the future, but you can't challenge the mind like it, he will become a real hero.



Located under the next layer, distinguish between the deceased soul.

This is the world of Hades's rule, unusually ridiculous, no living organisms.

Hades returned to the depths of the governor, there was an ancient Greek Temple, which is his base [Hadis God].


At the depths of the temple, there are horrible fluctuations, and some weak deaths outside are shivering.

That is the dissatisfaction in Hades in vent.

"Hades people! Several adults who have contacted it!"

A dead god responsible for the accepted voice, said to Hades, and the tone is very respectful.


A magic bomb kills the death of this riddle, and Hadis mood is a lot, walking out.

Although his sake of his face couldn't see.

He slowly came out and came to a huge ritual site. It is a magnificent place, with a huge altar, carved in Zeus, Poseidon and Hades, and the inconsistency is completely .

Here, he saw a lot of faces he didn't want to see.

Or, he doesn't want to see it. For him, in addition to the gods of the Greek Olympus, they are dead.

Only your myth is the strongest! Other myths are dying!

The holders of this idea are not in a small number.

I saw the shelf Hades came out, and the people waiting outside also greeted.

"I haven't seen it for a long time! The god of the gods, Hades! I am a magic road of the magic of the moon - Schyjks!"

Responsible for Shat Jack, he first expressed his apology, "I am deeply sorry for this sudden visit."

Hades's hoe flashed in the creepy light, he looked at the other people on the court.

In addition to the demon, there is a representative of Missha, there is a representative of Zeus, there is a martial art of Nordic, and an angel, angel, monster, and strength is not bad.

"What are you coming over?"

Hadis made a knowledge.

"Not long ago, Kyoto suffered the attack of the [Millennium] ... Unlimited Dragon God ... great red ... they dispatched [Food Dragon] Samuel! "

Sit Jack is very flat, and it will understand what happened before.

"Hades people, we received the report to point out you and [Money] secretly, heroic, old magic princes have accepted your assistance, and even used the Samsel."

"If this is true, it is a major betrayal behavior! Although the position is different, you can't put it out, it is a consensus of all power."

"I personally didn't doubt your clear meaning, but I couldn't let us see the status of Samuel's seal, do you have a confirmation? This matter has been discussed by each of the gods, Zeus has also agreed."

Sur Jack is still free.

Confirm that there is a Samsel, just investigate the time of the seal.

"Bored! I am very busy! I don't have time to pay yourself!"

Hadis big sleeves are waiting to leave.

See if you can't see it, [Food Dragon] It is already a hole in the body, and you can see it recently.

Thinking of this, his face is dark.