" , evening, these two people are handed over to us to deal with it!"

There are two in front of them, and there is a ruthenium and his hand, a ninja with a mask, just shot is between Tong Shen.

"Yes, the group hiding adult!"

Looking at Tong Shen 2 to take over, the eve is red and the flying Asa nod, but there is no departure, ready to prepare.


Yisiza looked at Duan Duan 2, and the eyes revealed the momentum.

He and the mortar ghosts have joined the organization. The goal is to collect the tail beast, bring peace to the world, and their two people come to the leaves.

But Uzhi Hostel is a warning for the wooden leaves, so that the high-rise, especially the group, know that his Yuxi is still alive, don't give your brother.

When he was massacre in the whole year, he said to the group. "If you dare to take the hand, I will disclose all the villages to the enemy."

Although I don't know the true and false, this is a real brother.

Now I have been better, although I can't kill him, but in front of him, I will show my strength in front of him, let the group hide don't have any other ideas.

Seeing Yuxi Pubo, I got out of myself, and Duan Tong Shen two is also a positive.

"Yuxi Pub, you slammed the sinner of the Yishabo family, dared to appear in the wooden leaves, don't want to leave here today !!"


Anyway, no matter what, sitting in your pot, and then knew the insider, you will be white.

"Who is that, a gentleman, look like you!"

Cartry ghosts have collapsed their own big knives, asked Uzhi Hose, "Do you want me to kill him!"

Said, the mortal ghost raised the big knife in his hand, and he went to Duan Duan 2.

"Stop, ghost!"

Yisizhiso is stopping the ghosts of the martial arts. "If you fight with him, you will not be safe! Moreover, the more dangerous time spent, the other ninja Will come over! "

"I will give it to me here, let them see the bloody limit of Unecage Bo, the tructous force of the kaleidoscope."

Yuxi Hose is not fighting, but to show demonstration.

"Tony Hidden adults, Yuxi Pubie will give it to me! I can fight against him only with my eyes!"

Then, the flagmacus is rushing to hurry over, pulling the bail, revealing the writing of the three hooks, very confident.

"Ok, give it to you!"

Tong Shen two looked at the flag-like Kaki, who came over, gave him Zhi Houqi to him, let him try it.

Yisizhiso did not stop the departure of Tong Shen.

Open the kaleidoscope spike group or the flag wood Cardi is a behavior that can achieve deterrence.

He looked at it and was confident that he walked to the flag woodkasi in front of himself, said: "Indeed, have a write-wheel eye, how much can resist this kaleidoscope, but ... illusion You can't crack, you can defeat my, only the extent of the extent of the extent [write wheel eye]. "

With the sound of Ukhi Bohed, the three hooks in his eyes were constantly rotating, and the three-handed sword model was turned into a sword.

He is going to use the kaleidoscope writes, a monthly reading, through seeing the other party's eyes, thus pulling the other party into the world of "month reading", in the world of "month reading", or time, or Quality, etc., everything is entirely dominated by "monotors", and even makes the other mental collapse.

Looking at Kakasi has been on the top, Tong Shen two walked to the shark face, laughed and said.

"Tommon ghost, let's practice!"

"Okay, I have long seen you is not pleasing!"

Cartry ghosts are also eager to try, and the huge muscles with life are smashed, with Herh wind.

Dark blue knife is full of stab, and horror.

? ? ?

However, one hand greeted directly, and blocked the big knife.

"Oh? It's amazing!"

Looking at Tong Shen two directly to resist his big knife, the mortar ghost opened his mouth and showed sharp teeth.

"My big knife is not used to cut, but used to cut !!"

Said, the macaroni will pull the muscles in his hand, and the strolls above it are straight, and ordinary people are estimated to be hopped by this trick!


After this trick, the whole knife of the muscles suddenly started to twist, if it was not can't talk, it should have been painfully called.

"What happened, ?"

The mortar ghost hurriedly looked at the muscles, as one of the original "Zi Zi Zi people", he still carefully care about his own

The stripping on the side of the muscle lacks a large piece, and now some desolate feelings seem to be bleeding.

"It seems that your knife is not hard!"

Duan Tong Shen two faintly came, he leaned his hand, and the stab that was pulled down was on the ground.

"Your guy !!"

I saw my love knife became this, and the mortal ghost is simply fried, and the hands are quickly launched, "the water in the water!"

Chakra agglomerated the shark appeared again, and he also wrapped himself in this endurance, directly hitting the Duan Tong Shen 2 directly.

This trick not only has a powerful impact, but also with a shark's tear ability.

"I have a hand!"

The huge water tuning is a real hit, Tong Shen 2, the martillamon ghosts are also swinging again to him.

This moment, one hand broke through the heavy water flow, directly grasped his wrist.

Cartry ghosts broke away in a moment of wrists, and then disappeared in the original place, appearing in the back of the old far away, serious.

What is the monster? Why did you break my defense?

Cartry ghosts feel tricky, although he still has many tricks, but fluctuations are too big.

When Tong Shen, I took the mean in this trick, but I looked at the side of the class.

"Take the root, then give it to you!

"Yes, the group hiding adult!"

The member of the root from Tong Shen two appeared in a moment, and then directly bite his gloves directly, showing a pair of purple hands.

Oil gnabble is a rare hand of the root, and his surgery is that it is easy to deal with, and it is easy to be done.

He is a person of the oil female family, hosting in the body with a highly toxic nanoscale poisonous insect, which can only have biological cells to breed by destroying cells.

As long as you feel gently, you will infect the opponent cells, then the cells in the body are destroyed.

Unidentified people as long as they have been touched by him, either let him release it, or quickly cut off the part of the contact, otherwise it is basically only waiting for this road.

He generally and uses powerful spiritual control to control the wind partners in the mountains of the enemy, the effect is very good, and the essential wave can take away the enemy.