My Empire

Twenty-three gambling

I sent away the messenger who came to ask for weapons, Chris knew that she should be more urgent to develop her weaponry.

He has used a long time to accumulate your own industrial basis, and now it's time to check your strength.

Therefore, in the tenth day left by the messenger, Chris held a plenary meeting to discuss the next stage of development.

At the meeting, Chris first asked the popularization of Gullo's education, because he clearly knows that the development of the system is designed, and the reserves of talents must pay attention to the problem.

Previously, like Chris, he personally took the lead in playing up all night and overtime, and a single hand-made weaponry model was unable to support a large-scale war.

I heard the problem of Collins, Gurlow helped the glasses on his nose, said: "According to the development needs, we have built 30 primary schools, 9 primary middle schools, using your own letter printing technology, we have produced A large number of textbooks, free of charge for all students. "

"It takes only one year, we can cultivate many talents. At that time, there is enough talent to use." He said to the Chris: "We bought neighborhood A large number of teenagers have cultivated. "

"It's really a good thing ..." I heard that this world can use gold coins to collect, such as opening the same extension, Chris feels that it is really a very pleasant thing.

In fact, there are many problems that use money. In order to support its industrialization process, SESRS city acquired a large number of industrial raw materials to the surrounding areas, but basically do not export any value for money.

Gullo's large amount of imported cotton from the Yaste Empire, cotton is used to support the production of textile industries and some explosives, and stone is completely used in the basics of the entire Allah.

According to Chris's requirements, the gravel is stored, ready to lay the roadbed for the railway in the future, and the entire stone is applied to the construction of the factory factory. Almost at all costs, countless factory buildings, many even have no installation of machinery, only the energy is vacant in place.

Similar to this construction only in the nearby, near the city of Cecis, but there are also projects that put into production profitability. For example, the two cement plants that have just been built are the busiest plants, and hand-made cement manufacturing has been carried out in the night, but the cement produced is not enough.

All purchases have been used in the construction of Allahh, and there is no waste at all. The cement plant's products are also used to create buildings. The minerals are used to smelt into metal - the quality of civilians throughout the public is raising with the speed of naked eye, and Tens of thousands of gold coins brought by De Sthi. Also disappeared at the speed visible to the naked eye.

"I am desperately procurement of food." Tired Already have to take off the Dines-tired report: "Our population has expanded at least double in the past two months ... The food is deflated enough For use, we must prepare in advance. "

His report fully proves how it is not yet: food procurement is definitely a major direction, in order to support more and more people, food can only rely on procurement to ensure sufficient. This is not a hammer sale, because the population of the public in the public will be more than next year.

Because of the lack of people, you have to gather the population, because you have to gather the population, this is almost a dead cycle. Most of the time, in order to enable the surrounding civilians to immigrate to Elan Hill, Chris will still order food subsidies for all Chinese people.

Now he has enough manpower and a lot of soldiers, it is stressed to the manpower of the manpow, and the people who have the civil affairs, this middle-aged man is busy now,

Strid's situation is not there: "I came back from the Kingdom of Higz. The fire oil ... oh, no, it is 50%. The biggest problem Yes, this thing is not so big. We have money, you can't buy how much stock. "

Although this era has consumption of alchemy, in most cases, the fire oil is only the weapon used in the defensive city, so the output is small, and the demand is not large. Now Chris is consuming to consume oil, but also intended to reserve more, this is a bit hard.

The top of the top-ranking Bare Strid almost bought all the fire oils in the Kingdom of Higs, but they did not meet the requirements of Chris - even, even the zero head is not enough.

Because the quantity of purchases is too much, the number of products sold is too much, and the situation in Allah Hill is selling anything, what is going on. In order to grab the speed of development, this is an annoyed thing, and Allah Hill can only pinch the nose to recognize.

"The factory's construction is very fast! After all, the overhead of Allah Hill, most of them are industrially in the industry I am responsible." It is already the best engineer in Cesheris, Sthis.

He took a report of industrial processes and said to Chris: "We have created ten blast furnaces, starting with new timers to smelting steel, efficiency has increased severaltegs. Steel qualification is already satisfied, It is used to produce a new 75mm caliber infantry gun without any problems. "

"However, there are some places that are not satisfactory." He pointed to the one-line in the document complained in Chris: "The number of copper is serious, we have already smelted 1 million copper coins, can still keep up with copper consumption speed."

The sufficient amount of copper can be said to be the calcium tablets of modern industries. The early industrial cannot solve problems, which are solved with a good metal properties of copper. This metal also has anti-day conductivity, and is the election of the wireline line.

"Copper's things can only increase purchase to solve." Chris has said a little depressed: "In addition, think of way, use iron to do alternatives."

At World War I, Germany is also a serious country. When you are stretched, both the Germans even the bullets can only be manufactured with iron. Although iron shells are not as good as copper shells in pumping performance, there is a bullet to be strong than there is no bullet?

So, under this premise, Chris can only reduce the use requirements first, so that the factory starts the bullets of the iron shell. Anyway, occasionally card shell this problem, the front line soldiers should understand - still in that sentence, there is always no strong than a strong?

I looked at Waton, Chris raised his hand to indicate that he does not need to introduce the training of the army. Because he went to see it yesterday, the situation of military camp is not ideal: "I will talk to you alone for a while!"

"Yes!" Wagger helplessly gave up the intention of yourself, recently investment in the military training. There is also a lot of money, and the talents in the army are too lacking, and the east is going to go, can only be barely let Training is barely sustainable.

Because recently the construction of Elan Hill is not in the army, everyone has not let Wag Garron's mean. Soon, I went over him, Gullo continued to talk about an important educational issue.

Let a society move toward industrialization, it is not an easy thing, actually operates, and more complicated than Cristis.

Even if he has countless books, you can guide specific actions, you can accumulate a lot of work, still a huge project that makes people look.

Now, the original Cecis, including the southern Alanti and the top of the north, and the west of Higs Kingdom, all benefit because of the madness of the law of the law of the public. They earned a lot of gold coins from Elan Hall, once the border area became bustling.

Who can think of Allai Hill, who has already supported too much unreasonable contradiction, has already set up an idea from the beginning, and use a war to pass all the contradictions in the country, open the market, complete one Gorgeous transformation!

As long as the defeat country can pay for its own development, this unqualified jumping development can be established. Allah Hill will be able to eliminate the disaster in invisible, and then get a short development opportunity.

Of course, if it is still so developed, Elan Hill is still going to expand, attacking the next neighboring country - just like a , until it eats all the neighbors, it will not stop it before it .

"The next step we have to do, it is to build the military factory as soon as possible! No matter what way! We must prepare a war!" Chris looked at his heart and said.

He hugged his hands on his chest, and thoughtfully thought about it at this moment: "Sitting in the mountains, we only have a collapse."

"Yes, I just made a statistically, if we can't get a huge sum of a 300,000 gold coins within half a year, we will not debate the debt ... You can declare bankrupt." Des Sare is more sensitive to this It is also his meeting before the meeting, reminding Chris to pay attention to the insufficient funds.

If the internal slow digestion is slow, it is not impossible to digest your industrial achievements in the development of other new industries. But then you can only slow down your own development speed, and waste your valuable time.

Including Chris, De Saier has Denes and others clearly, they seem to be more irresponsible, or better choices - war!

The truth is really simple: since the war can win, why don't you use a war to solve the problem? Standing can win this angle to see, there is a tempting advantageous!

As long as the war can win, Allahh can expand the territory, you can have more people, or offset a part of the debt, and also reduce the pressure in the border direction ...

So far, it is very attractive in front of it. Chris first experienced the mood of those war mad people: After this kind of confidential calculation, you can probably judge the gambling gambling of the losing and win. It is really not to pay attention to it.

It is nothing more than others, and Chris's bet is a lot, and the win is very huge. Des Sedal is good, Chris is good, they have never thought about losing war - it doesn't have to go to think, because they lose their outcomes, they must not be able to see it.