My Empire

Forty experiment

"Successful! Surplus!" Among the secret valleys, huge and coherent sound shocks a flying bird in countless forests.

A brand new, automatic large diameter artillery, is being tense experiment. This 30mm caliber, which is very simple, which is very practical, is a very practical "air-to-air weapon."

In fact, this artillery also undertakes the redemption of the future of the Allah Hill troops. Chris's idea is to meet a weapon while meeting the troops in air defense and on the ground.

The new weapon system passed a meticulous discussion on the selection caliber. Chris even Modelais came back and opened a meeting.

At first, Wagger felt the use of 75 mm caliber infantry warranthers to combat, and developed a new anti-air gun to defend the goal of the sky.

However, the program was rejected, but in this way, not only the capacity of 75 mm caliber infantry guns, but also cause more logistically troublesome. Simply calculate, this is to say that it is necessary to produce three different nature of shells, and the replenishment will become more complicated.

The subsequent program is Chris, he thinks uses 88 mm caliber cannons to simultaneously solve the problem of empty and right. However, Dessel thinks that this large diameter artillery is too slow, not suitable for attacking flexible dragons, so I was forced to give up.

Chris also felt that before the radio traveler was developed, the effectiveness of large caliber air defense artillery was too low - and the sharp-diameter air defense artillery range of radius, and it was very good to reflect on the battlefield. The 88mm caliber cannon, there is no use of martial arts.

After all, the 88mm caliber cannon, which is high of 10,000 meters, dealing with the dragon that is only a few kilometers of flight height is too wasteful. The high-tech gun of the medium or small caliber seems to be more suitable.

So, another serious problem is posted on the paper: If you use a small caliber, what should I do if the power is inadequate? After all, it is facing the dragon with scales, the weapon air defense with large diameter machine guns, Christians have a feeling of less secure.

So, very fast, 12.7 mm caliber heavy machine air defense programs were overthrown, De Sair also believed that such air defense weapons were unable to block the Warcraft cavalry that both blocked the ground, and stopped the dragon from the sky.

Then, the choice of the weapon began to focus on the high-tech gun of the small and medium-sized caliber. There are many programs proposed by Chris, and everyone has their own optimistic programs.

For example, the general of Wilkes, which emphasizes the troops, and the generals of Modelle, support the high-tech gun of 20 mm caliber, because the high-profile gun of this caliber is the lightest, and it can be easily movable with the troops. Well deploy.

However, this caliber also has some shortcomings, that is, Chris also has a problem that Teleier has been worried and cannot cause killing threats to the dragon.

On the other hand, Waglon has also supported the use of 40 mm Bosso high-firenge, they think that this weapon is very narrative, the shooting speed is not slow, it can act as a multi-purpose weapon to equip the equipment .

But Bosso high-tech guns also have their own shortcomings, that is, the motor capacity is really not good. In general, this weapon is dragged by the tractor and cannot be put into battle immediately.

In addition, the Bosso high-fire gun is water-cooled, so that it can maintain the ability to operate - the navy is not a matter of weight, anyway, it is not bad, but the army is really unbearable, so I can only endure. .

Therefore, after some else pick, this caliber has become a choice that everyone can endure. On the one hand, this caliber can use the aircraft as a reference, on the other hand, the radio speed is good, and the combat needs can be met.

After selecting the weapon,

This is a very interesting weapon: it uses a magazine supply system that can reach 200 or more theoretical radio speeds above each minute. At the same time, it is also equipped with a steel shield, which is used as a flattening throttle.

The entire 30 mm caliber drum is mounted on a carriage with eight small diameter wheels to achieve a stable shooting environment and effectively reduce the height. The eight wheels of the carriage are both iron, improve the load and support.

If necessary, the speed gun can also be removed from the carriage, strengthen it to the ground as a fire support point, or directly produce the artillery, deploying in the castle and important location, serving as a defense fort.

In short, this is a very much-purpose weapon. Chris knows that once this weapon starts to mass production, it is not good for him to make a long time for 3 years or even longer. Regrettably, this is still an advanced speed shooter, there is no way to equip the rubber tire.

"The artificial rubber is not enough ..." Looking at the ancient solid wood wheels that made people happily, Chris felt that their aesthetics were collapsed. A 30mm caliber shot of a World War II, plus a medieval carriage, really can't tell the sourness.

No way, his public is now only the territory of the northern. It does not be able to plant any rubber at all: even if he wants to import a lot of natural rubber, it has been tense with Allah Hill, I want to come and want to satisfy love. Lan Hill's import demand.

Thinking of it is quite long, you have to be dragged down by rubber this kind of thing, and the Christian mood can not get up. Although he is in front of him, it may already be the most powerful war machine in this era ...

"It's really no, we will start from the Kingdom of Higz ... Let them help us buy the rubber of the Dosony Empire, I want to interfere with Yaste?" General Boolean opened.

"We are already doing this." Chris smiled, shook his head and said: "But there is not much natural rubber ... The price is still high. Now there is a tacit understanding, what we want to buy, what Things have led to the price. "

"The price is still good ... The key is to hold gold coins, buy it can't buy ..." De Seli shrugged, very helpless: "The things we need are increasingly more and more increasingly The more you can supply our merchants, less and less. "

Some sighs sigh, Modelair said, "This weapon is really good, if the two guns are put together, the radio speed can be double!"

"Don't think about the experimental artillery that is fire shooting, Chris said to several generals around him:" Although I also want to increase the fire density, the car load is still behind, it is Have to consider ... "

"Production capacity is also a problem! We can't produce so many 30mm caliber high-firengers in a time ..." Sthis also shook his head, explains the opening: "So, design is a single car."

For the factory, there is no difficulty of the carriage in fact, there is no production pressure, and determines the number of high-tech guns. It is the number of high-gun itself.

"Moreover, this thing is designed, it is considered the battle ..." Looking at Wagren and other generals, Chris said helplessly: "This weapon may become a weapon of Dragon, naturally Dragon Knight's focus ... Dragon is not a play. "

"Once the dragon attacks, these high-tech guns and high-shot cannon shots will lose. So the deployment can achieve the greatest results." Chris said, while showing some unbearable expressions.

These high-ranking artillers, and every person in the future is risky. They will become the goal of giant dragons, and they can give their lives at any time. Only after they are all eliminated, those infantry will lose the barrier, and only these high-tech guns are all dumb, dragons can get the ideal attack environment.

"In addition, the shell is not enough! The pressure of our bullets is very large, the soldiers have begun to expand, expanded in one breath, all are producing ammunition." Sthis filed this, there is a bit of toothache.

Modern war is really golden silver. Those shell bullets have been produced by massive, and there is a fight in a battle, and the poor is really can't afford. Seeing the emergence of automatic weapons, Sthis knows that future ammunition is consumed, it is possible to higher.

What he imagined is that in a distant world, the US military in the 21st century, destroying an enemy needs 25,000 bullets ... What is this concept? This concept is that the ammunition provided by the 10,000 tons of freighters filled with bullets, only enough to kill 800 enemies ...

Of course, the current Allai Hill is far from extravagant to this extent. They are all equipped with some high-firengers. However, it is also a high-fire gun in front of the fire shooting experiment. The first time I provide a possibility that a straight-side dragon may.

"It's really, if you use double-dress, the ammunition consumption is doubled, we don't have so much ammunition." He knows the generals of the Wagongron of the ammunition, nod agriculture.

However, let's immediately open the opposite side: "However, Sthis minister ... Your production capacity should really improve, we now build more troops ..."

"Reassured! Next year, our military factory size, at least ten times now!" The Ministry of Industry is full, and the opening reply.