My Empire

Forty-eight first meeting

The two unable to ask the Master walked on the crowded street, as if two scholars who came to see. They are walking on the street, and they are full of curiosity.

In fact, every first time, Allah Hill, or everyone who comes to Ceatis city, will have a shock of Liu Wei into the Grand View Garden. The novels they have seen in their lives may not have so much.

Here is the best carriage shock absorbing device. Here is the BMW of the gods on the grassland. Here is the magical liquid that can emit a fragrance. It also has a white-smooth porcelain as a woman's skin.

Rao is a big magistrate Frerenzberg, which can only sigh himself like a frog in the bottom of the well. He is very curious about something, and even sees a group of children who wear a uniform unsupported, all asked a few questions.

They saw the neat military uniforms in the city gate, handsome tied, carrying the guards of the strange burning fire stick, they also saw that the city was covered with canvas, and a very dangerous strange device.

That is to install the 30mm caliber high-powered two-purpose gun on the wall of the wall, these weapons are to defend the dragon to cause damage to the city. It is responsible for these artillery, and is the urban air defense force, and the evasional governance.

Although there is still a distance from the plane, Karis decided to form its own air force forces. The current air force force function is to be air defense. It is responsible for installing the management and control of high-tech guns near the plant area.

Now, Frenzberg stood in the original city owner, which is the core castle gate of Ceatis Castle. Looking at the Allah Hill near the suspension bridge standing on the two sides of the hanging bridge, I am sighed: "Only the fool will believe In a short period of time, there will be so many countries that have never seen anything, it will be stagnant on the war weapon. "

"Don't say anything else, just from their castle, there is no deployment of the terrible cannon, I think that things are here in Allah Hill, definitely not a senior weapon." William also felt that he had one The feeling of being deceived.

Originally, I sent my own card to my opponent, just a very suspicious thing. It now seems that the weapon called the Cannon can definitely not the bottom card of Allah.

Frerentzberg reminded himself all the way, saying: "I just saw the match of Elan Hill and other little things. Now, I can actually use it here to automatically run. The machine, I saw the steel monster who can raise the weight of the heavy object ... "

"The mortal mortal mortal of the Yaste Empire actually felt that such a country, their weapons will only be as simple! Ridiculous ..." I heard my teacher said that Willia can only make sigh.

"We are cheated! See the door of the castle? The soldiers who stand there are not a spear! They even even the armor is not equipped! What makes them have such confidence? Armor even the helmet Give up? "Frenzberg squatted his eyes, and the heart was fooled.

He stared at the guards of the guards, and he kicked his heart on the Allah Hill of that had not met: "Moreover, in addition to the preparation of the sword, even a long weapon is ... this is wrong, this is definitely not a defense Surprise ... "

From the state of the soldiers who stand guard, Frenzberg can feel the seriousness and cautiousness of the other party. This is not a state of defense, and even give him some pressure.

This situation is not much for a magician. Here is the mortal empire. In accordance with the common sense, how to defense here is cautious, and it is impossible to cause a big magic mastery.

In fact, this pressure does exist, so that Frenzberg is somewhat raising. He really dares to go forward, and try to look at the guards who look at all, it is impossible to give him a threat.

"Or, their secrets, just in the lumbal triangle set! There is a weird thing that metal is doing, I have never seen the soldiers wear this kind of thing ..." William carefully looked at the ridges. The guards saw the revolver on their armed belt.

Frenzberg also agrees with his point of view, because he also thinks that the cover wearing the guard waist is very dangerous: "Maybe, this thing is what they give up the armor, give up the reasons for the long gun! If you can, We should figure out the use of that things! "

"It's too dangerous!" William So, thinking that from the door, it seems to be a lot. The other party's defense power is really not weak. If there are some rare weapons that appear, they may have the danger of death here.

Frentzberg wants to be more than William, he nodded, agreed with William: "Yes, it is too dangerous! If these people develop, the dominance of the magic empire, maybe Make up. "

Hearing this mortal country may threaten the Holy Devil, William is still sitting, he thinks, saying that he said to his teacher: "Then we should destroy it here! Kill their leaders, destroy their leaders, destroy Everything here. "

"You are right. We should do it ... However, I want to see the leader here, I always have a kind of premonition, such a person will give me an infinite future. I think I never Close to the truth, it is an exciting feeling. "Frenzberg has some unwilling, hesitate to do it.

"Okay, teacher, we have safely safely in the evening, dive directly into this castle ... Then, then look at what kind of person is this person." William said to Frenzberg.

Frentzberg nodded and agreed to this program: "If he is very dangerous, we destroy him, destroy everything here. If he is willing to share everything with us, then we will bring him back to the Holy Devil Empire go! "

Chris in your own study now can still know that there is a magician that has been in the place of hundreds of meters, discussing to kidnap themselves. He is using the newly misappropriated study, adding bricks to the future of Elan Hill.

Copying textbooks is not an easy thing, then you have to write a word yourself. The original elementary school textbook is still very simple. You can high school textbooks, it is completely another matter.

Just just the increase in the number of words, the Chris headache has been hurt. He has nothing to teach his knowledge directly to another person and let the other party. He can only use his own rest time to use his own rest time to expand this world's book reserve.

"Do you dare to believe? I don't know what I am writing something messy." Chris did not lift the higher mathematics in front of himself, while opening. He heard the sound of the door, thinking that it comes in deline or Wagren.

After all, you can have a lot of people in his study room without knocking on the door, and Gullo is too excited, and it will forget the door. Everyone is very familiar with my big public, and he is close to the people and doesn't care about those aura. It is a very pragmatic monarch.

The other party did not speak, it seems to be attracted to be attracted, so half of a voice is abrupt, let Chris's sweat is full of old and strange voice: "This picture paper painting is so beautiful!" It is beautiful than any artwork! It is simply that it is a miracle. "

Chris suddenly looked up and saw a old man in ordinary robes, standing in front of his bookshelf, a huge drawing, looking at the parts of the parts.

The old man's side, a young man is standing, as if it is a dangerous breath that is emitted by him, but it is not weak than that of the old man.

Chris put down the exquisite charcoal pen in his hand, stared at the two people in front with a sharp eye. He knows that the other party is definitely not a role of dealing with it. It can not be surprised that many guards are standing here, definitely not seem to be as simple as the surface.

Magician? It seems yes! But what is the two dangerous magicians do what is going to do, is the Yarland Empire finds to deal with Ailan Hill, then Chris doesn't know. He is now thinking, how to protect it, let himself live.

The good news is that his pistol is hanging behind the chair, there are 6 bullets that are enough to kill an ordinary person! Now that Chris has a little regret, when he faces two dangerous magician, he regrets why it takes a 9mm caliber pistol bullet.

If you know this situation today, if he knew that the magician can easily break through the warning line to talk about laughter before talking to him, he is more willing to distribute a depression of 45 calibrators, or simply come to a desert The eagle is more comfortable.

Anyway, those pistols that can kill elephants can make Chris to face the magician in alone.

The good news is that the other party did not pick up a pistol and pointed to his head, shouting a "not move" that he smirked. Now he can move at least to move his body and put it out of appearance.

"You are very calm! Maybe you didn't realize what you are facing." Frenzberg is like slowly moving the body. Chris praise: "But you are more calm than those I have seen." "

"I know, you may be the magician, very powerful." Chris took the hand from the gun from the gun, and the smile on the face finally naturally, and the opening replied: " I met once, I introduced myself, my name is Elan Hill Chris! "


I didn't shout for a few days. Long Spirit had to tear again once, seeking everyone's recommended ticket, reward, collection, book review ...